Monday, May 28, 2007

Gravity Power Machines + Power Via + Mass Density

What may be a real way to solve the energy crisis! As I say elsewhere I was falling asleep one night and heard the train and wondered what happened if all that downward force was converted to sideways motion, sort of like converting the gravity to more linear centrifugal force, so the train would go forward more efficiently. I realized a collector could be put in the trucks of the train's wheels that would convert some of the downward force to electric power that would then power the more efficient motion of the train forward. Perhaps the collectors would be like the electric crystals they used to use on in the needle of old record players, these generate electric power by way of mechanical compression of the mass, they converted the pressure exerted by the sides of the groove of the groovy 33 rpm machine to the signals that were then used to make the sound of the box. Using these collecters on the train would be one type of gravity powered machine, the same way the Earth or the Sun generates outward heat by way of the inward compression. It wouldn't be an infinite power source because the heat sources like the sun would run out of helium or other mass eventually, but we may have to wait awhile for this, and we would have a wire that would reach all the way from the sun to a hybrid Lexus of 93,000,000 miles!

If we had a super dense sort of mass or perhaps just used the weight of large buildings with power collection machines at the bottom this may be used as a source of power. The earth generates heat outward by pressing the mass on top against the mass below it and energy conservation shows even if you press one mass on another and no overall motion is observed, heat is always emitted. So if you press two solid masses together with whatever type of motive power even if no motion takes place, heat would be collectable to some extent. If you had a heavy enough mass and a support structure so it wouldn't fall to your fuzzy boots, this may be a gravity powered machine like the Earth. The two masses like plates would be being pressed even if by the gravity of the earth, when work is done heat is emitted, whatever the source of the compacting force.

To build a support structure of a house would be expensive and complex to retrofit, so PROTON SOLIDS may be of future worth. (Protons solids are super dense solids made of protons. The giant electric charge of these super dense proton wires would be cancelled by a tube of electrons on the outside, in a sort of continous stretched out atom.) These proton wires would have super density and this is where gravity powered machines reenter the scene. If you have a proton solid in a composite lump of mass blended in with more usual mass, it would have the right weight, say 10,000 pounds or whatever to be supported well, but components of the mass would be easy to ship and unify onsite or just a machine would take usual mass and convert it to the proton wires perhaps just made of hydrogen from the air and the composite. If the protons are not easy to come by, the machines like Farnsworth's Fusor could make neutrons, and in a few minutes they would be protons by radioactivity. If you then build the support structure (remember the mass is whatever is optimal 10,000 pounds 2000, or whatever) and set it up, because it's gravity powered, it would generate heat by continual pressure between the mass of the composite mass and the mass below like the Earth and Sun, via the pressure between lower and higher layers of mass, with no cost other than construction. The electrons of the atoms of the mass between the layers would have to do a bit more labor to go around each orbit of the atom caused by the change of shape of each atom by the compression, so this would thus cause the electrons to emit heat by work being done. Gravity power machines like this would be a generator that could be built anywhere the earth was solid. The support could be of the super dense solid and just a column that would branch out for a broad support belowground and the column above would take almost no room in a building. To maximise power, the size of the collection plates or other collectors would be reduced, because the pressure is force divided by area. If it were too small it would have no area, and if it were too large it would have reduced power.

An improvement over this may be to dig a well below the building or other URL and use collection motors around the outside of inside of the well (where else, inside it!). If the well is 50 feet deep the well is just an inch wide (easy to drill) and the proton solid or solid composites that would be the motor rotor were small but weighed tons and were dropped so slowly it took a year to reach the base of the well, if the proton masses were an inch deep and more were dropped each year till the well was filled, the well would give power for 600 years. The side of the well would be the stator. For twice the power more wells would be dug. Proton solids made of usual trash weighing 5 pounds (by use as a more dense solid with more mass density at reduced distance) would weigh say 500 pounds because the force of gravity multiplies up for the same mass at reduced distance. Conversion of the atoms of trash to protons might be achieved via subatomic physics where the strong force can be made nonbinding by reverse beta decay. Beta decay is the main radioactive process (of expansion outward of the particles) in physics. To reverse beta decay an electron is added to a proton of the atom converting it to a neutron, by the strong force this won't attract the other atomic neutron, so both atomic neutrons exit the atom and they in turn radiate out to protons and electrons in 12 minutes by the usual physics. More About Beta Decay and Reducing Radioactivity...

(Reverse beta decay may have great worth in reducing radioactive waste and decontamination, and materials science, if we run out of materials on the earth we could take Hydrogen from worlds like Jupiter and make mass in any amount by combination of the elements of the hydrogen up to heavier atoms.)

Another way to get the materials to make the proton wires might be hydrogen from water in the air. Protons from this or other sources would be then rearranged into proton wires with protons combined in small funnels. As usual each proton would combine in the funnel to the tube via alternating S and N magnetic poles to give the theoretical stronger electric binding strength of the field lines compressed by the protons strong force field than any other magnetically or electrically bound solid. With the super mass of weight made of proton solids a well would be dug, and with a rotor in the well powered by the solid, power could be collected from the machine from the day of its construction onward and some of this power could be used in turn to ionize more protons from the air and make more proton wires and solids, generating more power and this cycle could be repeated indefinitely for unlimited totally clean power. (Ovelapping atoms with positive valence would be used to make the inside surface of the funnels so the protons wouln't combine before they were formed into the wires.)

A third way proton wires might be achieved could be to take hydrogen atoms, move them all into a tube (as with the above). Each atom is N-S N-S in the tube so the opposite poles are aligned to attract. The hydrogen atoms would be set spinning so the electrons on the outside would be more outward and the atoms would be more flattened out in pancakes and the N-S poles more unshielded, so they would ettract more than usual. In step three, the pressure on the more flattened atoms would be from both ends of the tube, adding more force so the protons are more linked because they've gone from the outside (in seperate atoms) to the inside of one atom. Once linked by the strong magnetic field, the electrons would stay around the outside to make the tube that would have 0 electric charge so the baneful excess electric charge of the protons would be solved.

Might we build a Journey to the Center of the Earth as has been believed by some by heating a large amount of magma and then blast a fissure with atomic power? In this the molten stuff would then melt it's way down with a probe inside the flow of the magma that would send back information via sonar cyber beeps. The reason drilling is not considered the way to sieve out the information about the earth's deepest unknown geology is because science has given up on drilling deeper than about four miles because when they go deep the they have to pull the drill bit out. They sink another bit and by the time the ersatz bit is down deep the magma has flowed in the well so it has to be dug all over again; no matter how many times they repeat this the magma always wins because it's just a slow flowing lava at depth. This is why the plan to drop the probe inside the magma has actually been considered. With a super dense solid, it may be much easier because the probe would be so heavy it would substitute the lava because it could be cheap, and since pressure is force divided by area it wouldn't need a huge amount of lava or blasting, it would melt down by it's own force. This is a sort of drilling and so gravity powered heavy solids are a sort of heating and melting, even if in machines like a well where only heating would take place, so gravity powered dense weights used in wells by this reasoning would essentially be a source of heat, and thus, power.

Giant power plants could be built onsite for corporate business (or just biz!) this would be a vast clean power source. If the train jostling the weight would make the collectors like of piezoelectric or other sort generate more power, part of the power collected from the gravity would be used to shake the machine, more output than input is like The 20/20 BC History Station!

Why shouldn't more power radiate out thermodynamically than in near the earth? If gravity radiates in, more heat then radiates out at another wavelength, this would be the cause of entropy. Gravity has a sort of opposite radiation of implosion, and it never wears out or runs down (eclipses haven't slowed a bit with shielding since the ancients were good astronomers who had books and insight about authorship). If overall matter is neither created or destroyed part of physics will always be winding it up at no cost or thermodynamics would already have unwound over infinite time. The earth has achieved this for millions of years, like the Cesium Watch the wife got on her birthday when she was 33.248597!

Carl Sagan in Cosmos says if you had a spoonful of the superdense stuff of some stars and dropped it near the earth ("and you could hardly do otherwise") it would go through all the earths layers of rock and lava and out the other side, then back by the gravity, punching holes in the earth at lower and lower power by the friction with each go round of the in and out motion. Finally it would settle down inside the earth, so the weight of density of proton wires may be of worth. If they were on the moon and wanted lots of power they could just dig a well and drop the solid to generate power via electric motors around the spiralling proton solid as it collects gravity power. The mass is already at the top of the well to begin with, by converting it to much higher density at the higher level because mass attracts more when it's more dense it would create more power than usual, this would then be used for power as it would fall to the center.

They have a machine they may use on the moon which would lift up the moon base on wheels like an RV on the Moon and move it and then refound the base, but if they had lots of cheap electric power they could just use the centrifugal force of the oscillations a wheel slice in patented machines for propulsion of the launching machines to move around the Moon or Mars. These would be powered by the stationary gravity well well via a laser beam up to it from the power source to launch the lander and it could go to anywhere on the Moon, and more cheap power may make all the activities of colonization of the Moon or Mars more feasable to achieve.
They've used the moon sensors to see what seems to be a lake's worth of ice at the lunar poles and they say this would be worth more than billions or trillions because if on the moon it's at higher orbit than the Earth's more cumbersome mass that would raise the payload cost more than booting even this much water up there, with the high cost of payload per pound. The oxygen in the water may be used for air, the water to booze (99,000 jugs of moonshine on the wall! 99,000,000 bottles of Alka Fizz.) and rocket fuel to go from the Moon to Mars (via the hydrogen). If they could just drop the superdense solid they would make on site just from the usual atoms around them with a small machine and a drill, they could use more of the water to breathe and have enough to drink, so it would last longer than the higher cost of blasting lots of water to the moon, eventually I think they could just crash a watery comet into the pole where the shade is so it won't boil away by the usual small-asteroid-deflected-by-the-beam-to-send-the-larger-asteroid- to-then-move-the-comet-to-the-moon motif, this would put real water and other minerals on the moon cheap. Or the comet could be put in orbit around the Moon or Earth for cheap water, oxygen, hydrogen and minerals, a rotating shade around the outside of the comet would keep it from melting.
4.6 trillion out of almost five trillion cigarettes have non biodegradable filters. A good way to stop smoking will be to always have the cigarette burn outward away from the inhaler!