Sunday, January 21, 2007

There's More Gold in Them Thar Hills Than In 8 05

In Yahoo News It Says

Thu Jan 3, 6:16 AM ET

Mich. - A couple expecting to cash in their winning Michigan Lottery ticket were turned down when the store owner took them in the store and told them the ticket wasn't worth 150, it was actually worth $ 250,000. The couple asked that their names not be released and are "finding financial advice on how to handle their windfall". The financial advisor is not charging $150,000, but after all, she's worth it!

What's good about history 111 in college? It's good for lack of sleep!

Police in Britain have not determined what may have caused a fire on Cutty Sark The "History Ship" but they had an easy time putting it out with ye olde water, we have old water, they have more!

(A site I found today is about the talking moving dieter's dish, that has a plate with scale to see if the dish is enough for anorexics and it "Trembles in anxiety". If the eater is overweight it closes the dish and encourages them by religious praise of stopping. If the lunch just jogs where they can't reach this may be where we got the expression, you know, like, "eat a dancing dish!")