Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Giant Bio Computer, Each Cell Has All The Memory

A High Speed Rest Up The Memory Information Superhighway

They've found no definite center of memory in the brain, the entire image is in each small bit of the media it's stored in, so they compare it to a hologram. In the history of inventions, the brain has usually been compared to the highest memory storage at the time. The brain was compared in the 1800's with photography, in the early 20th century to a computer and in the later 20th century to a hologram. I think this is too simple because if all the cells in the brain had all the memory, evolution would have thought of just using a cell or two with a few spares for emergency. This may be like cloning and DNA because all the cells in the body have the same DNA which can be used to clone the entire dog, cat, or sheep, so the story would go. In actual life science no doubt it's not so easy. It's not natural to have all the control in one cell, or we would all be made of one cell. Division of labor in more complex life is stronger. All computers speak the same general language, but software to make sounds out of old LP's is not the same as the software to make 21'st century cybo memos, it's more efficient to use more than one type of software, and more than one type of cell. The brain has all the memory in one cell or cell unit but there are specialized structures that the other cells may be unaware what are about. Even so we may get a lot out of using these cell units if they contain most of the memory, as much as a supercomputer in a region just the size of a cell, whole rooms could be made with each cell with a seperate connection and life support, like having a hugely larger computer than the same amount of brain power.


How does the brain create memory? I would liken it to a reflective pool where, like the hologram, the waves reach each cell. Unlike the hologram however it's changing in time so the reflections would be stored by something that changes in time. It seems the cells would be sort of growing at least at the synapses like with tree rings, and as the memory is formed that layer of the strata is layed down and stored on all the neurons of that type. To access the memory it won't take 20 years of rewind to remember to feed the horse before the show if there are sideways connections, sort of a shortcut by way of the wiring. A third distinction is about how the process of thinking builds up more of the cells used for that memory, a hologram is read only and like some forms of computer chips you read and write at the same time.
They've found that there are a few cells that control the rest of the brain, I would liken these to a "boss" and the rest of the cells to the "employees". While in the short run it would seem just controlling the boss would control all the rest well, if you have a boss with too much labor he could be sort of a dictator so in the longer term to strengthen the brain the better way may be to alternate in cycles with herbs or other strengthening motifs like exercises between the boss and the laborers, like the way evolution goes between mutation and selection or how science goes between theory and experiment or how the congress when it was ascendant was in cycles between the many democrats and the one of the republicans. Who would have thought the boss was no comic genius? Research shows that the rich people like the boss couldn't pay all the taxes even if they wanted to, there just aren't enough rich people to do it, the bourgeous were always the strength of great civilizations.

They say that we use all 100% of our brain but do we have such a great memory we remember just the past? I think evolution wouln't favor this because after a certain level, it might be easier to live in the past, and the future is what we have left like Bob Dylan may have said, "Don't Rewind your Rhyme, Your LP Has A Range Somewhat" (I can't remember! I wasn't alive in 1957.) Some use the explanation of memory where it's like a forest with an open meadow in the woods with the woods around it and there are the memory animals each about the memory, that show up in the meadow when we remember them. They are there all the time, but only when visable are we aware of what we've remembered. You hear about the brain research where they say when the brain is stimulated in operations it's proof we remember all there is, it's just that it's not apparent that we have. But if evolution favored looking foreward to make survival more probable, there would seem to be a tendancy to make much of the memory out of reach. The animals of the memory wear a path and the more traveled paths would be kept in use, but the woods to the side of the thickets in the brush would be so tangled with time the memory animal couldn't reach to fit in that path. If evolution favors the use it or lose it plan and it's more in our favor to create memories than just remember, this implies that the brain would have some sort of constant randomizing growth that would like the forest growing over and reducing unused memory paths. The reason the memory is recalled like in the operation would be sort of like going in the brush with a bright light, you can see well and the memory is "recalled" but just as with the brush it's tougher to move around in the path of the memory, so a prediction of this idea of memory not being constant may be that these memories found in the operations would be more with confusion just as in the brush with a bright light you often can't see what's in the forest as you move to many angles and you just get bits and pieces of the image with all the branches and leaves between you and the memory. This is possible but memory may not be like this exactly and the beam may be more illuminating, but it would seem to be true to some extent if the idea would be that the forest is continually growing over to keep the more worthwhile memories in use. So while we would actually remember off the memory path in a sort of passive way, in actual life most people would use 100% of the mind power they have in the present but for the most part we don't have memory of what time we got up and what we did the rest of the day 20 years ago, memory wouldn't be as much of worth as life, what's ours is the lifetime ahead of us <<<< ENRICHED BREAD MEMO FOR BOSS BUSINESS BOOST !-