Monday, January 15, 2007

The Electric Fields Of Life, More Uses

One problem with evidence used in courts like computerized video or other images or sound documents is that anyone can alter it so it may leave judges with not as much provable evidence. If a person was falsely accused there would often be no evidence to prove their innocence, and the guilty would often be more at disadvantage. Without ways to prove who was where or when, proof is less easy to find and it becomes more anyone's word against another.

One way the police are able to prove who was where when is by amplified radar that goes through walls so well they can find the heartbeat and breathing of a person that no one else has by this motif.

This is about biomagnetic fields like "auras". Like the police, the military has been using this type of science for about 35 years, you may have seen the pictures that show the scene of a forest in light that looks ordinary in light waves and then a second of the same scene in the wavelengths of radiant heat, and the outline is visable of the person in the woods. The current sensors are able to see the heat left by a truck or tank that's passed by. And no doubt MRI and CT scans are a sort of bioelectric field. In Scientific American I read about the humerous patent on a machine that is used for diagnosis by way of sensing the bodies magnetic field, on the same page, and with the same emphasis as "the talking moving dieter's plate" that uses a scale to weigh the dish and encourage or discourage the eater to win or lose weight by use of a closed lid on top of the plate and a sound that says "Don't weigh me!", or with another patent on Limeaid to stop thrombosis. The person who wrote this may have just been short a story. The bioelectric fields are easily documented by just using film, even of plants. This is science that's been in use since the 1920's.

About the lack of evidence now caused by the computer vision and sound, while the use of radar may be of worth when it's known what's going on, often there's no way to know ahead of time. If, however there were more ways of documentation left over from, say, a burglary this might be of use to aid justice more. What I think may be of worth to science may be about the traces these biomagnetic fields may leave at the scene of an event. I think this is not impossible and worth more indepth research, as the forensics science will in time, because the fields of life and the electric fields of metal may be like a boat and the shore. Each time the boat passes by it leaves a wave and if the sand was of the right sort, you could find the boat that went past and when.

Obviously sand wouldn't hold much information, but if conditions were good you could sometimes find proof in some sand.

Now imagine if instead of just a simple shore line you had a complex pool of mostly particles and standing waves, many of which might be of the right energy to vibrate in harmony with a wave of bio power all life makes. If you see an atomic level image, it looks like this, a complex sort of ripple, mostly repeating at the crystalline level, stationary, and presumably with enough resilience to retain at least some of the information. What's important about the complexity and the resonance both is that it would be nonlinear, all the angles of the individual field would leave a unique motif only the person with their own aura would leave. It may resonate at the same wavelength in part of the field of the metal in the room. Metal would be of worth to find this because it resonates more strongly with other fields, if other types of matter would have some image of the field, metal would have more. Metals like almost all other solids are crystals.

The imprints are already known from tanks and jeeps when they pass by in the military, these are easy to sense, and they would probably leave more complex footprints, how much so may be of worth to find out.

If this method turns out to be good enough and some would try to hide evidence of being where when by using magnets, the more faint evidence in nonmetal at the scene might be of use with higher power sensors, they would be at many angles to read the footprint better, with beams in and sensors of what they read.

If this about low energy field resonance turns out to be so, there would be evidence of life in all the matter around us. So in prehistoric metals, evidence of the lives of the ancient people who used it might still be measured, a sort of radio fossil. If by a scene like a crime where the persons were feeling distraught at the time their biomagnetic field might leave more impression in the metal objects around the room than usual. And we might learn much more about the behaviour of more ancient life than us by rocks that are metal, like usual fossils the rocks might have to be buried at the time to hold the image.

In Popular SciAmer this month they are using a robot arm (November 07) to save orbiting machines with low prices if in clunk mode. The use of modular components has revolutionized many industries, like computers. They don't repair computers in computer stores anymore, With modules they just plug in the bad component and the rest is recycled out to the heap. Amazing! Not just that we save the world, when I was 17 in 96 instead of 86 or 1776! The use of modules may be the next big boost for satellites in orbit, even old satellites might be wired in to modules and to repair a satellite the repair machine would ask the satellite which component was damaged and the repair machine would launch with the right components, and just plug in the modules. Satellites would be rebuildable for many more uses fast in orbit than just more specialized use, modules of one or the other would be used in shorter trips than just to orbit. More sattelites would be refurbished on one round trip, nonstop round trips, The 21st century is wow!