Friday, May 17, 2013

Storm Based Proton Fusion, and Electron Polar Fusion

  What powers thunderstorms? I believe that lining up the fields may be the cause of what by others are named Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Thunderstorms and lightning,have been found recently to have more energy than even a solar flare.One explanation has been devised, that the proton and electrons of atoms are ionized leaving neutrons. These then move into the radioactive atoms always present naturally in the air in the thunderstorm, and in this explanation related to Cold Fusion their radioactivity is primed by the neutrons releasing lots of energy. The power of lightning is indeed about 2 ktons per bolt, and we might expect some sort of radioactivity to be the cause.

 Unlike in other methods of explaining storms, lightning is linear and it would reverse the bolts above to below 20 times per second as seen with some lighting. By lining up the NS of each proton merely by reversing the NS orientation of the ions, my idea Storm Based Proton Fusion (SBPF) would allow the power itself to be generated inside the bolts. First the leader stroke would be aligned by the NS alignment more than before, then with protons or atoms of valence inside where the bolt would be aligned, the electrons would run down this zone, competing the circuit. Due to couloumb forces and the general randomness of the field lines, the number of protons that would fuse would be small, as the nuclear reactions though strong, are still "low energy". Once two protons or ions would fuse, being mostly at right angles, the neutrons and positrons moving outward would explain why storms are indeed with associated  neutron radiation. As the protons would implode via the magnetic fields with less resistance than the quantized electric fields at right angles, they would radiate the neutrons at right angles to the bolt, while the implosion powered by the strong force would also draw near the protons beside them and this could strengthen the flow of the electron current on the outside of the bolt. And the N and S magnetic fields here may also like a one way valve for each fusion implosion, strengthening the magnetic fields of the protons in the line of the bolt and thus the electron current outside. The channel is the same for the numerous cycles of the lightning so the same charges would be used for each discharge, this is how I got the idea the poles of the same protons might have a simple reversal of the magnetic heavy protons (the protons if heavier also stay more stable with each bolt so the channel is with "reruns of the weather station!" 

The Curie limit common to higher temperature physics might be overcome if  the inner magnetic field of the protons are also much stronger. High energy particles like electrons align their spins with a strong field.

The protons are near enough to fuse some times, say 1 in 100, the power source of the lightning, while instability and couloumb forces would limit a complete chain reaction like Low Energy Radioactivity with the protons at more distance than most would fuse.  

 There is no other known explanation for how lightning works, Low Energy and the Lorentz method of relativistic resonance are used only with radiation deep inside the storm. One problem with relativistic electrons is how they could move through the solid wall of rain often seen in storms. Protons or ions are more solid and "inside the water." I think it's possible a combination of the Lorentz method for the general electric cloud and then the fusion for the bolts to discharge the charge might be the cause. On the other hand SBPF could power and amplify the cloud not vice versa. It's already known that the Lorentz method is not enough energy to be the cause of lightning. Actually most lightning is inside the cloud while neither of these methods would be the cause of linear lighting outside it, electrons and heavy particles would naturally radiate outward and the linear bolts outside the cloud or the cause of the line of the flow would be otherwise unknown. The bolts are linear and narrow. For the return bolt the charges would reverse to SN and the electrons would then flow in the opposite direction, with more and more of the charge in the cloud used up in each loop. Low Energy Nuclear to me seems radiant like a sphere since it seems to be"glorified radioactivity"; there seems to be unlimited radioactive air available, and would lead to unlimited explosion of the storm, even outside the bolt. By only being able to reach ignition inside the zone of heat like the tokamak the fusion would be limited and not reach the zone outside the bolt. This is the same reason why the tokamak and other machines fail to sustain the reaction and why the Low Energy reaction method seems less of worth than SBPF. A simple way to prove this explanation of overcoming the Coulomb forces as the scientists who found Cold Fusion believed, may be by a simple force exerted on aligned protons, either by collision or anvils like in the Low Energy Reaction method where the atoms are so close they may fuse, if there is more energy released than by common physics this may prove my idea..

One thing about this if true is that fusion like this would be messier than another type of fusion I have named Electron Fusion EF. Electrons might be of use, much easier to find than protons or uranium, by  moving them to fuse NS NS. There would be no fusion byproducts like with the strong force. I assume since electrons don't explode, there's more holding them together than the force outward, thus it seems we might be able to unify them to fuse for the nonquantized adhesion of the magnetic fields which would help not resist the reaction..

Lightning tubes have been devised that have all the effects of lightning yet at 1/100 the power. This idea of how lightning works will be easy to find at higher energy where all the voltage in the lab machine isn't input. Fusion via lasers is common in machines like ITER, the problem is about it fizzling out. The way lightning may be different may in SBPF be about the NS alignment where the outer electron zone moves the protons together by the ions and there are more of the zones powering the lightning.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Antibodies For Exercise and Leisure. Hey! Your Brain likes Stretches most!

 A vaccine solution for drug use has been developed. Addicted mice completely stop addictive behaviour without strain when given the antibodies that bind with heroin or cocaine and phase I human trials are underway for these brain healthy vaccines.. CLICK HERE for More.

 This may have numerous uses. Many illnesses involve excess of one substance or another. Bind with it so our hopes might say and a safer cheaper way to solve illness or boost health might be achieved.

  For example, a cholesterol vaccine, "to automatically reduce it", glucose vaccine for diabetes, ect. might be of value, Wilson's disease involving too much copper, schizophrenia involving too many endorphins 10 to 100 times in their circulation, might be solved, and so on. Scitzophrenia may be easier to solve with antibodies since general blood levels of the endorphins are higher. (The symptoms of those with the illness are completely stopped for several days after the endorphin dialysis is administered and when the dialysis is stopped the symptoms return. Dialysis isn't in common use, as for drug solutions being expensive, ect.)

 Depression involves mostly common levels of endorphins found in what seems a somewhat suprising way.  At first glance if schizophrenia is with fast metabolism, and so well controlled with reducing endorphins, depression being "slow" would seem to involve just low endorphins in a simple way. However depression is not just the opposite, schizophrenia tends to be more severe and have other symptoms, ect. Depression seems a deficiency, or more probably an excess of some substance, if it's endorphins or some other neurotransmitter I believe the reason for the near normal blood levels of endorphins found is because one part of the brain, the base may be deficient in this substance and the higher brain may have too much, balancing out the blood levels. As I say here GBN (or click link at the bottom of the page) it's been established that in severe depression, an area above the right eye called the Left DorsoLateral PreFrontal Cortex (LDLPFC) isd much more active, turning on and off repeatedly and this is not found in nondepressed people. In GBN my idea called General Behaviour Neurology this area may have too much activity like the overbranching of the top of a top heavy tree with the base of the brain underactive in the area found to be of much import to these problems, the hippocampus. (With GBN's explanation of schtzophrenia, the tree is also upside down, except moreso; the hippocampus has many random cells unlike normal brains, this would be the source of all the extra endorphins. The tree isn't just top heavy, it's upside down with both reduced branches above and a "branching" trunk, with neither branch or trunk in natural worth, thus it's more severe than depression and fits in with the general tree explanation of GBN as other brain health situations, like genius, retardation, and more. See the link below for more.) 

In depression a top heavy tree is more prone to collapse and stress than normal brains especially if the trunk is not as stout. The balance of the LDLPFC and the hippocampus of too much and too little might be why the endorphins are seemingly like those without depression, while a true excess of endorphins and overclocking might be there the two could mostly cancel in general blood levels of the endorphins.

  This leads me to wonder about antibodies of many uses. When you bruise your heel and a bit of Ohio  antibodies rush to the scene of the hug zone to repair the problem and aunt Emma feels awesome. Immune cells are programmed to boost you in that area (where aunt Emma lives and always will). So we might use more site specific antibodies than as in general use (endorphins are complex and I suspect endorphins of depressed people may be unlike other people's endorphins, so antibodies could seek out the endorphins to find the site and bind only there, or perhaps bind the zones of the LDLPFC that emit endorphins.)

  This method might have many uses like for example it might make anyone smarter by binding out resistant neurotransmitters that could lower brain efficiency rather like with the LDLPFC and depression except in a less severe sense. To "soup up" the brain or soupercharge it might improve depression or manic depression (by also even "being aware" of the cycles of the rise and falls of neurotransmitters common there by "time sensitive" or "time adaptive" antibodies). We might indeed envision it for most of these uses involved in tiny light sensitive neurons opsins, to change behaviour "at will" by turning light on and off. Opsins have problems and are considered future science here in 2013 but antibodies might be a much less invasive cheap method of improving brain and other types of health for millions. Programmable specific antibodies might have on the spot defense or energise physiology many ways as well as making aunt Emma feel so good you aren't fat!


More about brain health General Behavioural Neurology GBN

"How genius, retardation, or other types of extreme brain illness or health may have just one underlying cause."

Mice and the Cocaine Vaccine

More Uses of Opsins