Friday, February 02, 2007

I found out many soap operas are filmed in Miami Beach, this is why they talk real slow in the south!

I like my herbs Veggies For Life. They're so cheap, I save. At this price my life may last many more months-or 1200!

How to save a lot, I just put a wet washrag on my face to sooth and relax my face and make my web visit to Miami Beach!

Did you know cows when played classical Mozart music in Europe milked higher in FlavORich than cheeze? When they tune up the milk truck, more than 55 horns and 76 violins of renoun in concert were herd!

My neighbor says she calls em as she sees em. She has a Mp3 with Hitachi!

Did you know? China Telecom has put a cell tower on the higher mountains in the world. When you type in you hear echos of big busy signals!

What's the worst place to buy perscriptions, in a consignment shop-or second hand!

It's been said there is no bad that does no bring good. Dandruff? It will always be a winter wonderland all month!

They've found talking on a cell bell when asleep causes insomnia, how so? If when talking my sleep I would say "Ma Bell hugs us with a sleeping cushion filled with cash, thanks for the price war!" seems like a more cushy solution.

What's good about shopping where I live is we can finally walk through Walls-Marts at the moment we are in the store!