Wednesday, December 27, 2006

. I was reading this boost for radar like if the driver is going too fast and the police stop people for speeding. They said wouldn't it be hoot to be able to see how fast you were going so you would know your rights? This is partially about seeing the signs."I didn't realize my radars wire won't reach the power station" is a good excuse too! Even so if drivers were savvy about what the sign said 1000 ft ago and were able to remember, I think most would obey the law and put the memory to good use. So a good use of computer optics may be to read the signs on the side of the road by a computer in the RV. If the driver was aware of the signs and other info, more people would be safe while on the road. They already have the radio wave beacons that are a computerized sign the vehicle senses, but these may fail. So with just one machine in the automobile they think would be more reliable or could be used as a second way to be aware, just as TV hasn't outphased the web and radio hasn't outphased words.

My Believe It or Hoot says

"Jan Porcellis (1584 to 1632) celebrated Dutch Painter, became a painter of storms at sea because he was convinced that sailing into tempest was good for the common cold!" With all the advances in medical care thanks to the more science we now know this is nowhere near as good as Computoria.www!

A site I read says the word orange has no rhyme in Webster's. While hymn writers have been sad for centuries, maybe someone will think most up!
And on the site it says It's impossible to bite your own teeth. A computerized tooth brush may be of worth, when the wife's Fuji zooms us in Honalulu and she says web cheeze!

I see this box of food "EVOLUTION'S OWN FAT!" in the store. Or the jug says "100% Juice!" then on the other side, "WITH ADDED CHEAP PRICE." I often hope they would stop adding all the fat and salt to my box so I could hear the clean up lady clean in her suds machine in the room one roof up. I'm so used to this, if she dropped her machine a bit late, I'd go up and lend her my Cup a Soap and ask if she was serious about what she said about watching soap operas!
..When the dermatologist's RN's visit me for house calls, she feels my sofa, the roof and the lawn!
.. I've found that real herbs have all the worth all the high priced prescriptions may but without high cost, the same for household cleaners that don't damage the shelf (ocean's or otherwise). For example salt makes a cheap safe soap, and it makes usual soap clean with lots more suds. Ca Co2, Baking soda is better than cleaners on kitchen shelves. Many have more faith in the chemical rights movement than doctors. (Actually Chemical Rights are All of Us.).

I saw this promotion they dubbed on my box where all these kids yell the praises of the stuff they sell. It was so spontaneous and unrehearsed, I was unaware it was about biz, then they yelled mom's 1-9000 number!
