Saturday, February 03, 2007

How to www. An Earthbound Asteroid For Mining!

Stars and Comets May Have Trillions Worth Of Water for Rocket Fuel, Air, and Cozy Mud Baths!

Fighting an earth impact asteroid with another smaller asteroid captured in earth orbit is considered on the page to be a possible way to defend the earth, Click Here.. (The problem is not capturing the small asteroid but hitting the incoming one, and all the small pieces would perhaps hit us). As I say Here I think asteroids could be made to not expand outward in chunks if impacted by use of a web of lightweight proton wires, protons held in high strength by their alternation of N and S poles stronger than all other chemically or magnetically melded materials because of the lines of compression of the fields via the strong force of the protons. The idea of the proton wire net to hold the asteroid in one piece could be used to make it so the asteroid blast plan would be viable or the other plan on the link about stopping the asteroid with a smaller stone. The net would be thrown over both asteroids and tightened. If the big block were then blasted or impacted with the small asteroid to move it rapidly out of the earth's path, the radioactive rocks or other rocks from the other type of impact inside the web wouldn't hit us. The proton wires would be stronger than other types of materials already known to stop a blast, e.g. concrete, but much lighter in weight and cheaper.

. While this plan would have the advantage of rapid deployment in case we were with not much advanced warning, my belief is that the most viable way to defend against asteroids would be to just gently nudge it sidewise with laser or other beams, perhaps capturing the asteroid in earth orbit so we can mine it for useful materials. There are actually 40 block sized masses per day that go between the earth and moon, and the water and other stuff of many of them would be of worth to capture in permanent earth or moon orbit because just the small lake of ice they found on the moon is worth trillions in hydrogen and oxygen for rocket power boosts, air, and water.

The use of a beam to move the asteroid in earth or lunar orbit is of worth for two reasons; because of all the room, Scientific American says most of the time we would get plenty of advanced warning if an asteroid was going to hit us eventually, going around perhaps 1000 times, so the beam could be used with more ease each time the asteroid zoomed nearer us. The earth is a small target within so much room. And of it would be like a Rolling Stones tour with lower cost! Worth Mich to the rich! The other reason is there would be no risk of any fallout by this more gradual motif of solution.