Monday, February 12, 2007

Why Creativity is Good for You


Creativity is good for you! Many studies find that creativity such as watching comics is good for body and mind. There are many realms where I got this idea from edits of soundbites, I would play a tune slow and make a few goofs with improvisations, and listen on the tape to both the good and bad. Then when I speeded it up (chipmunk power!) by accident it sounded more professional. My conclusion was "good" randomness that violates no rule is a good basic (entry level and higher) way to win. The higher speed of the cassette made it so the small goofs were stopped while allowing all the good sounds. This would be why they say 4 out of 5 people like sped up speech more than slow, like in business promotions on the box.

And when I would compete with a chess machine in other realms it would compute with consideration when power was the same, but later if it was winning, it wouldn't take much labor, because it would seem all moves it would make would win (Or so it thought! I'll win a rug in the Euro Hoosier Mega VIS in 1997 eventually!). Then I got wiser because when the pieces were reset, after this with each go round of play I would win by moving a piece to an interstice of the defense, then on the next move I would move it deeper in with this motif, adding a bit of random motion inside the competition's lines, then following in with more moves in the trail blazed by the first (medium value so strong enough to win but not so strong it was a risk if the piece was lost) and better creativity yet. Because the machine couldn't move it's own pieces well inside its own line of defenses, this acted as a sort of trap and was then in my favor because with no place of the machine to move the helpless higher value pieces, I would win, just by moving any move. This motif I called a point advance (the point is where the piece lodges in the interstice) is a miniature of the competition as I said above about the machine moving any which way if it has the advantage at the end of the competition. In authorship 007 I was always taught to learn the rules before I would learn how to be creative within them. And in all four of these events, with music, the general competition, the point advance and the authorship, first is the setup that is without error and then the unusual moves, this is why creativity is important, because this type of motif is so common in what's most brilliant in life.