Tuesday, March 05, 2024

LANGUAGE AND INTELLIGENCE Building Language From the Foundation Up


As they say, words like medicine are  some of the strongest prescriptions, and research has shown that if you speak a given language, your  thoughts are shaped considerably by that language. For example, they found people of aboriginal origin in Australia who don't say "Mother is the left or right of father", they say mothers in the northwest, father's in the southeast. And on the plate on the dish they say this is the West of the South, or to the Southeast of the North!

 And so they take these people who are from Australia, and they put them in the room with the Nobel Prize winners and they asked them what direction is East? And, they all know that the Nobel Prize winners will have no clue! So language can influence your behavior quite considerably.

For example, in Spanish the word se rompa la flore means the vase is broken like flore is a vase because it's like a flower...And so, in Spanish when you break the vase, you don't say you know who broke the vase. So in Spanish they don't know who broke the vase. And as by research I believe that language also may shape other activities. And in this respect, are the Orientals really smarter people?

And we might say, well, the Maya and Inca, they descended from the Chinese and they didn't invent the wheel other than children's toys, although they had a calendar more accurate than ours. And they did have a high kind of art, although I hadn't thought it was as as elevated as like ancient European art. (Even so I think of the Maya architecture as the greatest of any time in the history of world architecture April, Maya, or Juna!)

 In the magazine the Sciences they say the reason that Europeans colonized the rest of the third world and not vice versa may be because the Eurasians had a larger ecological house to plunder, provided by the Eurasian band of good weather. All the inventors of technology and stuff of that large band of Eurasia weather retained the progress of all.

 So they got the first advantage and from this they were able to colonize the rest of the world because of the larger house. But they're plundering the house because they were being unkind to evolution. And evolution is about supply and demand at the most fundamental level of territory. 

 So the Eurasians had a larger area and this provided the illusion of safety about harming evolution, so at first they're really unaware that it wouldn't show up as stress caused by decreased supply in relation to demand for the resources.

So we think of this as a measure of something fundamental about money, for example. And this is why money crisis tend to be severe, like the crash of 29, because they're like just supply and demand in the most fundamental way. And there is no resource without room to move or breathe. It becomes severe when there is no room for people to live in. In history when people lose their land they're not part of history after that. 

So the idea that the Maya were not necessarily as smart as the Chinese, may not be so, not because they're inherently dumber, but because they had a smaller house (they were plundering just as the Eurasians) which gave the illusion that they could get more nourishment and stuff from the same ecology essentially by being unjust to it.

 Like the Dutch are the tallest people in the world not because they're below sea level and can't breathe without a ventilator! It's because they have better nutrition than everybody else in the history of the world so far, I would believe. Not because they're below water. Although Holland is below water Holland is not in other Netherlands in the water!

So I believe, the Maya and other Amerindians only had a small house of plunder and beyond that like the Europeans in the Middle Ages they began to turn against each other by Increasing Competition for Decreased Resources. So by the time that Columbus reached the new world, the Indians were already poor. 

They never got out of the Stone Age  because they never had stopped competing with themselves so much when they were trying to wage war. War was common after AD 1,000 and not before among the American Indians as they were trying to outcompete each other and they got fewer resources per person.

 I think it wasn't that the Indians were inherently dumb, after all they were descended from the Chinese and we get the vast majority of our food crops from the cultivation the Indians excelled with and were as brilliant presumably as the Chinese. By this Chinese are with the same knowledge and and often, high culture, often enough! 

So there was less time for a classical age to be there for the Indians because of a smaller amount of resources per person to start with in the north-south axis of the the Americas not because of a lack of brilliance. As they discuss in the magazine The Sciences, the Eurasians  colonized the rest of the world with that large band of good weather which is a sort of resource of computing really by all the patents of the inventors and painters being retained over time while the other continents have a more NS land area and this essentially limits computing of what would otherwise presumably be a higher civilization. 

In other words while there are distinctions between people in the world we could say that the Eurasians had the same tendency to turn on themselves and create higher civilization also if given the chance as the other civilizations.

And while just luck with what distinguished Eurasians from the rest of the world we can also say that if there are enough resources everyone could become great. Each of the people of the world has their own particular advantages also in their particular adaptation to where they live.

 More particularly I've noticed that resources correlate closely to the greatness of a civilization in history.

I measure five of what I call "Foundations of History" access to water travel, good weather, moderate crowding levels, no overcrowding etc. ...And then I measure what I call the Greatness of History for example Wars won, level of culture like creativity, wealth etc. And there's a strong correlation between these two sets of patterns like 90%. And while this seems to show that guess what having money and having wealth is valuable, it also means that we all have a lot of potential to be great.

CLICK HERE for my post or see the same link at the bottom of the post if you like about Foundations of History and Greatness of a Civilization.

  The Maya were descended from the early Chinese, we would say. But that isn't necessarily as simple as it would seem by the idea that language can influence behaviour. Perhaps the Chinese language as I'll show you is what actually has given them a lot of their brilliance.

So I asked this question, you know, language, can it actually influence how smart you are? And I would think it probably could. And the reason I would think that the Orientals might be smarter is several reasons about their language actually. First of all, they have a tonal language. Tonal languages are like pitch languages, where they're singing, and like me in the shower with the volume down! And when they sing and they have perfect pitch and the tonal language, they have more time to be good at music we would say. 

So with music comes goodness at math pretty often. And this is not just a wishful or washflo! event..in research, with learning, when you learn something really well not by magic or something, it makes it so that you are also good at other truths you can learn without so much effort. You know the more virtues you have, the more you tend to have and the more advantage you tend to have.

If you have like know what, it's not just know how, but know what is like knowing what your goals are also and not just how you choose them. And so when you're learning a lot of things like this, if you learn music, you tend to be good at math because great musicians tend to be good at math because the many of same brain areas are used for math as for music and it uses many of the same skills. You know music lights up your whole brain. Not sure what math does! But if you're good at math you're good at music more often.

 And Chinese has lots of puns. One of the things about having a lot of puns is although you can get more bad results and words sooner if you're not careful, you can also say a lot more a lot faster with more meaning. Chinese poets could rhyme at 300 mph!

And also Chinese is like the Japanese, by picture writing. The Japanese originally invented the facsimile machine or they used it the most. They developed the fastest facsimile machine because they had the picture writing. They couldn't type the Chinese typewriter or Japanese typewriter at like 10 words per minute. And so with the slowness of writing, when you write with a visual language,  you're making it so that you're thinking about each word, all word counts count. It's like a new adventure in, uh, Rand D.! And so you find, umm, you know, you find those words and uh also umm, I find that making exercise of the words is good for, you know, learning! So creative!

I use like acronyms, the 1st letter of every word to make exercise out of it for memorising. And so all these things I think may combine together. They're good with math, they're good with words, they're good with music, they're good with pictures, they're good with drawing.

When you're drawing, you influence your personality with your handwriting..certainly I would like to have the influence of drawing $1,000 at the bank! So I think if they're really involved with handwriting a lot, this sort of multiplies what they're good at, all they tend to be good at. So I think the reason that the Orientals may be considerably smarter, may be perhaps because of how they had evolved their writing and their language and maybe quite considerably so..

We say the Chinese they're involved with communism now. And this seems less bright. 

 I think this part of our modern world is like the after the rise of the overcrowding that brought down the classical world the first time, the middle ages of Europe. And so there's increased combination for decreased resources. Living in the most crowded regions of the world doesn't mean they're inherently dumb and the idea that the Chinese are dumber because of communism isn't inherently true.. It's been said "There are no bad people only bad situations".

Some scholars of the Chinese say that after communism it's doubtful that China could ever go back to the way it was before. But I think this is like saying after the Middle Ages were over in Europe because of the reduction of the overcrowding by the plague in the 1600s they still couldn't possibly have returned to something like it was before the Dark Ages. But wages went up 87% and a golden age began.

Another reason this is not necessarily true is because the original Chinese were 1000 years ahead of all the rest of the european inventions like industrial inventions..About 30 of them the Chinese had, they took 1000 years to trickle down to Europe or trickle up! And so for this reason I think  languages can have influence on what we think. So I use acronyms as I say they say "A be quiet! A sit down!" and the acronyms are the 1st letter of each word and I make exercises out of it and this is how I memorize each day, great for brain health. I write like 4 letters per line on the side of the encyclopedia margin or other comedy machine! And doing this actually makes it so that I can make exercises with words that are more reliable to remember by alternating between the letters and words. 

And so I think this may influence our brain quite a lot to reliably learn words well. Actually studies have shown that memorizing can dramatically improve cognitive ability. But the idea here we might learn about is also that we could perhaps copy the Chinese  methods of doing our language. We might be able to make exercises that are specifically like the Chinese use to learn their language and to speak and more. We might add songs to  our words. We might start having our own language of song and add music to it.

I have a song code, this for the tune that automatically fits into what I'm trying to memorize. And when you do like the acronyms, the 1st letter for each word, you're controlling the rest of the word. And so you're basically making it so that you can memorize it well, you know more exactly what you remembered or not when you can easily repeat the word and letter loop. I learned about this for memorizing math. So it's good for math and music also because as I say, music involves many of the same methods used for math.

As promised, Here's My Post About Measures of The Greatness of Civilizations and how they correlate with resources historically available.