Sunday, December 17, 2006


.When Einstein was asked what the greatest power in the world was, he said, "Compound Interest." He got much appreciation!

They say morticians are the last one to let you down,It's safer to go on a plane than recieve medical care, but up here where I live health improves at three times the speed of sound!

I'm on the dish diet-it's where I eat what I watch!

I was asked when my favorite time to be alive in history was, "Ancient Greece? 1600?" I said "Always, I'd be real old, but I'd be alive more often!"

I go for optimal bus trips in London to see my opthomologist- On a bus where both the lower and upper level both zoom up the superhighway!

I once had this marm who was a sweetheart. She would say on the exam, "All the questions on this exam have solutions, pick them all and you'll always bee mine."

.I was in a marathon and I won! How many laps are in a marathon?