Friday, November 10, 2006


While the whole tsunami couldn't be stopped perhaps a shield for shelter zones (mostly urban harbors) would be used via missles launched from the shore or other realms that would be timed to hit the wave just enough to cancel out it's motion. It wouldn't just be slowed down by the physics police, it would be stopped, The tsunami should be a tsu-no-mi! If explosion of the missile (conventional) were not of value, imploding charges may be of use with timing a bit changed for better aim. Once the first timed missile had hit the wave outside the harbor the waves motion would form a "V" shape and the incoming waves with more angle to the shore would be reduced with other timed explosions on these more reduced waves, and so on.
.The tsunami may also be cancelled on the open sea. The wave of the tsunami (wikipedia)would be the signal and missiles rapidly sent to the expanding wave on the surface. It would seem if you just stop the surface flow by just changing the top of the wave, the wheel being of large momentum under the water would continue, but a dynamic wheel is made of a balance between centrifugal and inward force and uses both to remain in motion, so a subtraction of centrifugal force at the surface would perhaps take away that much centripital force from the wave by energy conservation at the surface. It seems improbable that if you take away the rise as the wave moves that the wave would continue. In physics water is considered a noncompressable solid (this is why your water pipes in your house make a scraping sound so this idea of wave cancellation may reduce the tsunami). If you have a large wheel of water and you stop the wheel anywhere on the outside, the rest of the wheel is stopped also. (Or some related method of changing the wave by blasts may be used.) In order to save ships at sea part of the wave would be cancelled by a second series of blasts, or the blast would be timed where the wave was far from ships, after it had passed the ship or before. If the wave was canceled fast by fast missiles to where and while the wave front is of small radius near when the tsunami is generated, the cancel would use fewer explosions because a circle of small radius has small size, so it would used here to control and stop the wave from damaging a wider area. 200 miles per hour is just 3 1/2 miles per minute. If ramjets were used to deliver the blasts depending on distance it may be of more value.
. One possibility about wave cancellation may be to increase the wave's loss of power and not completely stop the whole wave directly (which may be impractical due to tonnage of explosives it would otherwise take) using the right timing of the smaller counter wave to change the tunami's wavelength relative to it's speed, thus at a lower cost we may cause more of the tsunami to lose power before it reached the shore. This improvement or decrease in efficiency with changes in wavelength relative to the wave's speed has been well proven.

There may be an optimal distance from the coast to cancel the wave with the blasts, where the wave is high enough to be canceled with distinction, but far enough from the shore to be safe. If it was necessary to cover more room, a system of more value that would deploy from orbit or planes that would be aloft at all hours to guard the shores from the center of the seas would perhaps be of use especially if the explosives were relatively light.

This may be of use for the VA coast where I live because they found what may be a giant formation of loose stones on a bank off the east coast near the contenental shelf, this could cause a wave that could innundate the whole east coast of the US, while I live up in the hills, they look level sort of.

.I once wrote about a geologist and his wife who were out west at a lake resort and sensed an earthquake and saved the tourists by explosions to cancel the wave, who says comedy is without worth? I see a lot of PR where they sell old stamps at no cost. For people who write a lot of old old memos!

The missiles would have many small submissiles that would fan out in a level line with the line of the approaching wave, these all would cancel the whole section of a wave headed to the shore the blasts would shield.

This idea is testable by the new wave simulation tanks seen in this month's (9-07 or so) Popular Science/Mechanics. It actually simulates a tsunami's long wavelength by two waves so it acts like a big wave even in a small tank. I think this idea of using detonations in the tank would be of worth to see if the tsunami would able to be mostly moved away from land, or even cancelled.

Another plan has been invented using sea barriers positioned in regions like the Indian Ocean near land where undersea earthquake risk is high. According to the inventor, the sea barriers which would be moved to the location of highest payoff would be like one piece ships with baffles inside. The barriers would be anchored to the sea floor and when a tsunami starts the nearest bariier/baffle would be fast aimed to align in the best configuration to redirect the tsunami to the next ship through the sea wall/baffles of this type in the ship in the nearby area perhaps 400 miles away, the second ship or ships would then also hope to redirect the tsunami wave from there on out to the open sea in a sort of relay where the wave would dissapate most of it's energy. You may say these "ships are small and the tsunami has the power of a 10 megaton atomic bomb". A clever ruse of changing the distance between the baffle elements may convert a large part of the power of the wave to pressure in balance sort of like the power steering of an RV. When the forces are in balance on both sides it's easier to redirect the larger force of the wheels. A wave has two general components, attractive and expansive (otherwise it would expand or contract indefinitely); if ways are found to use one against the other the net result may be more to our advantage. A wave is a resonance and a resonance has ratios of it's subharmonics, in principal if you find these like a supersonic airplane riding on its own shockwave or reducing its shockwave to much smaller size by bending it around the ship while it's not expanded, you much reduce the power needed to either keep the airship in the air or to redirect the wave. And reduced power is needed if you redirect instead of reverse the tsunami, using part of the wave to control the rest. Because each boat may focus the wave to the next ship in the relay it might only take about 5 ships for an area the size of the Indian Ocean. On average each ship is near enough to the epicenter to focus a major part of the wave before it was large. This idea might also be proven or disproven with the wave simulator tanks.


I heard about this man who saw a woman he liked and she moved early in life but he remembered her face, and couldn't remember her name, on and on he remembered her face but not her name, for 60 years. Then 60 years later he remembered her name, and they're going to marry this week in Knoxville TN. A picture is worth going through 10,000 words, just to hope she finds out your family name should be the same!


.If your Christmas present doesn't arrive to your brother from the internet elves, when I find a good present he'd like, I pay him to buy it with his Visa. And you'll know what he finds on Christmas morning is always worth a present you know you'd like, so it must be great!

I never read much poetry, I'd rather read meaningful words with rhyme!

They've found that thinking you can be smart by labor makes your brain build up, why not a hat that builds up your brain by massage, and you'd always have a marathon rug!



You can do it by associating it to words you already know, but with much morph of spelling. The word or words you already are aware of make it easier to remember. For example if you like Madonna (but have no Madonna music on your site) from the words "Vote For Madonna" you might use the letters t, f, r, and m. Vowels are rounder in sound so you may put several random vowels between the consonants and multiply the consonants or soundalike consonants, without changing it that much in your memory, so the general idea is the same so you remember it but you've morphed so many of the vowels, others can't see it. The word derived from the word Vote for Madonna could be OTFFOOORRM, not even I would know this yet. I would if I realized, Madonna was in the arena singing about her rhyming boom box this month! To remember the exact way you write it I find similar ways the password is spelled, in the above OT seems like out, FF is like Fast Forward on those old 45 rpm LP's and RR reminds me of Railroad, and so on. To remember well I just repeat these over (general words from which the password is derived, actual password and what the spelling reminds me of). And to remember the "spelling" well another reinforcer is if you have a 20 letter and number password say, to count the number of these to units of 5 4's, and then remember them with each goround. A good exercise it to also remember them by 4 fives, 15 3's and so on. Another good way to pick the word is just to look at random letters or numbers like on your typewriter and think of what they remind you of (even flunking the spelling bee in 75 has value on the web!) and then refine the word or words by adding or subtracting a few numbers to make it more or less distinct if it's not quite optimal. You want the words to be easy enough to remember with a bit of practice but unusual enough that others can't, it's foreign to others but you have a special way of finding it. And this may be important. One of the famous relatives we know of lost her password and half of her book in europe she was author of, she's famous and knows more than me like an operator who does the little tap dance she does when her bootsies do the walking, and typing! This is a faster rebound, so the bet is more you'll remember the famous relatives of yours (who now deserve to be rich!) because with each type in when you access your site you reinforce the memory by going from the usual word to the password derived from it. For more strength of your password you may add numbers, at the finish of your password and so on. This may be of use for any password you have to use a lot that is yours alone, for others I write in an ABC index by site name of usual faster than light paper. If I know my words well by this motif, and I'm sure (this is the most sure way I've been sure yet) I would just save the copy on the paper to my computerized hat box!!
