Friday, September 07, 2007

Dogs Typing May Have A Lot To Say!
...Have you heard of that dog in Europe who was in the news who was able to recognize more than 200 words? Dogs seem to know as much as infants and they are actually finding ways to see what the infant has to say. The time an infant looks at what's around them in the room is about what they like, the more time the infant looks they find the more weight they place on the conclusion, what the infant thinks is true.. With this they've proof of all sorts of truth about babies, they are smart and are able to see mama and father and know about physics, math, words and geometry even hours after lamaz, they know more sooner about much than was believed. I would always say before I read this about babies, I had a neighbor who would say to his baby, "Bring me my boots", and the baby would always help with the boots, even if he couldn't talk. Another realm where they can find out what nontalk geniuses like Sir Issac think is like with life of other types like a mouse or a hoot they put in a hall with two options, one hall has the water to splash around in and the other perhaps has no pool. They find that animals like mammals like the wave machine much better, so this about knowing all sorts of ideas about animals has been of worth to animal rights where they can prove whether animals say in a barn are in misery or not, and they know much more about animal psychology by these methods.

...What about dogs? They have basic computerized dog trainers which are often no more than an ultrasonic whistle and a battery, here the "computer" is just the person who is the trainer. This is a way to know what the dog thinks of the trainer. Just as much worthwhile perhaps would be to know what the dog has to say! If the dog can recognize 200 words, this puts dogs in the level of other animals they've been teaching sign language to since the 70's. You can't teach a dog sign language, it would be wild watching a dog with sign language, but a dog can move it's paw up and down and a bit side to side, so it may be of worth to see if the dog would be able to be trained with a typewriter, sort of like a Chinese typewriter, with the pictures or other symbols of the 200 words like the 200 word dawg about 14X14 symbols, except they all wouldn't be nouns (All the dog did was fetch lots of nouns and so on.) This would be a way for the first time for dogs to "Speak! Speak!" If not Sing! I once read this joke where they said this 12 year old taught his dog how to talk. The other kid says, what's the worth of a talking dog? And the other kid says, "I can think of at least a few dog food companies who would pay millions so he would stop talking!" "How much do we have to know to teach tricks to a dog? At least as much as the dog" With this typewriter for the dogs, the dogs now may be more up on the web than before! If evolution is involved, dogs and perhaps other animals like felines may say they know a lot more than people think. How much does the dog know? They might be used as witnesses in crimes if they were reliable. You may have seen like on Yahoo News where this dog to save a person when he has a stroke or other sudden illness, the dog types in 911 on the wire and saves their life, though the dog may not be the witness of the highest worth if without a good trainer, at any rate with good guidance they could say with the typewriter what they think happened, like with their better sense of smell. (This is being researched to diagnose illness better than machines, so in many cases if the dog told the truth while he was typing in 911 plus comments, the ambulance would be better prepared, in the most critical moment perhaps the most important distance between life and death otherwise unsaved). Mark twain said if it were a just world the dog would go to heaven and us too I hope, now we may be able to go to dog heaven more often!

Copyright 2008 Charles Frederic Lawson