Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Footwear of The Stars In the 4th of July Mom's Day Celebration
Feetwear that pump air to the foot have been devised, I tried a pair, and they didn't pump near enough air to cool my feet in the heat, like the state lottery where I live that has ads saying the lottery helps colleges, and they have the gambling overuse number on the same, I bet it may make a lot of the gamblers stop, if they just paid them a lot, this would cause good behavour! So the lottery is like August and without the Hoosier Millions. Even so shoes have been planned that have a zip around liner that fits around the side in hot weather, and it's worn like a flip flop, and when it rains it zips up so it converts from a sandal to rain. Another way to cool the feet is footwear that stores the water in pads higher up for protection in summer like how holiday shoppers around November wear pads and hats with shields to be able to shop in the savings mob. The pads are good protection for the legs and the air is pumped up from the feet and cooled by flow in the water and back down to the feet. The pad also stores water in the heat if other water has been depleted. (Disregard this if you live in Holland, below sea level! -The most Oxygen in the world is near the Aral Sea, ozone lives on!) You may see footwear that exercises the shoe while you walk, a motif that's been devised is a more adaptive exercise shoe actuated by computer, like with computerized electromagnets that change the feet in more complex and worthwhile ways than just unchanging magnets (like in reflexology, devised by the ancient and modern Chinese). It be a hoot if they had footwear in the heat with small shields above for shade and a computerized mist above the foot powered mostly by walking. Like the rain forest where it stays moist even in the heat, most of the water is in a loop (the water in the rain forest just rises a few hundred feet or vamps, and then is rain.). Actually the deserts are N and S of the tropics, so the US has more desert by far than Mexico, and the Sahara is actually N of the most heat. The main advantage the shield has over the pad cooled feetwear is the water, it's without closing the foot to seal it or leaving the foot completely open so the water is fizzed off, this is too hot if open and also it makes the foot too moist and would allow athletes foot ect if closed. There is an optimum level both of circulation with much higher cooling than air cooled, but the water is saved so less is used, and it's computerized so when you go in the store it keeps your feet comfy by stopping the pump from the foot.
