Monday, January 29, 2024

DARK MATTER AND CLUMPING, (why Dark Matter even so may be superluminal.)

 Dark matter may be faster than light

This page is ancillary about what I consider my most important physics page for my improvement on General Relativity see this link at end of page first if you like! Or....Click Here!

 DARK MATTER AND CLUMPING, (why Dark Matter even so may be superluminal.)



 Dark matter may be faster than light in its motion of transmission. Dark matter is thought to be cold by some, that is, it moves slower than the speed of light.

This is because by usual matter around us the clumpier it is the slower it tends to travel.

Since the cosmological distribution of dark matter seems to show it to be more clumpy, it's been ruled out supposedly that dark matter is faster than light.

 Note as I say here though that gravity being an attractive force is blue shifted and higher in speed as it becomes more massive and accelerates inward towards the mass not red shifted. 

 So because of the reversal of sign between gravity and inertia or relativity that creates this clumping with lower speed of the mass in general, the argument that dark matter is slower than the speed of light may not be true and for dark matter GWD is not ruled out. As much as I know so far, this is the only theoretical reason and based on the one observation, that dark matter is thought to be cold or slower than the speed of light. So one piece of evidence like this is not disproof of superluminal dark matter. 


While dark matter itself has two independent lines of theory and experiment that reached the same conclusion, for the same predicted level of dark matter in the cosmos, clumping is the only known evidence so far that might limit the possibility of superluminal dark matter, and the evidence as I say about GWD may be what allows superluminal motion for dark matter.

While it's true that bodies slow down in general with more mass the speed of transmission of the force is the radial speed and here it definitely speeds up with more mass. So while clumping up may mean slower motion for the mass in general the speed of the acceleration that the force causes may be increasing and so this doesn't rule out a faster than light connection by dark matter.

Dark matter may move slower with bunching in general but here I seek to disprove or at least add on more to special relativity for gravity and dark matter. I think of the bunching as sort of a quantum related event since obviously the more mass a quantum has the slower it moves on average but for dark matter the speed of the acceleration of the force as it radiates inward would be blueshifted and also be partially superluminary for some frequencies and speeds of the acceleration.



This may be because attractive forces like those associated with dark matter are not just in any direction like in special relativity and so you have the general motion of the body slowing down even while the radial acceleration relating to the top speed of the force speeds up. This is part of the expression of the idea that Special Relativity, which is without direction mostly since linear motion and the doppler shift of Special Relativity isotropic, the opposite of forces like for dark matter that are attractive which are concerned with the general slowing speed of the motion of the body but also the speed of the acceleration inward to it by the attractive force are distinct in general from the high speed motion of Special Relativity.

In my formulation mass and inertia are not as much the same as Einstein believed. Instead mass is the tendancy for more ponderable bodies to remain at rest and attract other masses while inertia like energy is the tendancy for smaller bodies to remain in motion in more linear motion and radiate out like a gas and so reduce attraction.  This is my nonrelativistic view for dark matter and gravity.

Here's also "one of my best" physics posts. Why I think Relativity is Incomplete perhaps 30 reasons and experiments of value like about the recent measured speed of the fall of antimatter or the speed of protein folding in biology that doesn't fit Relativity (Einstein was much concerned about it) and more!