Friday, August 10, 2007

High Speed Travel For The Country Without High Cost....As the roads become more conjested and the price of oil goes up they say it may be possible the American way of life in the suburbs may be reduced to more living nearer the urbs, and many people in the country would no longer live there because it's too crowded without cheaper oil. In the years ahead there may be more power by the new patented gravity powered machines (CLICK HERE.) and the machines in each dwelling or business may power each cheap 200$ vehicle via modular lightweight polymer battery packs (you'd just charge up a few packs and load them in your car at no cost for a 10,000 mile trip) and because electric motors are cheap and simple (a typical vehicle has 20,000 parts, an electric motor, about 10) this would make it so more people could live in the suburbs and the country too. Even so this leaves some problems for the car to solve. Cars have mostly replaced trains, but trains have at least three advantages, they are cheap, safe and no chauffeur is needed to go to the city up the road to the pizza shack. Drone delivery has problems as I say on my video, so I think the smaller machines on rails with wings for higher speed may be the most optimal solution. Click Here or see link below. Trains have some problems like having to drive to the station and slow speed. For the best of both, a lighter rail system made of rails supported by y shaped, or arched or upside down j pylons of the side of the roads already existing might be of worth. These cheap rails would carry modules that would just hold one occupant or a load of groceries, they would be computerized vehicles and you would pay for your food or other merchandise you would usually buy in a shopping splurge to the city and and it would be coming to you at 350 mph (talk about fast Mcdonalds) because the light rails would be cyber for high speed without actually having to drive to the city. The rails would be strong and lightweight to stop falls. The only way for the rail to fall would be if several of the pylons fell at once making it safer because all the pylons are connected by the rail. Much more rich than a chauffer driven VW! Because the rural RR train would be of low weight and much higher speed, they would be cheaper than cars or UPS. Even though the rails would reach out of cities they wouldn't replace UPS airplanes and ships. Even so they would reach out from the urban zones better, good for emergencies. There would be smaller rails like this with smaller lighter delivery modules that would be the improvement for UPS with larger rails and machines for packages like even intermodal freight containers, and offload areas to send to the smaller branch lines and machines.

 I had originally just envisioned this a cheap fast way to deliver groceries, and this may be the most important use. Even so it would also be of worth for many other types of business. While using the warehouse beside the store to actually box cabbage and each box of food is good for in town (CLICK HERE) this would be good for extending this idea of automated food transport of food and people to the country or urban areas (and even more!). Each main road in the country would have the rails above the road with the pylons more stable either by smart materials that would automatically adjust the more lightweight pylons by the pressure of the ongoing train or by weights to the outside of the pylons so the inward pressure of the train would be balanced by the outward weight of the stabilizing weights, and to reach the rails themselves the cheap car (powered by the gravity powered machines) itself would be used as I say above to just go to the nearby train station of the village with my life of Irish, in 20 other countrys! If possible, and cheap these trains could reach many rural roads. This is a sort of extension of the old pneumatic tubes in buildings in the city, which I envisioned in a more elaborate plan of light rails throughout the city for high speed urban parcels by cyber power. This could also be used for the main roads to the country. To make it viable economically a fee would be charged and since it wouldn't reach the most distant country first the light rail systems would start from the city and expand outward to the country as it paid for itself instead of just building out to untraveled roads first. No doubt you'd often want to use this to replace the commute, so each vehicle  would be just one unit with stuff they buy at the store. More substantial rails would be higher in price. Families could rent or buy their own vehicle cheaper than a car but much higher speed. To travel with other people all the vehicles would be linked in one unit in route. While mommy couldn't go spank the baby (good for mommy) perhaps the family in the train would be connected by audio or whatever. Most people would rent a vehicle at the city, so no parking problem. This probably wouldn't replace vehicles, but it would be especially useful for people who live far from the city. It would be faster safer cheaper and easier than cars, and faster than trains. And it would reduce the congestion while not only to reberb the suburbs, it would also make living out in the country cheaper not more expensive and thus it would be of real worth to reduce population densities. Evolution, Overpopulation, and It's Historic Influence. (Why overpopulation may be a real concern, using up resources. ).

Here's the Link To my Video Anjelfire and Drones, Problems and Possible Solutions