Monday, July 17, 2006

. I said to my father how time was slow when I was just a kid, I said I thought this means the saying time goes fast when you feel good is just a saying. This is why years when I was a kid seemed to last about five and my 30 year old years about a year. He said it was about fractions, when a person is one year old that birthday is all of their time on earth so they think of this as more than a 30 year wiser person whose day is not as much in hour compared to their whole life, so I was wondering with smaller and smaller change, how much till the time stops and all of us are just real smart?
I saw this ad today, "Unemployed?" "Dissatisfied with your present job?" This seems tough, but why both at once, more options?

Lottery Fever.
Think I'll Save Up!

I'm never serious about the lottery because if there were any real math that could win it a lot of cash and prizes for all the winners the cash would be famous, the winners may rush in and be rich and all the rest would find out, soon the lottery would be out of business. This is proof there's no big way to win the lottery. I always never win more and more I hope!! If the methods are used by some plan where they sell, it would be by definition small, and you'd never have to learn the math well to even know if you got your 10 billion%! I was talking to the president of the state lottery and he said it's for your favorite .org, a telethon to help me win more via radio!!

You may have heard about those dudes from MIT who went to Reno and won millions at 21 by way of savvy about the probabilities they had learned in college, or about that big biz from Australia that bought all the tickets in the lottery in one state so they were guaranteed to win. even so unlike winning at 21 there is no strategy involved in the lottery plan, it's complete luck. You can increase your chances up to a maximum amount, but the lottery always wins more than you. I assume the Australians that won by this massive volume way of buying all the ways to win haven't continued this plan because all the lotteries would sue them. If you really want to win the lottery, you might want to buy into competitions like the MIT Reno 21 where there is enough strategy involved to multiply it up so you always win more than you lose. Another way to boost this may be by way of software that may beam to your handheld machine while you're in the house of 21, if handheld computers defeat all humans, gambling software may be of worth too, even so this may be cheating and it would cause problems, and online gambling causes overuse for 80%. To reduce web overuse while being a real comic Click Here.

Fusion Source/Subatomic Physics Lab for a Cheap Nobel Price That Won't Cost a Lot

They now have a fusion generator that uses the implosion of opposite electric charges to then ignite fusion. They have atomic batteries that last 20 years but they are radioactive, powered by fission, but the "focus fusion" machine may be of more value than the battery if made atomic size because of much less radioactivity and more power. To allow matter to cool is a way to get heat, but to burn matter completely like via fusion releases much more heat sooner like with the older hot fusion, and like hot fusion, fewer radioactive metabolites would be left over. This is good for my health if I eat reduced heart burn dishes. I feel like I've never been in an unhealthfood store in my life! What's good about health food stores is, they never have a going out of business sale!
. They are using some of the science of Star trek for scotch or champaigne with no passing out. I already remembered safe booze- 99 bottles of milk on the wall, no hangover to reach the AAA of Visa in the morning!!

Research shows that your blood pressure goes up when you talk. Reader's Digest once said, "It's good if you talk a lot.. If you let others do all the talking a while, you'll see why." This seems so to me, so I wonder what happens to your blood pressure when others are talking, it may be of value to find out. In moderation it's good but many poeple like to raise blood pressure. Where the blood pressure is low it may be of value, for people with high blood pressure it may be of worth to talk with more level height.