Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How The 21st Century Moving Sidewalks May Move Into The 21rd!

They say in Popular Science the reason we don't have moving sidewalks outside in the 21st century is because they are tough to maintain so they are just used in like airports. An interesting solution may be a molecular moving sidewalk which can also be used as a motor in other use. On sites like click here they say it's been found that specific heat of atoms may be changed with unpaired spins of nucleons like protons and neutrons so this changes the overall heat flow from the source. The center of an atom is a spin powered by the strong force, this then carries over to the spin of the atom or molecule as a whole via the electric charges of the protons and the outer electrons interaction. So if you make a long chain of these atoms it would spin somewhat like rollers on the conveyer belt powered by the strong force (or if not this, a powered atomic conveyer belt where the spin of the atomic rollers is with electric power would be of worth). Usual atoms of heavy mass have opposite strong force particles, the spin mostly cancels out in most molecules. This is why most of the stuff around us is without spin. Some hydrogen atoms have just one proton alone and no opposite strong force neutron, so all the spin may be transferred to the outer electron, because it's not canceled by the opposite neutron. So if the rollers were on a conveyer belt in theory it would pull you along by a cheap powered source and the rollers may not have to be often replaced.

Basically there is no heat output of unpaired atoms once they are at another level of power. Otherwise all the atoms of the earth would put out huge amounts of energy, so this type of conveyer belt would have to have an outside power source wired in. It may make a conveyer belt by this motif.

The inventor says the rollers can be of optimum size and with space between the rollers so they have no friction and could be made so small if well spaced with small teeth they could grind up bacillus and viruses to make a self cleaning surface that would also sort what's in the shelf top.

It may even be a cleansing parking lot powered by the solar heat so all the heavy metals and stuff that gets in all our rugs via our shoes would automatically be transorted to channels at the side of blocks of the atom conveyer and recycled. And since it would be cheap just lots of atoms it may even be a floor that spiffs up the room better than a Motel pool and although it's of more worth not compared to a housewife who swims out and saves the collection of lamps the family can't live without!

I wonder when they'll have heat powered auto clean Welcome Mats (A solar Hoo-RA to Hatshepsut!) These may have powered brushes that automatically clean your rug as you walk in the door of the lawn of your egyptian oasis, another idea was a cleaner that sees your feet by computer and sprays water on if your feet are sloshproof. I think they also on the web have door mat combinations, so as you open the door it always cleans off the mat, it's always auto clean. The door is leakproof via another flange. They may even extend the computerized electrolux to outside sidewalk cleaners eventually. This leaves me wondering if they may have cleaners that are a small blimp-if there are small blimps! This would be a small cyber sort of machine that would be programmed to clean shelves all the time. Current batteries ("all are") would be heavy, so beams in each room would continually charge it and it would dock in a mother station. Larger versions of this with more power and more helium would perhaps sort clothes and pick up in general.

I wonder if they'll have a machine that's a computerized cart that also has an arm that reaches up on the shelf, finds the items by bar code and puts them in the cart or carts for where the item is to be moved to. This computerized machine would go between the shelves till both were cleaned. If there was too much on the shelves to sort easily, there would be a larger storage area where the stuff would be first taken off the shelves and put in this area till all or most of the shelves were first sorted and then cleaned with cleaner and scrubbed. Once all the shelves were all sparkly and clean, the machine would find each cart on hold and then move the stuff to its shelf by the carts and the computerized arm to lift it. This is a machine that sorts a shelf or other level areas. Another way to save on robot arms which are high priced may be via using bins that tilt out for cleaning to drop in the arm/pipe to flow to the wheeled box that moves the stuff to other realms or sorts it. Using the molecular conveyer belt shelves may resort by moving all that's on the moving sidewalks floors and shelves, I wonder if this may be by way of all the shelves being a motor of that type so that whatever is on the shelf can be moved to a more usual moving conveyer belt inside the walls reached by way of a small or medium port on the wall of each shelf. If so all the stuff on the shelves could be moved to other shelves with no labor!

An idea about the power shelf has been devised that may be of worth to clean refrigerators, all the shelves would resort if there was always at least one conveyer belt available, and this would also reach the outside to the recycle box if the lunch was more than 2001 old! All the shelves could also be pulled out at once so the surfaces, as well as the food moved via computer, could also be sprayed, for more cleanup.

Research shows that women talk longer with less effort than men. The vocal chords of women are shorter and smaller so men are reduced in this power. You see women exercis-sing 24/7 for when Madonna concerts visit the aria!

And other findings are that men change their minds three or four times as often as women-but the women are always right!

What goes Ho Ho Slosh-Ho Ho Slosh? Santa in a fizz machine!

They've found that Box Lite is good for rest in brain research, or so they think!


The day may not be far when you buy a wrist TV that has 500 DVDs of memory and weighs out at -287.9. They have these flexible displays you unroll like an old audiovisual of my visit like around the world in my room (a real round room). And they're improving 3d displays a lot, they've much improved this by beaming the information to the pixels by beams instead of wiring it with all the wires to the pixels. A wrist TV would be of real value for 3d, just by motion of your arm you would see lots more unlike with a stationary big TV. The monitor would still be on South Beach with a wrist TV or other wrist worn machine of this sort, I saw this on the justlense site, usually you see more area with side to side motion with a magnifier. While you see a small area you have to move your head or the Palm around to see the whole sight such as in a magazine, this would be awkward. Some say they may use zooms that move around at high speed so it's is like a big TV even if just on your wrist, since your eye sees it unified when it's of more speed. It would boost the wrist TV or other whiz biz you wear on your wrist like a Palm, so web authors may wear Wrist Palms on their arm! They now have TV's with small lenses on the screen, all the lenses sense where you are and aim the light to just your eye, it looks just like 3d but without the beer jugs you wear when they go to the pepsi plant for opthomology. Another use of this way to achieve 3d might be to put a giant TV on your wrist.