Monday, November 20, 2006

How To Solve a Sometimes Melancholy Dream ... All your beds are good beds I hope, but like a house fire science shows most people have a melancholy dream sometimes in their life. My experience shows that sad dreams say, once in a year* seem just about an unproved motif, and they didn't turn out to be so when you're up with the yawn. This motif of a simple melancholy dream is leverage to solve the motif using the power of humor when awake; To solve the dream, observe why it was impossible (based on the evidence) and make a wild association about it. The study of comedy about the most good motif of the REM is of value here, I recommend sites like AHA Comics.

If you dreamed you brought a saw to your job interview, you'll still be worth a lot in 20 years, why?

Solution; You couldn't have brought the saw because you weren't watching old songs where violins were, they don't saw it on the radio in the year 2000!

If you dream your village in the hills had a huge flood and you were up on the roof,

Solution; Thanks to global warming NOAA says it hasn't rained up here in a million years. No rain and if there was, why would it rain up, we're always near the salt of the earth even at our altitude!

This motif of finding the contradiction in the evidence, and making comedy out of it can also be used for bad ideas we all have somewhat, however it's of reduced (while still some) value with persons because it's sort of like using the evidence against the person, leaving them without as much of an out (not as efficient if you like a ship of friendship) so this I just use this for improving me and accentuate the positive with others by other motifs. An orthodontist is a person who disagrees with us but lets the conversation go on without discontinuation of the speech! See MY COMEDY MACHINE, and MY HUMOR CAUSOLOGY Part II in the Site Map at top of the site or on the Comedy Machine link for more.

Sonya Richards Olympic Runner is fiancee of a Pro football star. Atheletes run in most rich familys!
If you go to MA up in the Airwest or the Air higher up it would be best if they had camera zooms on the outside of your plane that you would don your virtual reality eyewear and see what it would be like as if you were in the afterlife up in the air when you look around, you would be of high elf esteam!

*If you have more sadness than a sad dream once in awhile, research shows you may have trouble learning about the good things in life, but you may be able to force your way back to the good side the best if you use good tricks like this. Doctor walking and doctor comedy are so you can be liked by nurse Goodbody for visits. If you're edgy a new patented derivative from nicotine (spelled sideways sort of) called cotanine may calm you with almost no toxicity and no risk of addiction like nicotine. Ask your doctor, lots of doctors and scientists and other professionals in the old days smoked because they said it made them think more clearly, and this has been proven about the brain chemical acytlcholine, involved in smoking, actually cotanine is so strong, it's used to stop smoking while losing weight while riding the white water, or whatever! I think cotanine may be used to help people be more financially secure in the new field of brain economics, by what else, using tricks like this to influence behaviour about business, this may be of major import to our lives in general. When in the MRI if they think the worth is lower when it's higher, we could find the herb or compound that makes investors win and the nation with this advantage might be richer is so, like melatonin was for sleep except for business. While Shaw believed that the great evil was to be impoverished, it may also be lack of wages or wherewithall!