Tuesday, February 19, 2013

 Was Maxwell More Awake Than Einstein 1n 1857?

Einstein admired Maxwell more than any other physicist about Relativity, he copied Maxwell the most.

If we take a pump and remove the air, sound stops yet the light whizzes right through the empty bottle. It's been said there is no evidence for waving medium, but if we have a small rocket ship inside the bottle, or a larger ship in the cosmos, it exerts force on the field as it moves forward, both from the exhaust and the force resisting the motion forward, to me this seems evidence there is the low energy field the wave is waving. For any change in momentum between the ship and the universe it seem reasonable there would be a force felt by the medium. If there were no change in the field there would be no change felt. If there was nothing there, there could be no change. Another reason I believe in this medium is because of Aristotle's reasoning, a truly empty space is impossible since it would allow travel at infinite velocity. We can have any density we may like as Maxwell used to predict the speed of light, but zero density is improbable.

 Changes of the pressure via speed could explain how mass is invariant yet we can change the weight by being nearer or farther from gravity.

 Click here about my solution to questions about what may be the probable density of the medium Maxwell used.

Click Here for My Solutions to time Reversal, Why Is this Not a Disproof of Faster Than light?

 My general method a hopeful generalization of Maxwell's idea is that different density may allow for different speeds, not just of light but of FTL gravity and the strong force too, General wave Dynamics GWD. Here's My GWD Synopsis, or Click link at The Bottom after you read this post. SR is a local loop of the field. Perhaps if we assume that we are trying to prove in a more general GWD and then search where we might find it, the loop is not complete.

 If the medium exists between electric charges as Maxwell believed the empty space time is replaced in GWD with the low energy field. If all is made of matter and gravity attracts and compresses to make the other mass since if there were no gravity the non gravity forces would have long since fizzled to 0 density by positive entropy and if the field is empty, perhaps all there is is made of nothing by relativity.

 By the above, the medium seems to exist and this explains where the extra physics are from as a starsailor nears the speed of light, more pressure higher mass.

 Maxwell used the constant electric charges to arrive at the speed of light, if there were a bit more or reduced positive charge the speed of light would have changed according to the density of the light. Assuming what is proven here is to say we can't ever go FTL not because the light isn't fluid, rather because the charges are constant and the light is well founded. This would be why SR is a real loop, there are a large number of charges, and they never seem to change. No change here, and SR wins, except as I say SR seems lacking in horse sense..

 The quanta are real important, because my First Principle is Field Preservation, there had to be one! If the foundation gravity wasn't more implosive than reradiant where would we be? It has to hold well or the zero density of heat flowing from hot to cold without Preservation would not allow us what we love, a hug by Mother Earth. The Second Principle is that they can't implode to 0 or we couldn't be here. Einstein could have realized this and not changed his belief about super massive fields, they don't implode to 0 instead they put out huge jets often. I believe this may be because of a fifth and sixth reaction force inside these events not a singularity, violating energy conservation. In GWD they spin at FTL so the can stand up to the FTL inward flow of the field, perhaps a good reason here to believe in FTL too. Only if they spin at FTL would this seem possible. (The particles of these forces would fizzle out to usual particles outside the jets because only under the super pressure of the massive bodies would they not fizz out. This would be why we see none of these heavy particles around us in the Solar System or the Earth.)

 Quanta are the balancing point where the implosion start to reradiate, answering Einstein's ancient greek question, why does the electron have the charge and mass it does? Why not my being so rich I read the yellow pages and in the shade?

 SR has won so well as far as it has because there has to be both implosion and reradiance and they have to balance somewhere near! Even so quanta are an emergent way of quantum physics, they can't be nailed down, the absolute quanta couldn't change and these is no seperating the waves from the quanta, we can't say where are the quanta because the waves around them are indefinite, there is no where the quanta are definite. All the parameters and dependant variables, only the Higgs' is external.

 If the quanta aren't absolute, it becomes possible SR isn't absolute, and if the feild is rather like a field of the atmosphere or water, our machines may allow improvement with.

 If we have an ocean the cosmic ocean or life's a beach, say and we send a torpedo through it the fluid will react and make it add mass like in SR. If all the rockets are the same and the density of the wave is too, some might say, this is an absolute wall, no faster to go is ever seen since the force of the wall is always more than the small force of the rocket. This arises from the assumption of the medium.

The area of the torpedo is important to the infinite mass of the wave, if each torpedo has a limited area, this doesn't mean it would always be so. A larger torpedo would need more force to move at higher speed, and this is just why a heavy mass usually weighs more and I imagine smaller than quanta breaking the loop, like the low energy quantum experiments where they twist light to make a much smaller bubble of subquantum size, that may help us in physics.

 If we assume the quanta are not absolute and that all the rockets may not be the same, this might be a way out of the loop. There are torpedos that go at 4 times the speed of most torpedos, this is achieved by smoothing the field by moving some of the flow of exhaust ahead of the machine, this forms a more fluid air zone around it that is so smooth, the "impossible" wave has better flow. The limits of relativity might also be a mirage, one of only inefficiency of machines so far.

  In GWD the fractional charges of the strong force are lighter than light so by F=ma not Emc2 they may spin at that much faster than light. The charges average out to about e.g. 1/3+ 2/3+ 1/2 or 9/6 so the inverse speed would be about 1.3 times c, a generally close agreement with Stephen Chou's shelftop experiments.

 Here's a way we might prove or disprove GWD in this respect;

 If you know physics well you know the noncommunication limit of the Bell Theorem seems to fit SR, and other tricks like the superluminal scissors fail the FTL method because though you can change the group phase and other phases, you can't change the information signal.

 The difference between propulsion methods like rockets and more advanced machines in the IP are about what seems to be what distinguishes SR from GWD. SR involves light and what is seen from a distance, light controlled no doubt by the quanta, even so what we feel seems always more real than the vain visions of looks, the religions of the world tell us so. When there was the evidence in for SR one math genius stubbed his foot on the ground, and said, "I refute it thus!" I believe what I feel more than what I see because there's more work done from inside than control from outside, we don't have others eat or exercise for us, or the rich might!

 Machines are being devised called momentum transfer,and  allow e.g. going to a distant zone like Mars or Jupiter in weeks not days by sending up a "weight" that is caught by the vehicle, then "thrown" in turn to create a reaction force, that's of higher efficiency because what is felt is of higher power than the low energy field. Another good kind of momentum transfer machine in IP are super computers that uses small levers that are higher speed than any other computer, and are not knocked out by electric shock pulses and that are of real efficiency because unlike quanta they don't have all the friction going in and out of the ons and offs, these are some typical advantages of momentum transfer, and indeed, molecular flywheels may store higher power and convert mass to energy at higher efficiency than chemical methods.

 If the water and torpedo are in balance I propose that we make a small torpedo and experiment with ways of improving both the efficiency of flow like the air torpedo and also the momentum transfer method. This would be how the fractional charges of QCD could be faster than light, they have reduced friction because they're lighter than light, and there is more force pushing them as they spin, the force on them is stronger like the rocket's push and so they go fast.

  The machine would be like a linear accelerator, with the small rocket. We know from QED that the matter waves can be shaped by the matter like electrons or protons, to add the "air" around it like the torpedo, we start changing the low energy fields around the small machine. There may be two ways to do this, by changing the general shape of the shock wave with acceleration, like with small strakes or changes in the phase of the waves, much as in airplanes this improves airflow. The other way may be about changes also in the frequency of the shock wave, and so on.

 Here we realize that particle accelerators have never once had a proton or electron move faster than light. They always gain mass at just the relativity rate. But the quanta and the light are in a loop. To make an information wave at FTL you need a wave other than light, and light is the only other wave than gravity that's present in the accelerator, so there is no information signal available at that low energy to send the information at FTL, the accelerator uses relativity to prove relativity. In GWD this isn't a real proof.

 The field is a low energy field like the Mars ship in the IP above, but if we always use a low energy field instead of momentum transfer and ways to also hope to perhaps improve flow as the torpedo the mass (of the ship) and the energy (of the field) may be more nearly the same as in SR and so the loop can't be broken, other than the possible ways of inventing new GWD machines like the rocket and field method. If the wall is the same and the torpedos are the same, the resistance of the wall of the wave will always seem to take infinite force to go past a certain speed but this may only be if we assume the quanta and thus the waves are unchangable. By building improved machines I believe, as with the strong force we may.

 In GWD gravity is a "machine" that maintains its own motion being an acceleration; being lighter than light  F=ma (lower density, higher speed) it may have enough reduced friction it has it's own flow and force much the same, the same as a superfluid flowing from cold to hot. In GWD gravity may break the SR loop by fluidity more than force.

 As I say above, using field modulation experiments around the small machine may help it travel in violation of SR as with reduced mass augment via the "air" around the small machine being improved like the torpedo, and also I believe we might combine this with momentum transfer. Remember FTL spin of the fractional charges in QCD is caused in GWD both by the reduced friction and smoothing of the field but also by the greater force inside the baryon or meson like the exhaust of the rocket. Even so because of the equivalence of mass and energy, the loop may enough that there needs to be enough of both in special events like this of both high energy and mass density, e.g. how the fifth and sixth force inside supermassive fields could do this.

 Note that these events are "hidden" from relativity, the SR loop only applies to the outside of heavy particles mostly, In GWD the external charges only add up to 1 -1 or zero, unifying to relativity.  The hiddeness would be how and why there are combinations of the fractional charges possible e.g. with net fractional charge never seen, these would violate SR at low energy and this would be the cause of confinement not a nonintuitave force that gets stronger with distance, which wouldn't radiate out in three dimentions. By geometry there isn't more room inside a mass than outside.

 To add momentum transfer we might use something like a rail and use small kick machines, none at FTL like as the superluminal scissors yet like the sign of your name in lights by Pearl Vision each in it's own real might boost the speed in violation of SR. Another method of momentum transfer might be to use some sort of propulsion system inside the machine. The machine is small because as mass and energy aren't equal in GWD a small mass has more energy not the same so it's high speed with more force applied, not the heavy mass. If a big mass was used a much more expensive machine would have to be built.

 Here's My GWD General Wave Dynamics Synopsis