Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Evolution And Repeating Waves of Boom And Box

The reason we are uncomfy in the winter is because it's not how it was in the wild for millions of years. We lived in the tropics till the invention of fire. This is why studies find that alternation of heat and cool is theraputic for the immune system and more. In prehistory sloshing around in the waves would have been necessary in all of our life. And in the tropics without fire there would have been heat also, so our ancient inlaws would have always or usually had a ready source of hot and rain and the necessity of oscillation between them. A good use for this would be in stores or houses with the programmable thermostats, which could alternate in cycles. If you go in the doctors office in August and about catch influenza because of the air conditioner the nurse has the perfec herb for this, a jug of fizz to ward off the chill of the AC. They say if the weather is so so, "Wait a few minutes and it will improve." Finally a weather report for the inner me. And this is also good for listening to CD ROMs on the MP3 Rio shore. By resting between sounds it saves batteries, is a real ear exercise, and would be more optimal especially for the brain. My reasoning is about how they've found that the big winners in memory research are the calm persons who rest between the exercises. Memory is a major part of the life of all thought so this is no suprise. If resting is this important, why would we have time for other activities, because activity is good for power and rest is good for activity! So a wokman that would play a song and then rest about a song or so would help the doctors and nurses feel better and sigh. Because of memory and all the other activities being improved by the right amount of rest, this method of cycles of rest may be of great import and could and should be incorporated in many activities.

They now have the world's most accurate watch, it resets by a beam of light from the stars and uses levers instead of bits to multiply up the precision and the bits won't lose a second in 10,000 years. If you passed out with this alarm watch, when you woke up you'd stretch a thousand months!

Evolution of Woman

We were arboreal before the ice age. When it started they say we lost the trees to amber waves of brain, so we stood up or walked out to stand up in the ocean by the shore to stay out of reach of wolves, some think. This theory of a woman I read in the 80's explains why we have no hair like the elephant, the manatee and the dolphin, who also went into the water sometime in their evolution and are smart too. Swimming is good for me. It may save a goddesses causology of evolution! This is in the book c 1975, The Descent of Woman, sort of like Darwin's book The Descent of Man. I thought it was a good or even great book, explaining much well, I was a teen then though, so this may have just been my brain and lots of exercise!

Orin Hatch supports a bill that would damage a person's computer from a distance if they downloaded illegal music, my neighbor saved and saved-her MP3 is now a boombox!