Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Think I'll Weight And Counterweight Awhile...
..Maxwell's explanation of the speed of light and my own additions to it is about how the speed of light is a result the constant force of electric charges. This is always the same, so the density of the field lines are the same of the light predicted by Einstein at the given rate of motion. Light being like a wave of many sorts, always has the same speed according to the density, and this density is according to the exact speed of light predicted by Maxwell. Einstein said about the field of Relativity in high speed motion for low mass the field is totally empty and just space and time. After all, if you are in a ship and cut the engines off, you may go on in a straight line if without impact or other collision with the rest of the masses of the universe for many months or years. This would seem to be motion without friction, as if no field is present. In a usual field of such as air around a moped in March when you go fast it has more friction and this slows you a bit, It's easy to see how Einstein got this idea.
...It would seem evidence goes in both motifs of Einstein and Maxwell's favor, no friction is much it seems in favor of Einstein, and the exact speed of light is much in favor of Maxwell. I think the balance of the opposite electric charges is a combination to unlock the cosmos here, with what else an elevator! I liken the opposite electric charges to the weight and counterweight of just what would be a elevator. This is the assumption of Maxwell's theory. The downward pressure of both weight and elevator makes it so when you go up or down in the machine in the elevator it's at a most constant rate. You accelerate when force is added to a weight or the other, going through the density of the air around the elevator and weight without much resistance even with the air and even with some friction of the weight and rope of the machine. The field which is present is mostly the rope and mass of the weights. This explains the speed of light in a simple way, just as of a usual field like of water or air. When the power is shut off of the starship or elevator the friction of the field or air would be almost completely stopped, this would explain why it is Einstein thought the field is empty space. As far as Einstein goes, no force is acting on the high speed starship in uniform motion, the pressure of the field is constant on all sides. Einstein's theory just applies to uniform motion, it doesn't describe acceleration. When the ship moves with more speed the exaust presses against a field and the wavelength (speed) of light changes to match up the higher or lower constant speed and it's lower or higher "speed of light" when the rocket boosters are off.
..There's ultimately more to this than would seem; if it were empty room as Einstein thought space science would have failed, starships would have no field to react and it would be without change in motion-all motion of high speed would be uniform motion. I think Einstein was wise with math, and Maxwell was wiser with science. You may say about some of this, the field of Einstein and Maxwell is unlike other fields and so it would not be subject to use by many of the usual motifs of changing fields. If you say, "This is of no use because Einstein said the field is totally empty so how would it have any properties?" This is true, if it has properties it would be made of something with mass! Maxwell used the assumption of a resilient medium to predict the exact speed of light based on this assumption. My explanation has all the advantages of both Maxwell and Einstein's of which Einstein's belief would just be included in my more general one about the speed of light and other forces while it also allows higher speed waves than light with higher or lower density for other forces. Because more speeds, fast and slow, are allowed than the speed of light (like Chin's tunneling experiments with off the shelf lab machines) speeds both faster and slower than light are allowed. (With the field out of the quantum "well" of electric charges with gravity it could go much faster, you lighten up to travel fast. [Here's how I think faster than light motion of gravity may proven or disproven]. Another way of saying this is that gravity is low enough energy and it just passes through the electric fields without much interaction just as two antennas of wide and narrow width won't resonate, so gravity would be without all the relativistic mass augumentation and the other motifs of Einstein and the electromagnetic speed of light.)
..These speeds of forces and waves determine much so I name my theory General Wave Dynamics GWD. For example the Wikapedia says the field of lowest energy always has permeability, light never goes through the field without resistance. If Einstein's theory alone were allowed (of just empty space time in which light travels) there would be no resistance. Einstein was a believer in the photon theory of light and Maxwell of the wave theory. While a particle going between points of empty room would have constant speed like the photons if unchanged between source and destination like Einstein thought to make the speed of light constant, the wave particle duality is well known. So my generalized use of Maxwell's methods would be of more import because changes in fluid densities of fields and waves change of speed is in all of physics and a constant speed like of light is seen sometimes like with sound but the cosmos is more about many types of motion, like life, so our life in a way is disproof of Einstein. Einstein thought the field was about all of physics and just empty space time, this weight and counter weight theory of mine says it's mostly about electromagnetism, certianly electric charges control the rest in Maxwell's belief.
..I believe as Einstein did that the moon and the earth are connected by electrogravity. Gravity is only attractive so to exchange quantity of motion between the earth and moon the only other force present is a low energy electromagnetic field. Maxwell also believed in the field even in "empty" space with no electrons or other masses except the light. So I'm a believer in electrogravity, a low energy field that would connect up the charges via this field even when the field of atoms e.g. have two opposite charges that cancel out, obviously they don't cancel inside the atom and electric charge conservation is well proven. This would be the higher energy field. I use a low energy field surrounding a zero charge atom to explain centrifugal force and gravity both. Even with a wheel made of atoms of no electric charge, the outward force would be explained by the pressure of the outward flow of the low energy field and gravity would be by the same field, so the idea that gravity, the speed of light and uniform motion can be explained by this field in general seems to have worth.

..As I say, I'm assuming a resilient medium Maxwell well used to find the speed of light years before Einstein. Maxwell thought the constant speed of light at one speed of uniform motion was caused by the constant + and - electric charges of the cosmos. This idea as it relates to the elevator would explain both inertia and the speed of light as electromagnetic in origin. If you took two seperate charges of given mass and cancelled them, this would this mean the inertial mass would change somewhat compared to the assumption that inertia isn't caused by the electric charges, with reduced field tension when the charge is cancelled they would have changed inertia. It may not change much because the effect would already be known, but the connection by the lower energy field would still uphold the general resilient medium. The lower energy field would be like lower energy electromagnetism and higher energy gravity combined. The neutrino with no electric charge to slow it down otherwise would not be seen to go faster than light at high energy, I see no real reason why it wouldn't other than that it would be like a 0 charge atom and has some small inner charge probability of the field somewhat so it would be the same as an atom since it too has mass. So I think it's possible the neutrino would be faster than light, but if it doesn't this wouln't be disproof of GWD. Here's Why I think the density of the low energy field is near to that of usual matter like air (it would be in balance so mostly unpercieved in our usual motion through it.).

..The low energy field wouldn't have to be much lower and so not change much the inertia much when an atom was charged or not because it's a matter wave (the assumption of which is the basis of Quantum Electrodynamics, the most well proven of all physics as of 2007). Electrogravity may be in evidence by other motifs and some more predictions of this formulation are on the link.
..If electric charges don't change when approaching the speed of light as is known by research with accelerators and other science, I liken this to the same as the unchanging speed of light of relativity, while the mass and speed of time and the wavelength of the light do change. Although I associate this change of the relativistic mass and redshift of light to the foundation in the matter wave, it's still in the realm of electromagnetism. The elevator and counterweight have the same mass like the electric charges at all speeds. So if the light changes wavelength it may be the same as the ropes of the elevator and weight, It would stretch a bit with the change in speed, and the pressure of the two in balance "freezes" in the wavelength of the light at the given constant speed and the elevator goes up in constant motion. The change in mass of Einstein is well known to not be a change in rest mass, it gets it's mass from the motion through the field. So the mass change allows the wavelength of light to change while the charges by electricity make the overall speed of light mostly the same. While the relativistic mass gain is from the energy of motion of the high speed travel and the stretching of the light waves, it's always controlled by the electric field, so the speed of light is the same. The Relativistic mass augumentation is well known to be actually of energy from the high speed motion, this makes sense if the change in speed of the mass causes a change in pressure in the field. So the mass energy equivalance of Einstein is more like an energy energy equivalence in my formulation. This means it doesn't actually describe mass well. When you find mass you find gravity and gravity accelerates mass, another way that the above is about how the field is not just empty space as Einstein believed in not the most general of physics. And with more general physics many of our machines may be improved. No doubt that the quantization of the light if held the same speed by the always same charge of the electron would be a big barrier. Alan Watts said, "If you ask a question a lot and you leave no stone unturned and you still get no answer, maybe you've just asked the wrong question, or asked it the wrong way." If I ask the question, is the speed of light all important because electromagnetism is the only force? The answer is the speed of light is the fastest speed. But if we ask, are there other forces and what would Maxwell say? Then other forces may allow faster than light waves and faster than light travel.
..An interesting corrollary of this way to allow both Maxwell and Einstien's triumphs about the speed of light may be by way of my own conclusions about the elevator. with a usual elevator of physics or y'all in the south there is a certain amount of radiation left over from usual operation of the wenches and wires and air friction. So too the high speed starship would seem to plough through the field with some friction even in uniform motion, much reduced from Einstein's level of the energy of Relativity. This goes against quanta a bit and might seem farfetched, till you remember that Einstein's own conclusion was that light at high energy moving through the field for millions of light years would be sheared by the field and slow a bit. Einstein believed in two opposite truths. In atomic physics he believed in the wave particle duality by way of mass energy equivalence of the famous E=mc2 and in Special Relativity he discards waves and says that light is just a particle unchanging with no interaction between absorption and emission for the constant unmoving speed of light frozen in (other than what he believed was the unrelated shearing of the light). Thus of either mass energy equivalence or Special Relativity because of the necessary conclusion that Einstein's belief was Special Relativity is about particles not waves, it would seem that one or the other of Einstein's conclusiuons about this is in error. So I believe E=mc2 is the more general, remembering that an entire generation of mathematical physicists labored on elaborations of the wave causology of light. To me it seems in essence Special Relativity fails for the 20 to 30 well proven predictions the wave causology of light describes so well, not just Maxwell's speed of light.
..Quantum leakage of electric charges to change the speed of light just a bit is certainly not impossible, the working physics of radioactivity uses the assumption of a sort of wall like a small volcano with the weak force inside and based on probability alone, the rate of the decay is calculated assuming there is a certain amount of tunneling or leakage through the wall of the lava cone. There are no other perfect electromagnetic machines so perhaps the mechanics near the speed of light are like this to some degree too, which would be a way to unify the wave particle duality with Special Relativity if proven.
They should have lamp shades for blonds! I'd say wow is she beautious, and on with her radiant FM solid gold!
What I like about where I live is, a code so rural we'll always be moved to another map!

A father of two stunned authorities this week (Dec. A 06) when he chased down a thief with his wife and child in the vehicle to save them, leapt onto the roof of the stolen vehicle and then phoned through instructions to police as the vehicle with him and the the thief and the family sped away. The driver stopped and surrendered about a mile from the scene of the abduction. They found out where the hero had learned to drive- in London, on a 27 level airbus!