Monday, January 08, 2007


Today I was thinking of the proverbial roads of yore. They now are trying to put up roads that store summer heat in super insulated tanks of water and then use the heat in the winter to heat the road. Not only is a new use of lasers and piezoelectric generators much-so is rich and ingenious-I'm the Author of Most Letters to The Editor! A better use of existing science has been devised from the actual compression of the road by the Mazdas and other Volvos as they travel on panels. This would be made just the same as with usual roads, except via compression panels that would just be on the road or perhaps of the web for roads the 1990's that stopped potholes by a continuous web below the level of the wheel. Some say the panels would be cheap since they would be perhaps a mile each such as mileposts and the power would be piped to heat beams in the posts. The beams would radio waves at night (so no one would be blinded by the AM FM, no doubt!). They would power the beam to road with a complete travel of the beam so the snow would melt in the air or on the road. A beam that cools by a shift of the wavelength of the wave would be a good use of the timing of the wave, so the force in the wave that would make it wave out is balanced (if there weren't both attractive and expansion forces inside a wave the wave would expand or contract indefinitely and with infinite speed). The balance of usual waves like this is where a point on the wave is just where the expansion would have been the wave having moved just one unit of distance to match the point and the motion, except the general timing of the motion of the wave makes it hold the wave together so the waves go through wires better with no loss of power. These waves that don't lose power are named solitons. This is how long distance call is a rich blessing for Ma Bell (My computer modem sometimes won't move on the information superhighway, except when "I sign all the presents and she signs all the gossip" is involved.). A laser of light would have good internal adhesion and it thus could hoover heat up, thus a beam for frosty roads or hot parking lots even in summer. So both a cooling and heat beam may be of power by the plates on the road. The plates would be stuff like memories of Beatles reunions are of. When the diamond of the LP was compressed by the sides of the cut of the LP it generates power, so the plate would use this or some other method they have. The plates could be wired to the power companies, and perhaps pay for all the roads plus pay for a cheap dish if I can't decide where to go an my luxury visit to Peru. This is exalted about a 2007 shopping splurge or 400 a mile-The Scottish Tourist Bureau decides which is most sighted! Elvis is making the most of any nonliving person in 2008, I win more on the Price is Right!

More Elevator Orlon Is Rich And Up Is In Sight!

They have Polaroids that fill with a fluid and this fills the prescription of the lense which stretches to the right line of sight so anyone can have good eyesight at low cost. Remember those Real Lemon Jugs that would say "Buy more Real Lemon?" They had a port in the wrapper where if the level of the jug was low you were able to see and you were feeling around for lemons! The innovaters say the visual version for eye wear might be via a beam and this would go through the eye with low power and return and with a chip it would see if it was of worth to buy more. Another use of lasers like this would be adjusting so when the wearer was reading or cleaning (no operation of machines) they would have more than 20/20, and another would be auto eye exercising, and headphones that make the person's ear strong, so they would play by ear.

If I want to stop a telemarketer, I always make sure they're not my long distance ISP when calling, Nice Boss!... They have these machines which recognise speech, when will it just be where the sales rep would type in with her lips?

It's been "well" known for months and months, geologists think deep when they read!

Let's face it, there's a lot about Santa Fe, where else can you go out for a walk to a cinema and end up in reruns of 1,000,000 BC, the second oldest US village!

They now have this machine that uses the usual song where the musicians play the the guitar or drums and if they're out of tune it tunes them up with the Solid Gold song as the background, so no errors by the machine. This may be the end of songs on the radio without computerized influence. Any one or band can make a good song just by being in the general area or will be, it still would be better if musicians on the road wouldn't have to make it to the arena on the hour. Me I just sing in the shower, like September, where if the heat wave is past, the rich use weather maps to mop up!

Many can remember the Halloween of 1966, for some reason I can't remember Halloween of 67, 40 years ago. I think if we may have had a quiet celebration with just neighbors and family; if it were The Adam's Family I'd remember!
