My Stuff/Batch/July 9th 2011


They've found that taking small droplets of water and a small mesh in the air captures droplets of moist steam for about a gallon milk jug of water a day from about 3 ft.of the web. There are people in the world who have to walk 1 mile or 2 a day to get water and the water is there already because a third of the fresh water in the world is in the air. Most of the rest is in antarctica. So we see these types of pumps that e.g. pump water in socks from your foot to dry them by wicking by way of compounds that are in the sock.

Another kind of pump like the sock is a surface that radiates out heat at a wavelength that is transparent to heat. The other frequencys of most hot materials radiate and reverb in after radiation so less heat is lost and the air acts as a sort of insulator.Thus like a mass in a vacuum, they've invented a jug that is removes heat in minutes! One good use of this may be for power, the hot and cold temperatures both nearby might be best if electricity is gained.

What does a dog with allergy say. Arfchoo! What does a feline have? allergies to woof umbrellas! Woof rainwear!

What's a good saw? Most saws yank a much huger amount of matter from the cut than the number of electrons needed. Soon there may be saws with sensors that find the electron bonds most of value and then per se an electrical current or laser could make the cuts with the highest efficiency possible. Otherwise a lot of molecules are cut and broken through other molecules, much dragging and vibration. This might be faster, using only a reduced cut and power. This is an electric saw, electric not in the sense of motorized, rather in the method of a computerized electric cut, and then a blade, sort of like a sharp coping saw.

This trick might be used in reverse, that is a machine might sense the materials to bond and then arrange the charges of all the molecules on both sides so they fit together in a more permanent fuse, this could be use to bond stuff and fuse them for more bonds than otherwise, not a Mormon with 50 otherwives! To treat materials not smooth the surfaces could be primed; for smoother surfaces like metals all the bonds could match. Most materials other than plastic and glass believe it or not are actually crystals. With many more bonds than usual glue, this is super glue and Better Business Bizz!

 Bill Andrews is doing reseearch with what are called telomeres, there are most who believe telomeres are important to perhaps living to 150. Bold? Amazing? There is amazing evidence that telomeres are important to aging. Lab mice given a compound that shortens telomeres as in life where the older we are the shorter our telomeres are, the mice develop all or most of the symptoms of old age, smaller brain, grey hair, ect. Coincidence?  I don't know, I'm only 35 years old this month. When the telomeres are then relengthed all the symptoms of youth return! It's like we find a 90 year old and shorter telomeres then make them a 20 year old in health! One problem with telomeres though is it's not known if they are good or bad for cancer. There's conflicting evidence, in truth telomerase, the enzyme that stops the telomeres from shortening causes cancer in more than 3/4 of cells with it. There was no word in the research if the mice with telomeres in youth also got cancer.

Andrews has searched through more than 57,000 herbs to see if he can find any way to increase telomeres. This seems not coincidence. There are perhaps 5 known herbs that increase libido even of 200,000 plants in evolution's fields. If there are so few, there may be fewer yet that add to telomeres. Any herb that increases life without increasing the number of births of the same species would be no more advantage to plants because natural fitness is measured mostly by this. Then why are older persons treated kind usually? Because behaviour is about fitness too. Old people have treated the children and grandchildren well.

 They have the advantage the grandparents or parents give, have more children of their own and so the special advantage of grandparents is more than mere "fitness" by offspring. Being brilliant is of worth even if not perfect too, I told mom some of the family turned out well! One real  problem in evolution is why are there so few herbs that boost libido if survival fitness is measured in offspring?
 We either believe evolution is wrong or perhaps there is the more general measure of fitness like the flowers of the field. If so there should be many plants that improve telomeres. Andrews discovered astragalus is an herb that actually increases telomeres 15%.
 It was believed before the 1990's that there was indeed no way to rebuild neurons once they were damaged because, e.g. the neurons fill just 2/3 of the spinal chord and the rest of the column is empty for life. But this was only superficial, because it's now known that octacosinal from wheat, soy, B complex and flax are all good to build the brain. Andrews or others might eventually find a way to increase telomeres without cancer.

 An interesting question is how do telomeres lengthen in the first place, like a question I ask in math if heat always flows from hot to cool, how was it hot to begin with? (Answer, gravity may be the improbable prime mover.). Research in why teens have good telomeres and don't get cancer may help us improve or even find the answer; "how to live it up at 150 mph while you read a thesaurus". Years go by at high sped read!