Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Combinations Possible!

Use of the Atomic Motor or machines like small SELF ASSEMBLING FUSION MACHINES in combination with the Centrifugal Force Machines (CFMs) may be possible. There are patents here in 2008 for CFM's. They redirect the field with just an oscillating slice of the wheel so the force goes where you want and isn't cancelled out all the way around the wheel. Others use two weights, one heavy and one light that press the greater mass with a motor to boost the smaller mass without any outside platform on which the machines is at rest. While possibilities like this may seem complex, the general physics are simple. Patents for the CFMs, and physicists like Lerner have funding for Focus Fusion science based on his belief that fusion might be achieved by implosion of the opposite electric charges of atoms he hopes to then cause the conversion of the mass to energy.

The possible combination of these two types of simple physics machines, Fusion and the CFM, one of power and a way to direct it, are at least worth some consideration and may have a great number of uses. Here are Just a Few;

One type of use would be a machine that would paint walls by using CFM to hold it to the wall by applied force. Another could be to lift machines up in the air to save lives in emergencies where no helicopter could go, e.g. in high winds, or to hold the machine to the side of a high wall with pressure so the people like in a fire could step safely from the window into the machine, even if too far up for other rescue machines to reach them.

If they added the small power plants with many moderately sized CFMs to each sofa and shelf in the house they could readjust these in the room with a simple operation control, and this would make it so we would have cyber moving. You would just press the button and all your sofas and other stuff on moving hour would jump right in the box!

And small cheap fusion power would also be real power boost for bicycles, an important type of transportation for people in the world. These fusion machines may be like the small cheap shelftop "atom smashers" being devised except for fusion. The CFMs are already in use and even without a power source like fusion, all the uses I speak of on this memo would be of worth with lower energy power source like perhaps a small turbine like those used to power laptops with jet fuel, or perhaps a diesel powerplant with a wire or even a laser or particle beam to the lightweight CFM. The CFM would be used to cause the lift instead of the turbine itself because like the Momentum Transfer Machines for going to Mars in just months not years, the throwing of a mechanical weight like between the earth and the rocket via the CFM is a much more powerful boost.

Another somewhat comic application of the combination of these two types of small machines in the world of 50 years more would be footwear that would find the beat of the music for the shag and with the force being strong yet of small weight (it's all spin and the spins of the levitation machines would cancel out except just the bit of left over field if of worth) to power the vamps, the inertial motors would move so well you could achieve any sort of shag or other dance motif without instructions! By these footwear and GPS, Mp3's, Lutherans, or others may dance away from temptation!

Another application of these two machines combined could also be used by joggers for climbing hills so they would be training at their level so of worth for fitness and their muscles wouldn't be hurt, and so on. (In Sweden they have a moving sidewalk that lifts the person up the incline outdoors, this would be more like a self climbing hill anywhere.). By reversing the direction of the inertial force with these two types of machines in the footwear, with lots of small CFMs and with strong motive force, it's possible in the world to be of 50 years you may be walking upside down on the roof with this combination, and you could walk anywhere up the road like you were in a winter wonderland in the heat in the summer or as if on a moving walkway at high speed. It would be like a roller vamp that wouldn't fall out from under the wearer because they could perhaps be in the air above the obstructions like potholes or rocks and above the surface of the road somewhat lifted essentially it seems by the same lift of a airship to weigh minus 20 tons instead of using airbags like some motorcycle riders wear. The dirigible has more linear motion for each of the atoms of air inside it to power the upward force and the tendency for more and more linear motion of each small Centrifugal Force Machine of the small wheel slices would also tend to cause lift or more traction if aimed downward by Einstein's Equivalence of Gravitation and Inertia. Inertia has been called "semi gravity" so as Einstein may have thought it may be of worth to perhaps boost a force much like gravity where we want it. While I don't believe mass and energy (which I liken to like inertia) are exactly the same as Einstein believed or e.g. there would be no way to tell them apart and the mass to power of E mc2 often would be converted to energy without billions of years to wait, they are no doubt loosely related to conserve mass energy or momentum of all fields so the equivalence of gravity and the ability to change the force by way of the centrifugal force would seem of worth.

You may say CFM's are without anything to exert the pressure on to lift them up, but with the airship there is no connection of the molecules of air inside the ship with the air outside, little air leaks out, and there is lift. The connection would be with the lower energy field like the matter wave field of Quantum Electrodynamics, this is the most well proven science of the 20th century. Based on the assumption of the low energy field and it's properties like resilience, the mass and charge of the electron have been calculated well to more than 50 decimal places. A rocket ship's exhaust seems to press against a field, otherwise it wouldn't move forward no matter how much force was exerted, and Maxwell predicted the speed of light exactly based on the assumption of the resilient medium. The resistance seems to disappear with the absence of acceleration, but this may only be because the field is balanced and frozen in at the given wavelength of the quanta by a generalization of Maxwell's method. Just as frozen ice is still water when melted, relativity for uniform motion alone may be incomplete physics.

Instead of footwear like roller skates, the CFM and the power of the strong force might be used to safely slow and stop or stop general motion more quickly via CFMs on a wearer's torso or arms and legs or shield the body if an impact hazard was ahead to be saved via computer, and might save the lives of many in sports like with Rollerblades or in the velodrome. By taking the weight off the person's legs it would be good for illnesses where leg circulation is a problem. And it might be a good replacement for air bags in cars without the risk of harm with accidental deployment. The CFM would be safer than airbags.

And with super strong portable power and the ability to direct the inertia upward with even subatomic machines like this, in the world of 2057 AD you could press a button and any volume you would want to read would slide out of the set and off the shelf, and sail to where the person was on the other sigh the room-unlimited hours access with the cute marm!

The strengthening of the stuff a Mazda was built of would be via electric power from the atomic motor. De bonding of the strength of materials would be from the large power supply so the smart materials of the van of the future may go from foldable to strong and return in many cycles. It would be safer in accidents by materials such as the proton solids for shielding even though in usual use it would fit in a box you could just lift with strap thanks to the low weight of the proton solid, the worth of the fusion or other motor, and the inertial force machine, since it could just be of curved wires that generate inertia by AC motion of the particles by their centrifugal force directed where you want by the machine.

The CFM is already in use and it's an old saying, for any problem there is a solution, and any computer with enough time can solve any problem. I speak of these possibilities since no one has before me and because the potential is vast, and these are good reasons at any rate to consider them. Even if improbable, who knows? Maybe other related physics will be achieved because of our consideration of them as they are here in 2008. Perhaps all the above uses of these two types of machine and more will be achieved, and as you see above the machines we could build would be amazing if so.