Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Miscellaneous Bits (Both Assorted and Unsorted!)

"EGYPTIAN 'tomb' was mummy workroom"

A supposed burial chamber turns out to be a workshop. A chamber discovered last month in The Valley of the Kings was a room used by the ancient Egyptians for mummifying pharaohs buried in the area, rather than a tomb, Egypt’s top archaeologist said Monday." I always wondered what a mummy did for a living!

They've found that sight of such as an accident may cause temporary blindness by strong emotion and it originates in the brain, stairs are safe in rooms if I think otherwise!!

A gene for wit has also been found to be about being a good at the twist or the watusi. Survival in the ice age was more probable for the party animals who could dance because dancing would use many of the same skills, coordination, and so on-and it's good exercise running from wild animals while shagging with 80's hits!