Wednesday, December 07, 2005

CopyWrite, 4000 BC Power

Some think copyright should be stopped (since it would slow or stop genuises like Shakespeare or Euripides who both used other author's yarns) because all the good ideas are used up. Although by the definition of copyright both would be without wages since their ideas were all derived from other authors, they wrote in their own words. A person may copy an idea if it's unusual enough in the words of the author. Copyright is good for authors, without it they wouldn't be paid. If it wouldn't stop Euripides and Shakespeare, it wouldn't stop what a Grecian Urns if a Winch uplifts us. The web has been compared to communism because of value shared in common. I would liken this more to "marms in shush rooms" where knowledge is shared as common value without author royalties for thousands of years. The web is just a big store of Wow chips, the main distinction is that web wise it's easier to create, access and copy information. Civilizations have all had the same two general types of people most essential to upward spirals, the creators and the storers. The sculptor of Venus in Blue Jeans, the authors, the science whizzes, and other inspirational whizzes make the most civilization and the memory storers would save and store up the boxtops for all the ages ahead. To say the web is like the collective is to underestimate the beautician marms who are always in swimsuits who run it.

Have you tried those online translators? My aunt tried to translate, "Where is my television set?" in ancient greek and sure enough she's not been shipwrecked by the laugh track of the gods for ages!


Einstein is well known for science and a nobel prize but he was also a writer in other realms. Human rights, disarmament, and an inventor, of both a gyroscope to steer subs and boats and a coolant system used in atomic power stations were some of his inventions and ideas. He may have never gotten a drivers licence, so he never would go through a stop light faster than the sped of light if he was at rest with watches in a railway station! And Einstein was a philosopher who wrote 200 books. He believed unseen realms were within our comprehension. Some wonder why he believed this. Even if Einsten didn't say why, I think he may have thought this because all the cosmos is connected up by energy conservation. Reflections of all the rest would be seen in the usual world around us. This also means because the mass and energy around us is finite when all the most important theories are found, the causologys that follow would be of value not so much since the number of usual reflections is finite and bounded. Like dinosaur fossils, only so many will be found, and beyond this no more would be dug up. If no more dinosaurs are found and the hill levels out, I may either dig in deep or go to museums more often! I'm undecided if I would want to shop for more, so I'll be more up on the informercial. Once the number of main physics motifs is encompassed there may be no more and while the number of the inventions and applications from the main physics may go on for even hundreds of years afterward, physics seems no more complex than a chess match and the basic elements are not going to change anytime soon. Gravity and electromagnetism seem to be the general rules. Even so while there obviously will be more physics in the strong force or deeper in the realm of the subatomic physic, like subatomic physics so far, there may actually be few general uses, we may go somewhat beyond the Higgs (or other most elementary particle) derived from the most basic mass and energy and no more. The general physics are going to stay the same and once all the main science is found there may be no more we can just create.
