Monday, June 15, 2009

A Machine To Solve Future Oil Well Leaks Faster
Have you heard of the box that was tried to cap the BP oil well leak? If you take a box and try to drop it on a fountain like near a chateau it will probably either not cap the fountain even in 8 tries and even if it reaches the fountain the oil in the fountain will expand and stop the box from capping the well, it won't seal the well because a seal is needed to stop the flow by the box and even if the box lands just right, the pressure of the oil will just make the seal not probable. If the box is maneuverable enough to reach the well, it won't have enough weight to hold down and stop the flow.
Others have proposed implosion (of low implosives no doubt) to move the plug inward and seal the well. This would need a mostly perfect implosion and with lots of turbulence of the water and oil even if a perfect implosion was available, the only way this might be achieved would be by a large inward flow of the seal powered by higher explosives. It would have to convert from the fluid to implode to a solid fast to not leak fast.

Kevin Costner the actor has spent millions on centrifugal oil extractors that go in the ships and filter the oil from the water on the surface. Even so a better way to cap an oil well may be a blessing to millions of people who live by the shore.
A new way to cap the oil wells has recently been invented. While the implosion method might eventually work as explosives are developed with the characteristics needed, a better solution may be an impeller pump machine with vertical lift.
The machine proposed has five components, a large bell rather like a plunger used in drain research, an impeller pump powered by opposite spin of two strong power cables like conventional drilling power, a body of the machine with more buoyancy at the top where the wires connect to the pump deeper in the machine, sensors like cameras wired to the control ship at the surface to direct the machine itself, and small motors on the side to guide the machine to the well by way of the cameras.

To operate the machine it could easily be deployed by a ship or even sail out to where the well was on the surface and then go vertical to submerge if it has to be large. The bottom of the machine weighs more and higher has the right lift to first allow it to sink to above the well at the right height, reached by conventional methods like sonar. There are two main improvements over the box. First, the box can be dropped only once and it falls off each go round.. The implosion of the bell would seek the motion of the oil as it would rise and more often reach it by implosion, and the box would fill while the implosion would be continuous so unlike the box the oil wouldn't move the machine. Second, the lift of the machine makes it so it's heavy enough to be stable and yet because the force is more balanced, it's more maneuverable. Even in the improbable event of thirty attempts to connect the well to the machine, once connected it would maintain the implosion of the oil to the surface with tubes. (The impeller is needed lower down to balance the pressure up the pipes. If they used implosion from above, the deep water pressure would make the pipes collapse.) The reason it would be easier to connect would be because of the maneuverability, implosion with attraction, and the sensors to control the motion of the machine well. The training to operate the machine on the ship would be easy to learn and the machine would be much much more rich than BP’s savings so far! I’m not serious when alive 24/7!

... 10 7 14th, The inventor says he now realizes the above plan has one problem, leaks from the side around the well. To make a solid cap once the main implosion of the cap holds the machine to the well, a ring of concrete weights of known weight to more than seal the well would be dropped with the pipes in the center to guide this base foundation. The concrete would drop to the sea floor and the top implosion machine would be stopped and concrete or other stuff to seal the cap might be pumped from the ship above to the cap. The center of the cap would have a valve and a tube to the oil well flow, the valve would be off when the concrete was pumped in to cap the well and stabilize around the foundation. With the large concrete mass already almost enough to hold off the flow, just the lower edges of the ring might need the concrete pumped in via pipes to the edge, even so for more stability to find future oil riches too more concrete might be pumped in to add stability. Because the tube in the center us still connected to the well, for future oil, the valve might only have to be on or off and the oil is available and the oil would also be in reach in months or years.

There has been the new machine that uses booms on the surface and centrifugal machines to seperate the oil from the water, and even though this machine can indeed clean an Exxon Valdese size spill in just a few days, the implosion machine a better way to stop deep continuous spills like the BP, because although the boom machine cleans up the oil on the surface, for the deep spills that may go on for months the implosion machine goes to the well and doesn't have to just retrieve it after flowing from the well and up to the machine. The implosion machine may both save the oil and the fish fast and allows future use of the well.

I thought you might rather hear more about solutions to problems I know of to better help the world, not my awareness of my inner world but judging from the response here's the value to you also about what I think about the oil well,

My other comments on this post were actually hopes that because the oil spill was bad luck for Obama and BP I wouldn't say Obama at any rate is any more to blame than anyone else. Even so this is not the same as my belief. Politics are like hope, nice to be true if possible while my belief about evolution is trueness because strong reason to believe how we treat evolution is our life are my own. Being true is not the same as telling the truth. I don't feel my site is a place for political comment, Great minds are in the idea realm, others are in the realm of events and others just speak of people. Huygens said, Science was his religion and the world is his country. I would always watch Hee Haw and Extreme Trivia shows for years, both add a lot to conversation but I don't tend to try to combine my world and science. I put comics on the comic page and my main political belief is that increasing taxes and reducing spending is the most common sense and that reducing overcrowding because of it's major control of supply and demand is by far the best method we may have to survive and do well. I believe making lots of political labor may be nowhere near the worth of reducing the overcrowding, to increase supply of resources and reduce demand. Other political talk at this time seems to be not the main issue because only by treating the world with kindness in the most general sense can we expect to be blessed by its advantage. This seems to be a deep physical truth. Evolution, not just labor, is 99/100 of our life, and always was for millions of years. I spend as much of my time thinking about why I know as much as what I want to know. I don't usually say my belief, I have no real political belief other than earn my neighbors love, and this is a good way to stay out of trouble if any doubt about what the law and the rules say. Evolution is about common sense, and our knowlege of evolution has saved millions of lives by our science of agriculture the highest big business up in the hills and higher fields!

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