Friday, November 02, 2007

How To Cleanse Food; Smart Radiance
The Cure For Hearthburn is Fighting Fire With Cheeze!

You may see about how they're adding radiation to food like the equivalent of billions of chest X rays for some foods to stop food catastrophes like salmonella. There are 76 million cases of food borne illness mild to life threatening in the US. Advocates of food radiation-among them the CDC, The American Medical Association (AMA) and the World Health Association (WHO) say prevention of illness is enough risk to outweigh with the lesser risk of radiation. According to this month's issue of Energy Times 11 08 there are many safety flags about radiation, radiation also kills the good organisms in food that are good for us, takes out vitamins, and causes other serious problems. And irradiation doesn't stop prions (that cause mad cow disease) or other pathogens like viruses of foot and mouth disease and hepatitis. Massive radiation may hardly be called the best imaginable way to solve problems caused by food borne illness. The future may hold a real answer by first adding compounds to the food that combines with the genes of just the harmful organisms quite selectively also perhaps with other selective compounds to find what's unsafe in the chow; a low power beam shines on the food, and just the harmful bacillus would be seen, then a beam guided by this would zap just the harmful life, while leaving all the good life in good health. (the beam could also destroy the compounds to ID the bacillus if they were also perhaps a bit toxic.). You may have seen the operations opthamologists and other surgeons use with lasers that like a light you see at a rock concert is of lower power till the beams meet or the 3d TVs that use a foot round crystal where beams meet to make the image, you can't see the beams before they meet because they're lower power. And in the operation room the lower power beam has no real effect on the eye till it meets inside the eye, but where they meet the beams heat up enough to do surgery without cutting the eye at all. This is also used in what's called the gamma knife in brain surgery. 257 lasers go through the hat of the wearer (the aurora has a great power bost!) and don't damage the tissue where they meet to take out tumors even with no anesthesia, and it removes the cancer down to cellular size. While it would take a good bit of effort to find all the right compounds that would light up the harmful germs and chromosomes, this is within the realm of the science of 2008 and once it was well established this motif would rarely need improvement. So radiation may worth watching what hot dish you munch on while you read in your opthamologists zoom room!