Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Using Magnetic Bubbles To Control Weather, and For Other Uses
We read about the use of magnetic bubbles for exploration of the solar system, a solar sail that is powered by the heat of the solar wind to move outward like by a usual sail, except by radiation pressure for the "starship".

I've thought of some other uses for magnetic bubbles, they could be used to make a giant lense of huge size to see distant earthlike worlds or as I say on this page we might use the magnetic field of Jupiter as a lense "as is" with no field to maintain with our machines other than the satellites around Jupiter that would relay the focus from ship to ship to see one field only.
We see on other sites that magnetic bubbles alone don't bend light, they only change the frequency not the refraction. Obviously if radiation pressure interacts with the bubble it must change it some way like this. Even so there is heat here in the summer and a bus headed my way to jog in the velodrome! To make a giant lense and for other uses, the solution as the sites like Wikapedia say about refraction caused by by electric or magnetic fields may be that magnetic fields have refraction when nonlinear medium is used, like a field with matter like atoms and electric charges. All materials have this type of refraction including gases, so Jupiter may make the best magnetic bubble telescope for many years because it has a plasma round it that may have enough refraction to make a good telescope cheaper. To make the larger telescopes we might fill the magnetic bubble with air of some type, and it's refractive index would be higher without too much loss of the air.

Other uses of magnetic or electromagnetic bubbles may be for weather control and power generation. Because a bubble above and around a city would hold in more static air which would be easier to heat in the winter and melt the snow, if the lense of the bubble also focuses more of the heat to the smaller central area of the city by control of its angle to the sun, cities in the N or entire areas of the country might be warm year round like for agriculture and also at cheap cost because the field also is like a great solar collector to power the field.
This might mean the huge zone the size of the US to the North and even antarctica might eventually be with as many people as are in other areas like Europe or Asia now. If the sea level may rise either because of this or global warming, here's my post about how we could keep sea levels the same by use of a small siphon to orbit, powered by osmosis, centrifugal force, or ionization to atomize and move the extra water away and save the coastal cities.

Magnetic bubbles might be used for power too. In the heat the large bubble like a giant lense would focus the heat on machine to collect the solar power. This would be much cheaper to build than many solar collectors.
