Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Weather Control With Fusion; Plan B

There are many who say they believe that fusion power may be viable in 10 years. It actually may be even sooner via experiments based on Lerner's use of the more efficient way a proton and hydrogen's opposite charges are implosive in hopes to create fusion that would slam the proton and neutron of the hydrogen with enough force to make them fuse. These and other motifs such as my own ATOMIC MOTOR may eventually realize the power of safe atomic energy.

As you see on these sites, it may be possible to control tornadoes, then hurricanes by small machines that simulate these storms, to then build the machines at larger size. In still more advanced science, focus fusion or other high energy physics may be powerful and cheap, so machines could be used to improve the weather of both the hot and cooler regions of the world if other cheaper ways are not as viable like magnetic bubbles or e.g. to shade the earth or mirrors in orbit to heat the cities of like Alaska or Norway. (I include this discussion of weather control via strong power sources for sake of completeness, if the cheaper plans like the magnetic bubble are not viable or perhaps to add to them for better control.) Fusion based machines eventually might be used to stop weather like blizzards and monsoons. With more powerful fusion machines in the future it may become possible to modify even blizzards by heat from beams that would heat the air from the earth so much the snow would become rain, and also the beams would be used to smooth the heat distribution, so there would be less rain or snow if it were better to have a dryer month or less snow. With machines of giant power the moisture in the air could be increased in the desert and the heat decreased with electric absorption of the heat to improve the weather there. Monsoons might be stopped by even flow of the air and large scale absorption of moisture by machines on land or the ocean. If it were better for the ecology to keep the desert dry, like a rich woman's good touch for what she empowers, the machines that have been invented to get swimming pools' worth of water from even the desert air of the west might be scaled up so much with fusion power all the world could be an oasis just where you would hope to see more rain...

This would seem to take a lot of expensive machines but the fusion would make the production of all except materials cheaper and it would make the recycling of what materials there are more viable so we might never run out.

Even More Weather For 2057!

One concern that is voiced lke on the Wikapedia site about weather control is about what if the machines went AWOL and caused say double the heat or rain. If the machines were always ground based for safety and were also in small mostly autonomous modules that could heat or cool, no more than, say 30 degrees each, if there were a large number of them if a few failed and the rest continued, this would be no problem even like in earthquakes or war.

How World History May Be Changed (In General) By Fusion


Closer to 2008, some believe this idea of redundancy may be of worth for more conventional fission power plants. They have the small fission power plants that last about 20 years with no maintenance to power perhaps a village, but if they fail they have to be dug up and sent in for repairs, and they've had modular atomic power plants that are with interchangable parts for safe construction since the 70's. Another idea has been the plants that use a cooling fluid that boils up and automatically shuts down the power plant if it overheats, this seems safe because it's simple but my belief is that anywhere with lots of heat there is the potential for meltdown, for example since the boilover plant would use gravity to work, an earthquake could turn it on it's side and it would be fail safe, if living in the old old country! While this could be made to operate at any angle by use of suitable "plumbing" of the machine it wouldn't be as good as the following plan because of manufacture and storage thus being standardized;

The way redundancy would be of worth would be by making small modular power plants in the shape of cylinders and each of these would generate a moderate amount of heat like the weather control machines above (but then the weather is always up) and would be a self contained machine. This would make it so if one of the units has a meltdown since it can't melt to the other units this meltdown would be the worst that would happen, because each unit would be well sealed and the maximum heat ever of each plant would below the power it would take to melt the other units. (This is sort of like the idea where to make radioactive waste inert, they embed it in a solid matrix that's so solid it can't circulate around when buried or perhaps like the philosopher's stone it can't be dissolved with the universal solvent, turning Madonna's LP's to gold or giant orlons!) The idea of modular power units for fission would allow standardized production of atomic power plants as a unit and it's believed they would be engineered for both maximum safety and reliability because they would be standardized and the modules would be built online and then shipped to the power station where they would just be plugged in. The outside of the power plant (of conventional size) would have a seal to further reduce any risk of catostrophe. This could be used to make any sized power plant from just one module to many, offering room for easy conversion to optimal size of the power plant. After 20 years they would be plugged out and sent in a standard unit without convrsion to other form for storage.

To solve the storage problem eventually cheap ways to reach orbit may be achieved to boost all the radiant debris outward or to the sun (cost per payload pound has dropped a lot in recent months as the boosts go higher and higher) or the radioactivity might also be solved using fusion as power source by reversed beta decay. (This would be a reversal of the usual process of radioactivity by injecting electrons that would cut the field lines of the strong force using much reduced electric energy [the strong force quantum numbers are integrally combined with the electric charge numbers] to make the nucleus radiate out without waiting millions of years (and the power from this could also be collected and used as heat making the conversion of mass to energy of the Uranium or other heavy element more efficient). More about Reducing Radioactivity.

I like to drink milk, exercise, and eat right. I want to fit in all the zooms of my life at christmas!