Thursday, January 20, 2011


Opsins, small cellular pumps that can be used as cellular electrodes seem to have great potential. It's believed they may be a cure for brain illness like mental illness, retardation, or Parkinson's by making the neurons fire as might be most of worth, in a precise controllable way, not like the too general broadbrush way of drugs that are neither permanent or exact, with more risk of harm by side effects, ect. Already opsins have been used to turn Parkinson's on and off by just changing the frequency of the firing of the neutrons and have yielded an important insight about schizophrenia, the types of cells involved are the ones that were believed to be overactive, and changing the opsins have proven this to be true, proven by no other method before now.

There are those who have imagined there might come a day when nano dust from above might fall from the heavens, clothing the poor, healing the sick and feeding the hungry via the power of a supercomputer in a drop of mist like a sort of manna from above. These would be nano robots for many uses. The military is already believed to be using nano dust dropped from planes in Afghanistan to identify personnel and enemies more reliably.

One problem with the war in Afghanistan is about opium, the Talaban is getting most of it's money from the opium, and 85% of the people of Afghanistan are estimated to be addicted. It's generally thought that Afghanistan is an endless money pit for the Allies, because the opium being a cash crop will keep the Taliban in Power for the poor there. A military solution seems unviable or we would have already seen it. This may seem reminiscent of the American Revolution when the British were pouring endless money into a distant realm, with the Americans deeply entrenched. History doesn't always repeat itself with more new science, we wouldn't even be in Afghanistan if it weren't for the drone missile power we have. Perhaps life's an opsin if we are optimists. That is, if there may be no military or economic way to have a definite win, opsins may be our answer. Opsins may soon be used to cure addiction,
you may say, addiction, isn't this replacing natural receptors in the synapses with other receptors say for small cigarette receptors in your brain (what's a filter!). Newer science with cigarette addiction is using what's called cotinine, a totally non habit forming derivative of tobacco that's so powerful it's believed it will be used to not only cure tobacco addiction, but may be of use to lose weight (I drop my 10 and 15 lb weights, a fast method of math!). The idea here is that just increasing pleasure centers and making you feel wise like scientists and professors would always say smoking made them feel (later research has shown they were telling the truth, B vitamins like nicotine boost IQ 87%).

If counteracting pain in one part of the brain like to be thin (and save for a luxury machine of your own not the pizza van) with more activity via another is powerful, all addiction may soon be cured with opsins, just by stimulating the pleasure center of the brain more than the pain will allow otherwise. If it's strong enough to overpower food cravings and cigarettes, perhaps opsins will be strong enough to cure all or most addictions..

To win in Afghanistan instead of waiting perhaps indefinitely for a military solution and in finding no other economic solution like encouraging other cash crops and building schools and plants and other ways to boost resistance and so on perhaps the way to win the war may soon be to add opsin dust to the air, curing the addiction that keeps the Taliban in power. We think of the people in their misery being grateful for being cured (perhaps not, even so many believe a good deed is it's own reward) and they might help us win the war from there.

And about the future of opsins we imagine not just mental illness and addictions being cured. Another side of ospins is about control of behaviour. If an opsin pill was developed or was of worth for many uses, we think of the time when an ugly man who loves a woman to slip her the opsin, and suddenly she's in love for the rest of her life, and she knows why, "Why did I fall in love with him he knows math so!" Indeed opsins could be used in any competition where one person wants another to do their own bidding. We imagine societies like the communists who would give opsins to control the will of the proletariats, and our own method of dropping opsin nanobots to change the society to not so much revolt as for peace to break out. Conservatives thrive on discontent and poverty, if we "stimulate the pleasure centers of other brains" this may help solve communism. If most feel great and there's good health, most win more than lose, this was evolutions way for millions of years because research has shown disease is virtually absent in living evolution. A problem with this is it would be more a cheap solution than solving the increased competition for decreased resources that seems to be causing the worldwide deficits. I think there's no more basic than supply and demand, and the stress the deficits are about seems to be natures way of telling us the overcrowding caused by our excesses in the past few hundred or thousand years to evolution isn't nature, there is no more basic than supply and demand. The overcrowding may thus be what causes communism. If we find a way to think it's alright and we feel good about the pleasure centers of our brain this may be like cutting the wires to the oil lights of a car and feeling fine till the engine blows even though we are wiser to save ourselves from more severe problems about common sense to evolution. It's true that all the life of the earth isn't needed to live well, extinctions are common in evolution, and the ecosystem flowed around the hurt and healed the wound and continued computation at another level to higher evolution. Even so beyond a certain level of common science we would say there may be more to think of than short term oil lights.

In truth even if we feel fine about this problem via the opsins, sooner or later (not too soon if we use opsins for other use) say 50 years, people won't have enough room to move or breathe, I think evolution is trying to tell us something important by way of communism, but good news if we use opsins to stimulate other pleasure centers than for sex, so the crowding is reduced. Pleasure of other types might be increased so much it would overpower interest in sex after the two children that would not be "out of evolution's world" were concieved, like listening to songs, or exercise! I believe if the overcrowding was reduced to nearer evolutions golden level, the world could return to an age like in the 1500's right after the overcrowding was reduced to evolution's degree by the plague. In the 1400's wages rose 87%. So too the rise and fall of the ancient world and other civilizations seems to correlate with the general level of overpopulation, for example England in about 1800 and the ancient world had about 1 million in the more large urban realms when the decline of both was. Thus if we reduce overpopulation communism may be reduced and the societies who otherwise use opsins to the goals of communism may not tend to use them for overcontrol, so the problem of general misuse of opsins by societies could be solved by better use of opsins. There have been numerous examples where the society tried to reduce the overcrowding, most notably in Mexico where a program using soap operas reduced the rate of increase by 2/3. Almost no other method has won to reduce more, and so it may be of real worth in the future of the world to use opsins. Here's my First Opsin page.

Click Here for more about evolution, overcrowding, and its historic influence.