Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life is Like An Ancient Urn.....

Alan Watts sage of the 20th century once said, any metaphor if pushed far enough, loses power. I think this was just a saying of his and is false at least for the most important truth of life; If a then b or in speech S and P or Noun and Verb, This is the method of science where truth if proven by experiment then more refined or new ways to refine the proven truth is allowed in more cycles of explanation and evidence. While Alan Watts may have said this would break down, in its general form it hasn't since the invention of science, so in my belief there are at least some types of proof in the foundation that are of highest worth and more solid, and the method of science can be used lots of ways well, so while Watt was a wit;

So Sooth Me Thinksayeth ..

Life is like an urn we are poured in when we're youth.

Sir Issac was named common and Einstein retarded when they were uncouth.

Half of brilliant acoloytes don't achieve brilliance in later life..

The urn of cheer is what is looked for when you find a wife.

Her looks influence what you think and what you think influences her looks...

The urn influences the cosmic fizz inside by the sort of compounds in clean socks.

Sometimes with some the influence is much or sometimes insubstantial

The risk is always possible of the vase being crashed or a leak with the life lost in some catastrophe but if well preserved it makes a good foundation of future life, afterlife, and financial!

The contribution of the unconcious shrinks was to say the urn is to be smashed to bring out the bad and that this is of more mirth..

If evolution built from the foundation up, with millions of years of proofreading to build up survival with few errors unlike the subconcious, the foundation of the urn or a roof would be of christmas berth.

To improve the urn I learn a real way to improve the room and paint it well is with ancient greek Moores All Weather, What is urned thanks to herstory...

There is no real subconcious- you're smart enough you know a lot, and mom knows more than a RR's RFD story!
When you make it to 21 your wave if true blue, with a gold coat your flowers and triumph of flame will be devout.

Even if your vase is damaged, you can plant your gold in other worlds, and vases and the fields of civilization, to boost your celestial thanks awomen shout!

If psychology of the 1900's believed childhood has the most influence, this is disproven by research that finds 50% of geniuses who achieve in youth are not much heard from after they are 21, and on the other hand Newton and Einstein were considered just usual brats. If many were in too much catastrophe when in youth they wouldn't have achieved more as they got older, so if the urn seems to influence the later events, this may just be if by deficiency in catastrophe. Otherwise it would and should be our option how much we achieve both in youth or as citizens (just so we do our best no doubt.). Brain science shows that we continually rewire brain cells by learning all our life. To say childhood is all we're about would seem to say we are just at the most basic level. The bright should have as much consideration because children are unaware, and only by living is much achieved. They aren't able to run the world. So if it's asked, "Would the youth you were be proud of who you are now?" You'll often find much more sympathy for what you've endured with people like me and real appreciation of your ingenius dreams of worth. Even if they wish you well a child often couldn't imagine what you'd said. No doubt "What the heart knows today the head will understand tomorrow" and the head is often wiser than AD 2027!

There's More Gold in Them Thar Hills Than In 8 05

In Yahoo News It Says

Thu Jan 3, 6:16 AM ET

Mich. - A couple expecting to cash in their winning Michigan Lottery ticket were turned down when the store owner took them in the store and told them the ticket wasn't worth 150, it was actually worth $ 250,000. The couple asked that their names not be released and are "finding financial advice on how to handle their windfall". The financial advisor is not charging $150,000, but after all, she's worth it!

What's good about history 111 in college? It's good for lack of sleep!

Police in Britain have not determined what may have caused a fire on Cutty Sark The "History Ship" but they had an easy time putting it out with ye olde water, we have old water, they have more!

(A site I found today is about the talking moving dieter's dish, that has a plate with scale to see if the dish is enough for anorexics and it "Trembles in anxiety". If the eater is overweight it closes the dish and encourages them by religious praise of stopping. If the lunch just jogs where they can't reach this may be where we got the expression, you know, like, "eat a dancing dish!")

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Heat Packs Make Good VISA!

How to Always Be the Same
On this site about shoes and hats that modulate their own heat, (click here) it's quite a complex way to use peltier thermoelectric modules to heat and cool. Sounds like a good idea, but I've tried these cooling modules and they seem to be about as minimalist in power as the wire of electric hot socks, and if you've ever tried them they may warn you of the danger of overheating your feet, and I was calmer about the heat and risk when I walked in the store and got my reciept, to rewire the cash flow to the individual most deserving of the praise involved. I know a lot about cold feet, and after 25 years of low blood pressure, health rich as I am when in the summer, hot socks it seems are limited by power supply if this method is used. Though lightweight polymer batteries are in development, to heat and cool your whole body without insulation like they say in the link would take a heavy battery, the hot socks I got took a two huge C or D batteries, and they were out of power in an hour or two, this would cost a fortune even if they were of worth for heat.

There are now inventions that instead use heat pipes, these are just wires that send heat from one realm to another with "valves". If you're outside in the summer the heat pipes all open and your heat is conducted out of your footwear or shirt. When you go inside they close and you don't overcool in the store. By wearing a backpack or other storage module like a clip on thermal module for the feetwear, cool is nonetheless being efficiently stored up in the store so when the person goes outside the pipes pump cool heat in from the module for both radiation on the outside and an infusion controlled cool from the module. Some of these devices may also use thermostats and the cooled, insulated storage modules to also help the wearer be not too hot or cool the summer heat and airconditioning, and also be cozy at christmas.

Advantages of the use of heat pipes and heat storage modules are,

Reduced weight,

Much more easy and fast to charge, they come with a heating and cooling plugin charger,

Cheaper, simpler so low maintenance, easy to wash,

No tubes, just heat pipes, so no leaks of the fluid in the tubes

Better for the environment

Here are results of my 25 year search for warm feet. Guaranteed to work and cheap (I'm not selling anything and I sympathasize with you! I've been there. Its a pain, and you're in for a real cozy or more if you click the link.). Why do cold feet cause such misery? We lived in the tropics for millions of years before the invention of fire. How comfortable your feet are correlates with life expectancy, a few years more of comfortable feet may mean more than the life of the Irish in March.
The Importance of The Inconvenience of Conversion of Mass To Energy

Einstein's Mass Energy Equivalence; Mass to Energy Is Motion

..Einstein thought that mass and energy are equivalent, this is considered to be proven by the atomic reactions, you have a given amount of mass and it always converts to the same amount of energy, this obviously is about energy conservation and energy being motion. In all we see or sense, the more energy of what we see around us the more motion it has also. If mass is just spinning energy, all is motion, and quantity of motion is conserved.

Mass-Energy/Gravitational Mass-Inertial Mass Equivalence

..I think it's not coincidental that Einstein believed in both the equivalence of mass and energy and the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. In my formulation mass is the same as gravitational mass and energy is the same as inertia, mass is heavy and gravity causes heaviness by attraction. The more energy a mass has the faster it goes in linear motion. So too with inertia of motion. I define inertia as inertia of motion and so this would be the more important of the two definitions of inertia (the second that it's the tendency to remain at rest) because inertia of rest is more like gravity and attractive force, the more gravity a mass has the more at rest it tends to be.

..Mass and energy are not equally convenient even with momentum conserved because the moon with more energy falls around the earth, with more mass. If gravity were relativistic, with mass and energy being equivalent there would be no explanation and all masses would fall at the same rate. The earth has a more privileged frame of rest about gravity than the moon, and the sun is more at rest than the earth. Relativity explains equivalence but not convenience.

...If it's true that mass and energy are not the same and relativity fails for gravitational or other attractive mass, Einstein's famous Emc2 could not be derived from relativity (relativity would hold no doubt for uniform motion at high speeds and so on because no mass is more at rest if they are in high speed motion) except by axiom and not by proof. I believe that Emc2 is just an equation of conversion of linear to angular motion and vice versa. It says how much mass converts to how much power, but not the source of the mass. As I say elsewhere (see my physics links especially the synopsis) I think the subatomic particles may spin faster than light, this would explain the tunneling experiments of Chin if relativity is not the limit of the top speed. If mass is spinning energy, and there's more mass than the relativistic speed of light with it's density being the electromagnetic field density, this would explain how it is there is more mass than just that of electric charges. I believe if there's more spin than relativity allows, Emc2 in it's general form F=ma is essentially not a relativistic equation (The c of the Emc2 is not about the speed of light, it's actually well known to be about just the units chosen to measure with, it could just as well been the speed of sound with the units to fit.).

Convenience Explains The Rate of Fall of the Moon, Not Relativity/Unifying The Rates of Fall With F=ma

If Emc2 is not relativistic, it measures motion of both gravity and subatomic spin and not convenience. Convenience has more worth than a 7-11, and would explain why heavenly bodies like the moon fall at other rates than uniform, while at the same time unifying Newton's law of F=ma (generally the same as Emc2) of horizontal motion with the zenith. Einstein thought the like rate of fall of two different masses was proof of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass; if one was heavy and the other was light as the above, while mass and energy would be equivalent and the motion was the same for both relative to the earth, this is disproven by the rate of fall of the moon around the earth. The rate of fall of the moon, the fall of different masses, and the greater speed of the given mass horizontally all can be unified (the rate of fall and the horizontal motion already are by F=ma) by the distinction of heavy (mass) and light (energy) by way of convenience. They're the same and thus disproof of relativity by the conservation of energy. If you apply the same force to lift the masses the lighter one will be lifted higher up, if you drop it it falls faster than the heavy mass, like the moon around the earth and the light mass in F=ma. Einstein assumed they fall at the same rate because they were lifted at the same height, and there's no necessity they would be, so he was assuming what he was trying to prove.

..Another use of convenience would be about the conversion of mass to energy, and energy to mass. If mass and energy are equivalent why aren't they convenient just as much? If they were both equivalent and convenient, it wouldn't take millions of years to convert the hydrogen of the sun to power, they would convert right away. You can see here why I think Einstein's ignoring the question of convenience is of more than historic value. All the motion is there in an atom, though no more, and it can be converted with any amount of efficiency up to 100% of the mass to energy. There may be more efficient ways to convert mass to energy up to the limit Relativity ignores and only if Relativity is untrue about mass being the same would this be so because convenience is much the same as Equivalence and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be the same unless Relativity is not all the physics there are and Relativity is not absolute. Atomic reactions currently use just 5 % of the Uranium in fission.

..How do you speed up the energy of a reaction? One way is to use a catalyst, this is the premise of Meyer's "cold fusion". While many think he's not genuine, with my explanation of what relativity ignores vis a vis convenience, I think the general idea is sound even if Meyers is wrong. I was of the belief that Cold Fusion was improbable because if all the extra power were being liberated, all the stars would have major absorption lines that aren't found. And about what the catalyst would be made of, it couldn't be leptons mesons or baryons because they are all produced in emission of the particles in the stars and so cold fusion would be found and the emission absorption lines astronomers see would be rarer. But this is just a simple catalyst, more complex combinations might achieve it. While cold fusion of some type may thus not be found in more common physics, neither was the wheel in millions of years of evolution and it was achieved. If cold fusion is found or any of the common change in the efficiency of mass energy we see around us, in my belief it's a disproof of Relativity. Another way a catalyst may be of worth is in the atomic motor, this uses a proton wire held in N and S pole alternation with a beam that zips past the edge of the spinning protons and changes the wavelength doing useful work so the atomic power would be converted to electric. If the beam was of a more complex stream of particles of the right type, the efficiency would perhaps be higher.
..While it may seem if mass were converted to power at near 100% efficiency by such machines and equivalence could become convenience, relativity wouldn't necessarily be proven more by the extremes. Just as in a thriving democracy with most of the taxes paid by a strong middle class, the smaller changes may be of most import. Not efficiency itself, but changes in efficiency may be the main disproof because a mass in uniform motion without friction is 100% efficient. No energy is either gained or lost, only with acceleration or deceleration, e.g. gravity like the above would general wave physics be augmented by my own explanation and the experiments I propose for proof on my Physics Synopses page. The possibility of the faster than light motion of both the gravity waves of Einstein and the more dense mass of the heavy subatomic particles having faster than light angular motion might explain their heavy mass.
..One of Einstein's first proofs of Special Relativity was that when you take a wire and a magnet and move them to make electricity in the wire, it didn't matter if the wire or the magnet was at rest, only the relative motion of the wire and magnet was needed. But electricity is charge at rest, elect "rest" ity and magnetism and electromagnetism is charge in motion, "electro motive". Though Einstein was well versed in philosophy, he may have only seen the more democratic realm of physics where all observers have a say and not the other truth that there are centralized unifying physics in life too. I believe in democracy in life, in physics I'm a realist, we need the boss to ask to pay the employees more if it's closing time so they will have more time for gossip! If relativity is true Einstein may have said it's completely true. In other words there would be a perfect symmetry between mass and energy of the relative motion of the magnet and wire, i.e. the wire and the magnet would be exactly the same, so electricity and magnetism wouldn't be defined by two definitions of charge at rest and charge in motion.
..Another problem with Einstein's necessary perfect mass energy symmetry is about gravity's distinction between mass and energy. Gravity attracts mass more than energy. If relativity were completely true we might expect it to have no source as Einstein believed in General Relativity. No source is no attraction, a completely flat space because all points of the space are equivalent, with the forces like in Einstein's seemingly too overused use of the balance of uniform motion. If there were absolute relativity it would be absolute and infinite, so we would expect there must be something important in physics that would balance it, and that may be gravity and other forces of attraction and acceleration. If we moved the Earth away from the Moon by relativity we might expect the moon to go on spinning around where the Earth was with nothing there.
..I believe that in order to conserve energy and unify the fields by the conservation laws, gravity is the foundation field from which all the other fields are derived, and the difference between the electric and magnetic fields would be derived from gravity's basic asymmetry about mass and energy so these possible "disproofs" of relativity may be true in a deeper sense. This would also explain why there's more matter than antimatter, if it, like all the asymmetries of nature in balance between what changes and stays the same, is derived from the basic implosion and then reradiation the field with the higher energy charges like electric charges when that energy is reached.
..Would this be just an extension of Relativity? It's been said "No one will ever disprove Einstein, they will only add more to his belief", just as Einstein didn't disprove Newton and Newton didn't disprove Galileo, Einstein believed relativity holds for all of space and time and all there is in the Cosmos. Any experiments that are exceptions to relativity (e.g. the above about efficiency) seem to be evidence of disproofs of it at least in the other forces not controlled by the electromagnetic speed of light. You may say what about subatomic physics, there has not been one disproof of relativity seen. Basically I think the disproofs are in the high and low notes of physics, just as Maxwell's laws have been found to break down at higher energy relativity may fail here too, inside the heavy particles and other quanta and also the lower energy physics of the mass energy asymmetry. These aren't just exceptions to relativity, they would be deep disproofs in the true sense because all the other fields and relativity would be derived from gravity and not vice versa. The heavy particles and electron and other quanta may spin at faster than light inside where there are the fractional charges that may shear off and lighten up to travel faster than light as in the tunneling experiments. They would be faster than light because they are lighter than the electromagnetic speed of light and the electric charges of relativity, by F=ma for constant force if the mass of the charge is smaller the acceleration, a is higher. The source of the relativistic mass gain being the quanta's resistance to faster than light wouldn't be as influential. Even so only with the strong force is enough force added in to overcome the resistance, so at lower energy in the middle realm of electromagnetism relativity would be in power. Gravity waves being also much lighter than light by a more natural cause would also go much much faster than light. So these would be definite disproofs if disproof is extension of relativity, while a pizza is not anti geometry and not the foundation of geometry either, both might be considered in evidence! Einstein said, of one of his ideas goes they all go. If my formulation is correct a definite proof or disproof would be by the experiment with the Torsion Balance Machine (a way to make a viable gravity wave telescope, or to measure the speed of the gravity waves and the light wave a half hour later from the sun with atomic clocks on a ship that far from the massive solar events, the most powerful events in the solar system) and more edits of Chin's tunneling experiments.
For more please see
E.g. the "Gravity Wave Telescope" and "Gravity, Speed of", and "Relativity" Headings

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Superhighway of 2018 AD


You read about these people of the older times who they say should have known when they say all the inventions that might be invented already were.

The president of one of the big auto makers was asked the other month what he thinks the 21st century autos would be like, and he said he foresaw "No major improvements."

Here are some improvements I think may be possible to the superstrong, supercheap, high speed Vanna in the evolution of the super highway to the stars!

THE WHEELS may be just used in emergencies when the magnetic levitation by way of spray on magnetic strips on the road. Any car with the wheels that could be raised and lowered would be paid to add on if the strips weren't yet in use on that road. No wheels to wear out, smooth ride. "Would you like 200$? Just add this machine to your bumper while you drive to the movie about motosports at the drive in!" All the Jeeps and Geos would have wheels till all the magnetisation of the roads was finished and more and more would have levitation. They would still have retractable wheels.

THE MOTOR would be a solid one piece made of proton wires, held in wires by the alternating N S magnetic poles of each proton, an incoming beam would pick up some of the spin of the protons and change wavelength doing useful work. The beam is connected around on both sides of the wire at right angles so the electric circuit connects up to tap the atomic power. These simple motors would be made into blocks, a unified solid atomic motor perhaps about the size of an mp3. The majority of vehicle parts are in the motor, this would save labor. You would go to the station once and pay 20, and the power for your 300 mph vehicle would stay energised 10 years. (Please note; there is an important element of the motor I won't disclose here without which it won't work. Please call 276 228 3465 for more).

THE MATERIALS may be made of the proton wires in composites, a super strong material for the weight or super lightweight for more usual strength saving even more on the atomic fuel. The proton wires could even be combined with the atomic motor. You could drive to your office in a bus! With these materials it would be be cheap and light enough to be an airplane and strong enough to also be a boat and submarine without much additional cost.

HOW IT'S MADE Using extrusion molding like computerized mortar to make walls of rooms in just a day instead of a year these simple machines would be custom made on the lot using all recyclable stuff like hemp and reusing the more solid stuff like the proton wires (when the protons would lose power they would just become hydrogen). Each showroom would just make the vehicles in its lot, saving lots and lots because all the vehicles wouldn't just sit in the showroom!

THE COST AND THE COST OF GAS All this would reduce cost, so all the people of the world could own a Yugo!

STEERING AND BRAKES this may be improved so much that combined with atomic power your Explorer is Explore Air. Steering and traction and brakes would be much improved by the new machines that use inertia. These use a slice of a wheel that generates the force by oscillation where you want it, down for traction, sidewise for propulsion and braking, or even combined with the atomic power boost up to go over the jam at rush hour. The centrifugal force doesn't cancel like with usual wheels because it's just a slice of the wheel to one side so net force is for power wherever we want . These angular momentum machines have numerous patents as of 2007.

So I think the CEO of the Automobile Biz was right about the same science used now as in the years ahead, except for the wheels, the motor, the materials, how it's made, the cost, the cost of gas, and the steering and brakes!


It's believed even the windshield wipers will be replaced with air jets to pump the water over the top of the windshield. Some inventions use some of the rain collected as the van goes up the superhighway to repump it around the car using the motion as a boost to the cleaning pressure, others have an arch the car drives through in the lane of the garage door with lasers that have sensors to find the dirt and burn it off as the driver drives through, others still use compounds in the car paint to combine with the sunlight, cleansing the paint so the cleaning compound is just applied to the body of the vehicle once a year or so. Now your van is washed on weekends even when it rains with arches of blue pink and gold, nearer where the Euro Millions dwell.

Another problem is about streamlining, if you have a biycycle that goes twice the speed if takes 9 times the pedaling power to make it go on level land because the resistance multiplies up. Schvall torpedoes are type of torpedoes that go 4 times the speed of others by using air from the exaust pumped up to the leading wave of the machine where the air makes a layer around it, some think this may be achieved with high speed machines by way of a layer of electric field around the leading edge of change of the Geo of the 21st century Mazda, it would make the shape of the air flow around the vehicle smoother.

Driving a thousand miles and still weary? Using field modulation may be a solution for the 21st century where the inside of an oscillating wheel slice between the wheel and center would provide lift against the strain of the gravity to soothe travellers who want to stretch more than the road for 2000. This would be a sort of console that the rider in the Isusuzumazda would sit down in and the machine (which might be made molecular in depth if needed) would fit over and spell cushy with OOOH, not Ouch or *%$&#@#!!

Supertanker Innovations That Have Been devised

Oil's Well That Ends Well When I Wake Oily Up In The Yawn With FM

The wreck of a largeship and the oil spill that it caused in 1978 off the coast of Brittany (due south of the most S coast of England believe it or not) was caused by drift in high winds to the reefs and shoals of the coast combined with the failure of the huge "fin" the size of a wall, powered by two sets of oil pistons this caused the oil spill when the bolts that held the O rings failed. This left the ship to the coast mostly because it's tougher to steer a supertanker or other ship in high seas than calm, thus the rudder's oil pumps broke, even though they're deliberately engineered to be simple with opposite pistons to balance so it was hoped to be levelling, and they usually never fail, if not more often!

When I was in science in high school they had a two wire electric motor, two metals welded into a strip. When heat was added they would bend, they use these "motors" to find just the compounds in the air that make them bend via a cheap olfactory sensor that just costs 3 bucks.

Some types of rudders use these simple one unit two wire motors, instead of being just a few inches wide like the pistons these are one piece from the tip to top of the machine which would have hinges that would be strong and move with the power of the metal motor. To stop problems of electricity in the water, some embodiments are powered by heat and heat pipes like the wire motor of days of yore and the heating and flexing components would be housed inside the ship.

A more advanced motif has been invented. It uses the idea of the hull of ships coated in a molecular conveyor belt This just uses the spin of atoms of surface of the plates, under power of electricity where each molecule acts like a small conveyer on a belt, moving the water near the outside of the ship. This could be combined with the water itself as power source as on this link about a new battery they have invented recently that actually uses water to charge up. Each molecular roller would pick up power from the water ions and this would be used as motor, brakes, control, and even streamlining for the ship, and no cost for the oil. As envisioned, it has a much huger control surface of ships. It could be sprayed on so all old ships could easily be converted over to this motif, and the electric fields would stop barnacles, a major source of ship slowdown and cost of Mobil and nonmobile Shell oil. It would be ideal for life rafts because it would have built in power that wouldn't run out no matter how far the ship was, they would always reach a luxury liner sooner than with no power.

Some inventions use large fins they would put to the sides of the supertankers to stop or move them onward to safe harbor. It takes a supertanker 3 minutes to stop, sometimes with oil spills. Some rudders use the hinge and flap (the rudder) and an extension of the rudder through the hinge to a small flap at the bottom of the ship leading towards the leading edge of the ship. The extension is connected to the flap through the hinge, both pivot about the hinge in one piece. This makes it so if the rudder is moved clockwise against the general flow if the ship is moving ahead, the smaller rudder extension below and in the direction the ship also moves clockwise with pressure in the opposite direction, this takes up much of the resistance that would be on the rudder because of the water pressing on both sides of the rudder so the pistons don't have to do as much work. Some rudders like this use control fins on the front of the main fin to control the motion like your hand more like via power balanced on both sides on the wheel.

Among other inventions are large inflatable bumpers that are extended at the water line to reduce risk of damages when ship's grandmothers try to punch other ships out.


Atomic Motor

Uses of The PS Battery powered By Water
Atomic Conveyer Belt
If time is money why should the rich or us ever pass on, just buy 1000 more years on layaway!

Some of the rich live in houses so big they have to run from room to room just to reach the other side of the room. Who says they don't get enough exercise!
What's good about my opthomolgist is, she always sees her patients!

.They now have a cinema about a vampire who lives out in the country of the Ozarks. In the pilot, he bites in the bloodstream and sips two pints of Fizz Lite!

When you buy a farm you buy lots of morning dawns and beautious PM's that are rum and worthwhile, but then what's a farm for? Well, ya know, the cost of living never goes up.

Copyright has always been influenced by the history of copying machines. Franklin said, "To Counterfeit is death!" He also said, "A Memo Is Love of Life!"

I saw this egg box, I think if egg boxes are without added BHT this is how the hens sit so well on a cushion they lay the eggs; who ever heard of a tipsy hen!

I'm praying for a beautician to be a goddess at christmas, no, she already is!

Paris Hilton says she wanted to be a veteranarian, and thought she couldn't then she realized she owned Lassie, The Beatles Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! And The Miami Heat.

I know this woman who wears a beehive, and we enrapture, enshrine and exalt her each day, because she's a honey bee with her oozing comb and brush.

If you see a drunk Woman on the roof and she says she'll only come down for more beer, the drinks are on the house but we won't be for months perhaps! Saves a lot on pull ups with Ginger Ale far from the health booze store!

What I like about where I live is, we will always be on lots of maps!




Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Real Actual Computer Help Via Computer

CD ROM/Softwares Greatest Hits Volume 10,000!

Computing has been compared to the old days of barnstorming the airships. Often you don't know what's where and crashes are common. Some say like with the airplane we need to invent the wheel and brakes for computing too. Essentially I think there are two problems; computers are unpredictable and often with no explanations for what the computer does. (Randomness influences overuse behaviour like gambling, and this is not the best about computers, Solutions for computer overuse..) You might say about this it's not like where you say to a secretary, "move this ream of paper to file 36-27" and they would without harm to any rule of marms, law, or physics (it would be much more like a Hoosier Euro Millions Cashpot.) The stuff of software legend is more than micro. I've often had a box on one side of my machine I couldn't move to the other without years of labor. My mother lost her password and half a book she had been authorshipping, I've heard where some can't stop their printer from typing out a round wheel of print like in the old world where poets would write rhymes in the shape of usual items, a throne, a lyra, a ye old cyberchip! One problem is about compatibility.While computers may speak the same general language, they're often lousy at translation, and this may be solved by a complete restructure of the architecture of the web and all the computers. Just as a bit is simple, a more universal and readable code that was the same even in the higher levels of meaning would make them noncombatable.

About money many people are learning so many codes, lots of us might seem to vote to stay with the web as it is, like in the typewriter's familiar asdf. It was originally designed to slow down typers so they wouldn't type so fast the keys whirr of clicks and bells were in silence. While they tried to change it when the speed was higher, so many typists had learned it so well no business machine business could change it. Many would say all the huge cash put into the codes would make it so there would be too much resistance to much altering the web, so the longer we stay with the web and computers as they are, the tougher it may be to say Aloha, Welcome To Where Are We? With DNA where if some of the DNA is missing they are finding ways to add synth to revive the ancient life, the new internet might be able to just fill in the blank spots in the code with all the code before the same. This is just to copy the code and it would complicate it to find the meaning in addition. A bit is a unit of meaning like a pixel. With small amounts of byte like now the resolution is low so you can't see as much and this is essentially the problem of compatibility. The secretary is completely compatible with your assumptions to move the box of paper from one side of the room to the other and you both have more than enough computing power to solve the problems and you know you're a brain. So to make the web of tomorrow reachable from today's web to upgrade it would be sort of like moving files from an old digital Hitachi to a zoom of higher resolution, retaining all the old with more of the new. This is like reading the basic information of the old code and copying it, not the same as knowing its meaning, this would take another kind of code to translate it. Incompatability is a sort of smoothing problem. Finally all the code would be uploaded to the all new giant web box and most of worth would be to make the web of 50 years ahead of super simple chips like the molecular crossbar chips that are sort of like a wire mesh weave that's so simple and fast it would be a simple foundation chip of all the machines after it.

If you sail around in an old plane almost as good as a brainstorm is where at least your instruments aren't bad, so you can know where you put your photo of your wife Betsy, and your set of wheels (how to see them when you just have a Yugo in your Mac?). If the instruments don't work, you could at least learn to compensate for this if you had more instruments that would say in plain talk what was really going on and what it thinks your options are. The computer wouldn't be able to say what was going on the way they are, so some use a plug in box that reads all the machine's typing. Suppose like me the other day, you upload a program and while loading it says, "Deleting Backup Files". This could be cause for edginess, even perhaps making me climb up to reach the 98 jugs of fizz on the wall. My answers if after 5:30 are; Are files of this sort backup files like in My Computer? What are my options? What's my area code? How can I rewind? This would be help that was actually help if the machine would say what was up.

In life, like rhetoric, so much is about the proof of what is claimed. "If a them b". Like the thought, the straight line and the punch line in humor, it's what much of life is about. With computer stuff like this claims are offered, often claims that may be harmful, if not with no proof whatsoever. Without proof what is learned is not of as much worth, it won't reboot my readme. Many of the plug in help boxes will use speech recognition, it would be where you ask it questions like the above and it would say in common speech where the mountain was your airship zoomed past on your visit to BC powers last month, and what you would learn, a sort of way to be wise about your machine based on solving useful problems, so you're smarter and smarter about the machine itself by use so you'll know what's up when the airship of life is. This would make it so a lot more people would be able to be sharp about how computers are, not just the use. It saves on repairs too because you'd be more exalted by your 1,000,000 clicks. I was the 1 millionth visitor the other day, and they said thanks!

The top software hits of all time are the internet and email. While some like Popular Science say the next big hits may be desktop search or WiFi, I doubt these are the enlightened. Desktop search is already achieved by just a simple A-Z like My Docs, and WiFi is just sort of wireless radio. Help of real valor however would solve much. I've read where they think computers may heal themselves, I think this may be more like hoping for 747's or F14's while living in the 1920's. Not impossible but far enough in the future because of incompatiblity and so on to be not as worthwhile as just improving what we have, then this would be more viable about health. Real information would make software like visual software of use to more because I had no way to know what it was- I even read the complete software in the ancient CBS!

These aid modules of science and spinoff .orgs of college may be of worth for computers in automobiles because the computer wouldn't be making unproven assumptions while the driver would be in that show "In the year 2000, in 1978" saving many lives.

Another type of incompatability problem is about hardware. They're having problems reading old software codes. If there are lots of machines that crash or are unable to cyber up the other machine's Coors Lite code, how may a 2007 machine read one vintage 1985, or, if time machines and collectable GPS road maps are what some like to save, how may an old machine read the web? The ultimate resolution may be an idea of Einstein's. Einstein believed if you have a lower power beam like the light with the sofa you could measure a subatomic particle without changing or destroying the information it contains. This is via a penetrating matter wave beam that more recent experiments seem to once more prove Einstein to be a genius, you've always suspected he may know just why you are so wise!

If the information of say a drive were limited by the similar energy of the measurer and the hoped for measure, the information would be only retrievable by more conventional methods like hard drive healers in clean rooms to revive the computers lost in fire, flood, or heat waves at the business celebration when your secretary sat on the copy machine, so all her memos memos say Levis!

But with a low energy beam just one sweep of the sensor could find and store all the information of a machine including all that's in the chips, the hard drive, even the power wires. This would be the ultimate resolution of all hardware compatability issues without having to open the machine if there is any way to refind the data, because from the information retrieved by the low power probe, a virtual simulation of the old or crashed computer of any sort would be used. This would "start up" the down machine, refind all the lost information by simulation of the entire machine or as much as can be, and even make the code compatible with a new machine. It would be a sort of super copy machine like the scanning part of a teleportation machine without building up the mass at the other machine. It could even be used for archeology and to copy pages in a satchel and old books or records. This Wikipedia Link is of the belief that as it's become more sure that teleportaton is viable, no reason has been found to believe it's impossible and more reason to believe in this sort of machine.

They find that when a driver is in the cell wire zone they don't move their eyes much, but when they are just in route without gossip their eyes move around the windshield, so one good motif that's been invented so perhaps so cell conversation is safer is a use of heads up displays. While the driver talks if danger is possible, the windshield would highlight where to look with color coded light, more where it was of most import. While they have rollover safety systems like this for semis, this is another use of heads up.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


. There's a sort of extrusion mold machine that the inventor hopes will be used to make almost any sort of sofa, computer or even it can print out a box, and the room inside! "We wish You Am-a-zon Christmas!" The machine may recycle the stuff it prints out to save room and much reduce the landfill. They're also using printers of this sort that use mortar to make entire "real" rooms even a Einstein would rent! What is a machine like this, it's another sort of teleportation machine which they say in the wikipedia at the Wikipedia site about Teleportation. they've already used this science to move the atoms 3 feet. They say on the site there's no reason why it would be impossible to make the teleportation viable. Encyclopedia Americana says machines can achieve all that life can including compute except make copies. With copy machines like these this, machines will be able to make copies too.

The printers would be where you would be able to print out two or three computers, wires and chips and the rest, in a month.A problem is materials, what if you want to print out other stuff and you don't have the mass energy and chemicals? A solution has been devised; pipelines for the "ink" for the machines to each room or business via which all the materials would be sent at much higher speed than UPS by way of small shipping containers in tubular shipments of the compounds that would go via these "wires", The containers would slide without contact with the sides of the conduit so it wouldn't pollute the sides of the tubes with complex compounds.

Extrusion molding machines except for speed and resolution are essentially the same in general as the teleportation, so if teleportation science turns out to be unfeasable improvements in machines like this might eventually achieve the same goals teleportation has been thought to be of worth for.

Not enough machines, just use the machine to make more!

A problem may be about recycling. It may not be easy to make a room of sofas and computers with springs and wires and then convert them and recycle by way of meltdown. While right from the start I think reusable extrusion materials would be of worth so all printouts of the machine could be recycled at any time, this might not be feasable as easily with metals like in chips. It's easier to print out a mold when it's wet than to recycle it back to ink when it's more solid, if it's to be used for many of the properties like electric conductivity, strength, and so on materials are of worth to make. So special recycling machines would be used, where would you get these? Just print more! Filthy rich? Just print a suds machine! No coat? Wear a room!

I appreciate many in life when they let me do all the talking, and if so I'll say so many good, moral, special motifs, they may thank MCI a lot!


Monday, January 15, 2007

The Electric Fields Of Life, More Uses

One problem with evidence used in courts like computerized video or other images or sound documents is that anyone can alter it so it may leave judges with not as much provable evidence. If a person was falsely accused there would often be no evidence to prove their innocence, and the guilty would often be more at disadvantage. Without ways to prove who was where or when, proof is less easy to find and it becomes more anyone's word against another.

One way the police are able to prove who was where when is by amplified radar that goes through walls so well they can find the heartbeat and breathing of a person that no one else has by this motif.

This is about biomagnetic fields like "auras". Like the police, the military has been using this type of science for about 35 years, you may have seen the pictures that show the scene of a forest in light that looks ordinary in light waves and then a second of the same scene in the wavelengths of radiant heat, and the outline is visable of the person in the woods. The current sensors are able to see the heat left by a truck or tank that's passed by. And no doubt MRI and CT scans are a sort of bioelectric field. In Scientific American I read about the humerous patent on a machine that is used for diagnosis by way of sensing the bodies magnetic field, on the same page, and with the same emphasis as "the talking moving dieter's plate" that uses a scale to weigh the dish and encourage or discourage the eater to win or lose weight by use of a closed lid on top of the plate and a sound that says "Don't weigh me!", or with another patent on Limeaid to stop thrombosis. The person who wrote this may have just been short a story. The bioelectric fields are easily documented by just using film, even of plants. This is science that's been in use since the 1920's.

About the lack of evidence now caused by the computer vision and sound, while the use of radar may be of worth when it's known what's going on, often there's no way to know ahead of time. If, however there were more ways of documentation left over from, say, a burglary this might be of use to aid justice more. What I think may be of worth to science may be about the traces these biomagnetic fields may leave at the scene of an event. I think this is not impossible and worth more indepth research, as the forensics science will in time, because the fields of life and the electric fields of metal may be like a boat and the shore. Each time the boat passes by it leaves a wave and if the sand was of the right sort, you could find the boat that went past and when.

Obviously sand wouldn't hold much information, but if conditions were good you could sometimes find proof in some sand.

Now imagine if instead of just a simple shore line you had a complex pool of mostly particles and standing waves, many of which might be of the right energy to vibrate in harmony with a wave of bio power all life makes. If you see an atomic level image, it looks like this, a complex sort of ripple, mostly repeating at the crystalline level, stationary, and presumably with enough resilience to retain at least some of the information. What's important about the complexity and the resonance both is that it would be nonlinear, all the angles of the individual field would leave a unique motif only the person with their own aura would leave. It may resonate at the same wavelength in part of the field of the metal in the room. Metal would be of worth to find this because it resonates more strongly with other fields, if other types of matter would have some image of the field, metal would have more. Metals like almost all other solids are crystals.

The imprints are already known from tanks and jeeps when they pass by in the military, these are easy to sense, and they would probably leave more complex footprints, how much so may be of worth to find out.

If this method turns out to be good enough and some would try to hide evidence of being where when by using magnets, the more faint evidence in nonmetal at the scene might be of use with higher power sensors, they would be at many angles to read the footprint better, with beams in and sensors of what they read.

If this about low energy field resonance turns out to be so, there would be evidence of life in all the matter around us. So in prehistoric metals, evidence of the lives of the ancient people who used it might still be measured, a sort of radio fossil. If by a scene like a crime where the persons were feeling distraught at the time their biomagnetic field might leave more impression in the metal objects around the room than usual. And we might learn much more about the behaviour of more ancient life than us by rocks that are metal, like usual fossils the rocks might have to be buried at the time to hold the image.

In Popular SciAmer this month they are using a robot arm (November 07) to save orbiting machines with low prices if in clunk mode. The use of modular components has revolutionized many industries, like computers. They don't repair computers in computer stores anymore, With modules they just plug in the bad component and the rest is recycled out to the heap. Amazing! Not just that we save the world, when I was 17 in 96 instead of 86 or 1776! The use of modules may be the next big boost for satellites in orbit, even old satellites might be wired in to modules and to repair a satellite the repair machine would ask the satellite which component was damaged and the repair machine would launch with the right components, and just plug in the modules. Satellites would be rebuildable for many more uses fast in orbit than just more specialized use, modules of one or the other would be used in shorter trips than just to orbit. More sattelites would be refurbished on one round trip, nonstop round trips, The 21st century is wow!

Extrasolar Planets, More Hazardous Than Asteroids?
Astronomers have no explanation for why most of the extrasolar planets they've found are more massive and near the star the behemoth orbits. These "roaming planets" may have been captured by the star. The mass of these planets would be a major part of the matter that would close the cosmos, they wouldn't be a star 99 times out of 100. This makes sense since all mass attracts and there is no real reason the mass would just be that of stars. This would have proof or disproof by way of the stars and how many of these planets exist, the more gravity, the more planets captured in the optimum room between the stars (after all or most of the planets were in orbit around the stars, the probability would be lower). While this won't explain all there is about dark matter since the galaxies rotate as a solid body, it may be a major component of it. When a giant planet were captured it often would disrupt the other earthlike planets often sending them off out of their orbit into the void because of the more massive field of the planet. A typical solar system in later evolution might usually have perhaps two captured massive planets and the original massive planets with most of the smaller planets gone. The capture would also disrupt the orbits of the indigenous giant worlds so these star systems might have mostly massive planets with non ecliptic orbits, and retrograde, as well as massive planets in orbit around the other like worlds. Retrograde wouldn't be common in systems like our own because the motions of all the planets here share the common origin with the the spin of the cloud of dust that formed our solar system, systems formed by the unnatural process of capture of the exoplanet would have retrograde motion more common if this was how they formed. With current planet finding methods we can just see the massive planet systems so this may not actually be a representative sample. Most systems might be like our system in the early evolution with capture of the massive planets being common in the later ages, so it may be of value to watch for massive worlds that might be headed our way, a capture of this type would be far more devastating than an asteroid to the life on earth. These roaming planets if of massive weight could be seen in radio waves. Saturn and Jupiter are generating their own heat, and Jupiter is more radiant than the sun or the moon in some wavelengths.

To save us if a roaming planet was found headed our way the method of moving first a small asteroid with a beam to move the path of a more massive block then, a moon or other massive enough body to detour the massive planet away from us is a possible solution. More about world engineering. The risk might actually be substantial, even comparable to asteroid impact if a large number of extrasolar planet systems are found to be of this type. Our solar system may actually not be typical in general and we may even be past due for this phase in the evolution of our own star system.

In Yahoo this month it sez an infant stole a school bus at 11 PM and drove it through 5 police blocks before he was finally handcuffed and returned to his parents 50 miles from the school, and in all 10 months he will have to write, I WILL NOT FLUNK LEARNER'S ED, I WILL NOT FLUNK LEARNER'S ED.....

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What May Have Caused The Lost Colony?

The men and women of The lost Colony arrived in 1587 and settled on a safe island named Roanoke, the site of a settlement that had thrown in ye old wool and returned to England a couple of years before. Some things in life never change, while it was an island, it hadn't sailed to Europe!

They were under the providence and godspeed of Sir Walter Raleigh, the royal claim to the contenent.

They lived in thatched roofed cottages in a sort of English village where they would say roof walls and fences and Moors All Weather in an Old World accent!

Governer John White went back the old country, he had to wait to return because of the war with Spain and the Spanish armada, defeated by Drake without a single English ship being sunk. He used the clever idea of pitch in flaming boats, it so disoriented the Spanish armada they were in disarray and went in tatters to a large rain that further defeated them without much real boost by Phillip the II or they would not have won!

The granddaughter of John White, who led the Lost Colony, was Virginia Dare, the first English person born in the west. When John White returned in 1590 he says that the village was "taken downe", and the usual word Croatoan you hear in the legend was carved on one of the posts in the wooden wall the villagers had put up since he left.

Some think the settlers may have been massacred by the Croatoans. Or discovered by the Spanish and taken captive to Florida. Or it's thought they may have moved to the Croatoan village for protection from more hostile indians, and intermarried. With advances in DNA science this might be proven or disproven. The blue eyed indians, the Lumbee who are the descendants of the Croatoans are alive and well in the 21st century. I don't consider this the most probable because they wouldn't have trusted the indians even if so no starvation, and if they left just a mile away they would have had lots of time to revisit the village and would have thought on many visits in return to at least leave a Postit memo! They would have no reason to take down the village for wood.

The first two possibilities above that it was caused by indian massacre or that the Spaniards had captured them I think may be discounted because both the Spanish and the indians would have burnt the village to slow further advance of the English. John White would have been deeply moved by the loss of his family and granddaughter, and so with respect for his family, if the village had been damaged by fire it seems he would have said so. In Latin"de mortuis nihil nesse bonum" means "Speak nothing but good about the dead". The English of those times were the noble England of Elizabeth, Shakespeare, and Drake. If their family had died they would have often left more than a passing mention of how, if by fire. If the village was "taken down" just by wind or other more usual events, this would seem to be what John White meant. It wouldn't seem to imply as much of an orderly departure if he had used the words "demolished" "burnt down" or "torn down" instead.
I would think "taken downe", the exact words John White used would also be in favor of my conclusion that the village was desperate when no ships with food and other store arrived, so they "took downe" the cottages and used the wood to make the ship. It would be easier to make a boat out of a preowned trailer than to just saw wood all over.

So I consider the best explanation of these is that they may have tried to return to England. And perhaps a hurricane, disease, starvation or fire caused them to leave and they were lost at sea.

There were no hurricanes known, so old historians have ruled this out (other than me, all historians are old!) and because of John White's exact words fire would seem improbable.

The three possiblities left are disease, starvation, or building a boat to try to return to the old world and they were lost at sea. Of these three I think a combination of the third with the other two may be most likely because the rest may be discredited as I say above. They might have been out of food and ill after two or three years, and so built a ship, a major undertaking, depleting the small village's resources. It would seem they would have to have left the village for some purpose because John Whites return ships from the old country would have found remains in the village. They wouldn't have left a memo if they were in a hurry to leave.

So they would have been complacent if they were expecting the return of supplies, then with food running out unexpectedly or in desperation about illness they may have built the ship and "taken down" the village in an orderly way and no remains would be found, explaining what would otherwise seem to be John White's mysterious words. He was a leader so he wouldn't seem to dismiss years of his own labor and his own family with just a passing, prosaic memo of his own. Other than the possibility that they intermarried with the indians, I think because of this the explanation of most worth may be about building the ship in hopes of reaching the mother country. While it may take a lot of exploration to find what's left of the ill fated expedition if it exists, the same was said of Amelia Airhart, and yet they found her shoe on an island in the vast ocean of clouds she sailed, around 2000. The atlantic is a more fathomable realm, and with advances in submarine archeology and other methods if this is so, eventually I think the site of the ship may be found.

My marm at the college says she's planning ahead 300 years for my dogs funeral (he ate her memos he loves her typing.)
This dude says to his wife visiting him in handcuffs, "Where did it say, 'Do not Remove' on the sofa cushion tag?" She sez, "I'll Charge it to our software store!"

Bernard M. said "There comes a time in a man's life when to get where he has to go-if there are no doors or windows-he walks through a wall." Reminds me of me, I'm of high spirits and where is the fizz machine when I walk out of CVS into the heat! I'll buy more washers and slosh my villa, they sell them with wrenches cheap, CVS is having a sale on washers, they allow easy financing this month, save more spin more.

About archeology in the Times they mentioned a history of Rome's archeology-all of it was! Narcissisus was that ancient god who was off ambrosia, so today Narcissists have no need of methadone!

Thanks to portable machines like PDA'a, AAA batteries are like big biz, and the AAA, sez the American AudiYugo-ologists Association. I got this jug of vitamins at the health store and read on the label where it says, "Store in a dry place and Save..." So I carry a insurance umbrella in the rain or heat, like two hands with me if I went to the opera for 1000 years.

Lillian Russel, was an opera diva who made the first long distance call from the east coast to Ohio c 1900. She sang that phone co jingle "Reach Shout! Reach Shout! and Shout Somewhere!" She sang higher when sales are up.

Two Wall Mart laborers got married in the actual WalMart store this month, after the man and wife first met while in labor as reps, then dated in lawn and garden. And think of what they'll save on roofs and rent! I bought a pair of boots at WalMart that will never wear out, I hid them somewhere where I'll never find them, the Mazda store! The showroom's so luxurious, I jog around to see what's in the room.

With hi definition radio it's so sharp, you can watch The Sleep Show three hours ago!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Evolution And The Golden Rule

Why I Think It Was Always Be Good Most Often, The Golden Rule and Not "The Platinum"

Consider that in living evolution disease is almost absent. I would consider the golden rule to be an important sign of health because it's more economical in terms of overall power to stay out of trouble than cause it (when this option is available, and evolution would have remembered us, or we wouldn't be here). 5/6 of the time, the heart, the most active muscle, is spent resting, if all our time was spent in overactive living like war we would have used up all our power.

In the Great Courses Series this month (October 2007), volution of behaviour, it says a few strategies emerge in research, most of them simple. "One strategy is, no matter what your competitor does, dishonor it, Always Do Bad. Another simple strategy of this so called is to always cooperate, no matter what. This is Always Do Good no matter what. And Whatever the opponent's move is, return it, Good for Good bad for bad was another strategy that was tried. In 1980 a tournament was held among all the strategies in the Iterated (many move form) and, the winner was Good For Good and Bad for Bad, with a number of years of competitions."

If you consider this a bit more in depth, it seems improbable. If whatever the boss did we do the same, where would we be? If the boss tries to fire us it's a good idea to withold on firing the boss in retort, (if the boss splits the cash 50/50 you got from watching reruns of CMT, so be it the boss may say, if it's in unmarked cash, all the Visa I spend is!) The Theory of Evolution of Behaviour says the most important behaviour is about Hawks and Doves, Carnivours and Herbivours, Bad and Good. Consider a chess competition where I was always brought up on the motif of no Like for Like if the opposition had the advantage and was up in power. The reason is, with an advantage of power, if the side without the advantage just favored a piece for a piece, a move for a move, with all moves the same, eventually the side with advantage of more pieces or resources has more power to win with. This would be why Like for Like is not as much of worth in general as the Always Be Good. Most people aren't the boss just by usual ways of the world (in business like evolution, there were always more of the good Elfs than CEO's) so while the boss may like Like for Like, most people would achieve more with Always Do Good, while patiently defending without overedefence, being worthwhile employees (in whatever sense of the word).

I think the reason Like for Like seemed to win the bout was with all the motifs competing they were all an the same level, sort of like employees going to the dogs with no boss around. Like for Like seems to lack the idea that truth is higher than false, and this way of distinction has been the power of science, and science has won well. If it were Like For Like always, Good would be just as much of worth as bad, and the good of the Always Good motif would be unimportant, and all the religions of the world, the banks, and the charities would be of no valor. Where was this in the 1980 tournament? All the programs were given the same amount of power when they started. In life, this is rare. So I think, if all the programs were given unequal power at the start, the winners would be the Bad somewhat (because bosses are needed, we couldn't live without some pain and labor in life) and mostly Always Be Good in a larger amount, The good would win out more eventually, because life is more about the many employees than the one boss. If it were about the one and gravity mostly we would all just be imploded down to the one dot of heck and we are not. If it's about the many, this is what life is more about. All of our compounds of life and our breath are made in almost all respects of the many of the electrons and protons of thermodynamic stuff of our life.

What I've Learned In 2500 Years Or 500, about Ancient Run Flat Wheels
What is the worth of consideration of what was going on in the ancient world? It's good for the value of the great culture, but I think the main thing we may learn is about a way to stop the the general decline so history won't repeat itself, this may be far more of worth than the culture and civilization. The civilization was great, but being able to sustain it may be just as great, without stopping what caused the ancient world to decline we may have it worse. While I think history is of worth to research, evolution may be of far greater value. Some historians think Aristophanes' play "The Clouds" was what caused the death of Socrates in Ancient Greece who had to take hemlock because of the conservatives of Athens like the sophists. In 'The Clouds' Aristophanes was critical of many of the Athenian innovaters and innovations like Euripides and Plato, and the war Athens was fighting to the S. Though he was at the height of ancient greek civilization, Aristophanes wasn't moral to his audience, in truth he used humor as a way to be unworthy more than for a good cause. So Plato says Socrates wasn't uncouth to Aristophanes when he found out, but he knew Ceres had done him right when she won all the All Stars! While Aristophanes wasn't actually the murderer of Socrates, it was how one event led to another. If he was sorry for authorship of The Clouds because he damaged Socrates who said "no wrong will ever come to a good person", this would be good for Aristophanes' reputation today (he may improve in another thou, he wrote lots of IOU's). If he wrote "loose lips sink swirling ships, with oars they have smooth shores, if they use shore recognition softwear!" he may wish others read his favorite; not Reader's Die-jest for thousands of perscriptions.

No doubt, even the genius of the ancient world would be of the same worth if overpopulation with incereased competition for decreased resources was the actual the cause of the decline. While it's good and great about the greek world while it was in glory I think either way the ancient world would have lost with time. (CLICK HERE for complete motif about based on evolution of behaviour.) While I think well of wisdom about the ancient world when it was great and in brilliance, some truths are more of worth than others. By lowering levels of the density with reduced overpopulation we would win if the problems caused by increased competition for decreased resources were well appreciated, and the unhealthy living conditions it creates would be our source of hope of what to learn to reduce the density just like learning any other skill, the same tricks except where we win more than lose because of how evolution may not achieve justice, but it tends to moderate itself. After all we're just as good as an ancient, we're much better at sorting our envelopes at higher speeds thanks to parcel post, well, we have wrist watches without sand we would wind! More of worth I think than just the glory of greece is to find ways to not have the same luck the ancient world had. If we added more country to the city as in the link, I think we would be more in control than the ancients than even when they were headed higher. I think reducing the overcrowding at lower than ancient AD levels would allow indefinite numbers of brilliant events of civilizations like the greeks, none tragic, all more humerous and comic than my mom's mouser named Restophanes, a mouser at rest remains active while at rest!

Evolution's balance for millions of years was between life and death, just as there is no good without evil, there would be moderation of life, because of just so much room to live. If there were any way to add unlimited lift and life, one of the billions of advanced civilizations would have found it (actually there may have been an infinite number because mass and energy is not created or destroyed, so the cosmos has existed forever). So we would look up and all the cosmos would be ruled by the one or two advanced civilizations or so who had found how to add life on life unbounded.
So you could say it must be just one in a billion that we'll win this bet, or much more reduced in the wager than this, so something of influence is involved in evolution or physics that hasn't been considered. We couldn't live without sex and we couldn't live without room either. My life is where I think moderation like in evolution is what's most bright and moral. I don't hunt, but I think to eat fish in moderation is alright even though it's based on a sort of hunting because in evolution we ate fish in moderation for millions of years and did well..And I think the living should be blessed, but the creation of life also should be limited and in moderation or we like most of the advanced civilizations would run out of room to breathe, and the outward pressure would be turned in sort of like how glaucoma has pressure on the eye that harms vision, or too many woods in the forest without the fires common in evolution that cleanse the forest. This is so each tree is not so starved of nutrients and light that they're ill which is not what I think evolution was like. Click here for my Health, and The Common Sense of Evolution page.

The main problem with unlimited life where we we live in 50 years, If we each take up perhaps 15 ft of volume, with population doubling all the time soon we'll run out of room up to the roof of the atmosphere, and we may find out what other advanced civilizations did if people don't know this about evolution. Space stations or life on Mars seems unviable because of collisions, explosions, leaks, radiation, too much heat and cold, and so on. When Malthus published his truth that population will always increase faster than the land and resources there was a big uproar. This is easy to see in the 18th century world he lived in, most were so cozy with lower pressure so it wasn't an exorbitant price to pay both economically and otherwise with out so much competition for decreased resources that they all felt bad enough to want to adapt to evolution. These days it would be amazing if no one listens to my explanation of what I think is actually going on with the pressure continually increasing, because we don't have the excuse they did. If you ask a group of people in New York how many of them have been robbed in the preceding 5 years they will almost all raise their hands, if you ask the same number of people out in the country, almost none of them have. One of the solutions may be like Mexico's, where they slowed the rate of overpopulation via TV shows managed by the Soap Dish.


If you want the assurance of life after death, will power is the way!

The coast of Arizona has just two sides; The InArizona side and the OutArizona side!

How many laps are in a marathon? Sometimes thousands, Before, lots, after, more linear!

I was in the store the other day and this lady had a perfume filled purse, what a whiff! I said I'd do anything she said!

This may actually be a good use of perfumes and other colognes. If the wife likes to gossip, it would be fresh air if when she's in the room she is real sweet, if she's your rich fiancee there would be special ones you would wear so you'd cash in! The teacher would know more about your genius at business when you are around in the room and nonsmokers would have herbs that would help the smoke so the air is so good you can read the SMOKING sign. Aromatherapy of many types that changes sleep, memory and more, may be the perfume of the 21st century. With cheap computer noses of just two wires that move for just the specific aroma they have you would be able to find out why you know your numbers and 15th powers up to 1000 just when you're near the math marm at lunch also!

A treadmill for when you sleepwalk would be a good invention! The machine would just go 55 miles per hour, and has a good jogers side air cushion!

It says on Yahoo Today

"Pottery vessels dating from about 1100 BC in Puerto Escondido, Honduras pushed back by at least 500 years the earliest documented use of the basis of the chocolate industry."

Some physicists think we may be able to influence the past from the present! While I don't think so, Hershey's shure wakes me up.

The cheap way to a comfortable shave is, most cost cutter brands won't even cut, the warranty goes on 1000 years, so you outlive most of the gyp!

I saw this boost for the horse tracks, said it was good for our schools, how many in the 8th grade are millionaires?

I read where they say science proves that if you just think about marathons without actual exercises, you'll actually be ahead of the sauna belt in improved heart rate and fitness about 21 months, then if you do pushups you'll outrun the rest! What a way to lift brightbells!

What's the only sandwich you can't make without bread? A wish sandwich, Mamma VVI and the Hug Station has all the rest!
