Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Was William Shakespeare Real?

Author Michael Shermer asks of those who believe Shakespeare’s writing was by another author, the other authors who would be Will might be Christopher Marloe, Bacon, and 50 others.

I was telling my mom the English professor I had another way out for old chrome dome, and she scoffed, We all know Shakespeare was real. "But wait, there’s more of what!"

Shermer says, "In science, a reigning method of explanation is presumed provisionally true and continues to hold well until a challenging explanation of the current evidence and also accounts for anomalies the prevailing one cannot. Using that principle here, by general truth Shakespeare wrote his own plays until other contenders make it well known a challenger fits more of the literature and the historical evidence."

"Some say Shakespeare’s labors would only have been created by anothor author of high learning, yet the words make lots of allusions to the high school marms Shakespeare had, not Cambridge and Oxford dons. He often and commonly writes of schoolmarms and loud volumes, saved by the christmas bell..

How could authors of humble culture have written with a higher level of erudition?
"His father was a middle class land owner whose estate was valued at the then respectable sum of 500 pounds, (you could buy a modest villa for 50 pounds) and whose station is life was high or higher than Marlow or Ben Johnson, who were actually sons of a shoemaker and a mason, respectively, and they somehow managed to master the high drama of the 1600's well.

In addition there were so many words written about him by those who knew him, we assume he was not a mere clown who went to FL to celebrate winter!"

Even so while the above seems enough, it’s actually merely the best proven, and here’s where my mom realized what I was saying with my ye old world word processor;

There are two major ommissions;

Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens a new believer in the unauthorized authorization of "doubtsaboutwill.com" site , asks," Where are the books? You can’t be a scholar of that depth and not have any books where you live. He never wrote others, he was never seen present at any major event, the coronation of James or any of that stuff. I think the evidence he was not the author is beyond a reasonable doubt."

Shermer goes on to say although the contenders say this is disproof, with no manuscripts, receipts diaries, or letters, they neglect to mention that we have none by any of the other author contenders either.

My mom, the PhD MP condones Shakespeare. I never had time to read his plays, one day I might, and I may read Shakespeare’s Juliet and other yarns. Some of my own writing has been influenced by yarns of the old world type.
I was always reading encyclopedias or comics and inventing my own as on my site
. It’s been said he who blends the necessary with the sweet has the blessing of most in life, so I would either try to solve problems or build up celebrations with all I had in life. On TV I would watch the tragedies and comedies, the news and commercials, Jeopardy and Hee Haw, or The Wheel, which mom says has important elements of both! Even so like a good math conundrum, more evidence than we have would be considerate of old Will.
A goal would be to explain not mere mentions by other authors of Shakespeare, it would be of worth to know why we have no memos or mentions of Shakespeare at the major events, one of Will’s ways out may not be other authors, rather the following may be;

Newton said he cared not much for the world outside, and Newton’s maid is quoted as saying, "Newton never went out once for bowling or any other activities" And he "Did not care for the politics of the world, just to improve what he knew well about physics and math." This might explain why Shakespeare was at none of the festivals, lots of authors and other greats never went out to socialize, This itself isn't impossible.
About the missing documents, there may be two reasons. Perhaps like many of the ancients like Pliny the Elder (encyclopedia) he had a secretary since it’s not well known but true "Shakespeare wasn’t able to write without the royal express permission" above the boos and hisses of the London authorities who tried to stop celebrations. I think it’s possible they may have gotten hold of all his papers and books and burned them at once, not uncommon in those days, nor uncommon for most works of an author to survive even if some tried to ban them. Carl Sagan in Cosmos describes how books were banned in the 1500's, while like in ancient Greece when the philosophers school was for those elect who ate no ancient pizza, the unrepentant wanted pizza, while the philosopher already learned about life 111! There were so many who liked to read, no doubt the authorities too, censure was often better for the author more often than those who hoped to stop authors. Or perhaps Will went to the big events in his actor’s wear to dodge the authorities.
Plots to assassinate (a word Shakespeare invented) character with mere words or not so mere explosions were not uncommon in 15th and 16th century England like the Gunpowder Plot or the Popish Plot. And in those early days no one in particular may have been responsible documents vis a vis a great like Shakespeare, or in the stress of the plague and the religious wars this would have been more common.

If this was true, we might look for Shakespeare not in the documents of other authors, rather the authorities and any attempts to burn his papers or books by the authorities (though it seems the authorities with the most control, would be the most probable if this were so). There must be some explanation for both the real Will and the missing evidence we would expect to find. While this may not be the explanation, if there is a Will and Wills Way Out, this isn’t impossible and no other way to fit all the evidence is known. No doubt the book burning might have been in secret, so the authorities would remain popular, they knew there would be resistance.

This method of explanation for why we have no books or papers of Shakespeare would only allow the time from when he was more unnoticed due to the events of his time to when his documents were more in demand and when it would have gotten tougher to collect them all and burn them all without much awareness by fans. Perhaps this time was 200 years; if so there would be just his lack of presence at the festivals unexplained, perhaps his only unusual habit, or for good reasons like caution to stop boos and hisses of the other element, all the world's a www.org.