Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Imagine Food Prices Improved By Half, a World of no Pollution, No Wires on Electric Cars, And Solar Power in the PM/AM/FM Hours!

We read of Google promoting solar power for its machines and others who scoff at this as "solid image boosting PR" by Google. This may not be so however since Google is using a new kind of solar power. Mirrors that follow the solar rays and focus them to a small turbine to multiply up the power 1,000 times over conventional solar panels. We read of the engineer who circumnavigated the globe in his solar panel powered car, a trailer behind lifting up the machine (which I presume must have had good propellors and fins to drive on water too on his drive around the world!). We see these wimpy solar cars that just take 1/8th the power, if we multiply the power by 1,000 the power and put the mirror collectors on a trailer behind each car or truck, though no solar power at night, the daytime power might be stored in molecular gyroscopes, recently innovated. Molecular gyroscopes may have the advantage over chemical batteries because I think of a chemical battery as a cascade of friction, running out of power because it takes the quanta to knock out the electrons of each molecule of the battery, and this is more like a demolition derby. A molecular gyroscope uses the low energy field of continuous space so there's no quanta to loosen to extract the boost, like an atomic gyroscope to store lots of power in the same place. A gyroscope has much higher efficiency of conversion so the electric input is much more easily converted to the spin and then the spin is converted in return to electric when to climb or zoom if to the stars.

Solar power thus energised could power not only hybrid automobiles all day and night, when solar power is rich! It could also power ships in combination with wave power (these go about 2/3 slower in the same time but are reliable) and with hybrid wind solar and wave power on each vessel. Shipping on the superhighways and shores involves the price of food and many other goods and services, and if there is reduced or no cost to the fuel, the prices here will go down. It's been noted that the price of food has doubled since 2005 because the fields used before for food are now being used for ethanol and other hydrocarbon fuels, and that this isn't actually true since 95% of the land is used to feed cattle, ect. Land is land however, and the 5% used for food if halved will still raise the prices. In truth if there was free energy and the cost of maintaining vehicles was the only cost involved, the entire 5% could be used for food.

Ideas like using the air stream to generate 500 times more power than we need wouldn't be by using kites that take off as helicopters as some say due to risk of giant crashes. (Even so bobbing airships wouldn't have such crash problems if made of lightweight materials so as with the current regulations, if a plane hits the air it's so lightweight it just tears through and no crash is unsolved.) The jet stream is up and out of reach for now, but solar power is something anyone can now build with mirrors, a trailer and a motor to power the electric motor. The savings may drive the change for the better. It would be far cheaper than a conventional hybrid now in use.

Solar powered airplanes may be much stronger if the mirror and motors generator is on a boom under the plane out of the shade, lowering the com for stability and rolling back on takeoff as a wheel and then lowering the boom for travel.

Trains could also use these collectors, in arrays. In all cases no doubt, cheap solar would only reduce costs of fuel, contributing just say 1/3 to the savings other than automobiles. Automobiles may be almost completely solar powered as above, and ships powered by wind wave and solar may also reduce the use of bunker fuel, the cheapest grade of oil that causes acid rain. Trains may be improved by cheap solar and perhaps wind collectors on windy days that like the solar collectors could fold down for going through tunnels.

No price for shipping other than maintenance, ect. would be better since the majority of shipping of goods by far is on ships. In any case all the values would be higher, some more, some less, but this is common.

And no doubt as with Google, cheap solar has huge potential for anyone who invests in these machines, the power companies pay them money, and the continue building, getting richer and richer, as power gets cheaper and cheaper. Current storage methods using e.g. ponds of water pumped uphill when the sun is hot and then released when in need of power may be of use till other methods like the gyroscopes are improved.

Since 40% of the ocean is now covered with trash, I envision large navies of wave and or solar and other auto computerized ships that could also use thermal depolymerization (that converts plastic, CO2 ect to oil to generate more power in a loop of more and more energy) and clean the oceans. The non CO2 like metals ect could be automatically returned to shore to build land, making better use and more land if the stuff were processed to large pucks like the navy is using to solve the 9 tons of trash a large aircraft carrier puts out each day. In truth I think computerized trash transport ships to send the trash from ship to shore would be perhaps cheaper, and when they eat with the foam dish or spoon they won't melt in their mouth, since biodegradable foam is the other option considered to save the oceans and shores by the navy!
