Monday, July 17, 2006

I saw this site that advertised good vision-it was so fuzzy it improved mine in the audio infomercial!!

What is October 31? When the dead try to EEEK out the living!

Dear Amy;

Thanks for your aid. I used to type in on an old typewriter when I would write songs. I was listening to a song on the radio this AM so old I unheard this song since before I was born. My mother used to jump around and dance when I would listen in! They think they found a real image of Will that old author of 1600, well actually of Chugalug Booze! If you're a computer person, why go to to Arbys, you could eat cheap right out in the box! Did you hear the news, they found Tut's tomb just 30 feet from where he was, his name may be Tut Tut.. (He was found in 1922 is how I remember). This Tut slept through the Ancient age, the 13, 14 and 15 Hundreds, and most of the Price is Right! An action reality series, I'm better off than he was when I was his age! And they were thinking of a Reality TV sort of The Beverly Hillbillies remake, I saw they were real when I was Unwired by remmote control ! Thanks for wearing straw hats, a straw hat is always made of straw, so genuine!

Yours, Me



The two most general types of extremes possible in life are, extreme change or extreme lack of change. Extremes are sort of a life of all one blob of oneness or many random particles. The all one has too much oneness and the other to much of the many, they are neither about heavan or life, neither may have ever existed because all we find in the cosmos has both. Since all has both, this leads to a way to classify all the sets in the cosmos and math by what changes and what stays the same. The set theory of math is sort of an atomic theory of math, with a few most general sorts of transformations. This idea of the "more things change the more they stay the same" is more like an energy conservation theory of math, because it's based on energy conservation also. Energy conservation is about action reaction pairs to balance the power. If the pairs were exactly the same they would be in perfect balance and all motion in the cosmos would stop. So to keep the cosmos in motion there is a balance between change and rest. This is also the balance between motion and rest, or between balance of the many like the + and - of lots of electricity and masses that unify by gravity. With the exception of wars and horseshoes we may win a few, and lose a few (some things we must win more). The one earth is more at rest, many orbits of the three moons of the earth astronomers have have found are in motion.

It says on you actually burn more fat sleeping than watching TV. I just watch exercise shows!

I saw this army ad, on the other page from the blurb it has a close up of an exquisite ladies face, named Susan Powell. I'd know her anywhere, she's in Marge Smith's Real Name family!

They find in research that Boston is the unsoberest town, but how could it stagger if the limit was out?

Cows "Moo" with accent, farmer's say. They think the cows find the slang from the farmers! There's no accent in the US Moos and World Report!

They have the giant offshore oil well in the Hibernia oil field of the coast of Canada, it's made of millions of tons of concrete with big teeth that would stop icebergs. This reminds me of another engineering marvel, the tower with elevator to orbit first invented in the 1900's or so by inventors like Goddard and Tsiolokvsky, and in consideration throughout the 20th century till now by others. The plan they've thought of to stop such as satellites from hitting it if ever built is to move it around and dodge the stuff up there in orbit at high speed on an hour to hour basis. The oil drill is not cheap, so another type of oil well has been invented that moves like the tower and lets the ice sail on through, and the moves back to where the drill was before the iceburg. It would have connections that could easily lock and unlock on the ocean floor, and there would be a smooth shield to cover the base of the machine if the iceburg hit the floor and the floor of the ocean both. They say if they have to wait a while for ice to go the drill could go to other second rate wells with no drills on top to drill while the iceberg goes past, saving lots of cash and oil if the field has more oil. This way we can change the oil and save the ocean!