Thursday, July 11, 2024

Old Neurons May Help Find More History


 Each neuron in the brain contains all of the memory of the brain like a hologram which was the idea of Carl Pribram's holonomic mind theory he pioneered in the 70s.

 Scientists found with lab mice in the brain research in the 1920s, when they cut the area of the grey matter smaller and smaller of the mice, they remembered just as well. And so it was believed that every neuron stores the entire memory of the whole brain.

The Holonomic mind idea was that the brain is sort of like a hologram, which also stores all the data, like for memory, and if you divide the image smaller and smaller you have the whole picture even so.

Our wisdom about what ancient times were about is limited. We only have 1% of their leftover information. Almost all the ancient documents have been destroyed and history before there is writing is so limited it's known as prehistoric. That's basically the definition of it.

And of course, writing itself is not so historic as we would say and it may have much value if we had a way to find out what was going on in those days.

 So my idea was to research old neurons from old brains and we use a microscope or MRI to recover those data lost memories. And by this we may be able to know what ancient Greek music sounded like.

 The vast majority of the history of music has been lost before there was written music.

 Einstein thought that if you had a time machine, you can't go back to before it was built. But I think as long as you have a good
enough record, here Einstein was incorrect.. it's like saying you can't go back before CDs were built to listen to records, if you had a good enough record.

Certainly to make a history simulation time machine, based on the neurons you just need more records and a reliable way to source it. This is one of my ideas about how we could build a time machine simulation  based on those neurons to simulate what it was like by the experience of the individual or whatever life form we could find that had neurons like the hologram in the old days.

We could know what ancient music sounded like. The word for down was up in ancient  greek music like the word for Democrat was Republican in colonial times. How it was Thomas Jefferson was a republican!
 And so we could find those old memories, and in research they're finding old brains now that go back for 12,000 years.

  I had originally thought about dinosaur mummies they've found, from that dinosaur mummy they would be able to find the entire life history of it and also of course, the behavior of other life around them, including the plant life, the weather, basically everything about their life, as far as behavior at any rate.

 We could find out and we could make history much more historic than prehistoric and know the main part of history, or find Einstein's neurons from his brain and learn how he invented, or found Relativity and how he he lived his life day by day.

We could also find out how the ancient musician felt when they were playing or listening to the music and what it sounded like. Some have said we know no more about ancient Greek music than we know about the inhabitants of Mars. Now it seems we know more about Mars than we knew about ancient music in 2000 BC! But maybe we'll soon be up in our awareness of the ancient weather sounds and paint the color of the wind.

This is sort of like a method of finding historical mysteries and more.

 The old brains have different methods that they're preserved. About the dinosaur, while they called it mummy, it's actually the soft tissue preserved in rock. So there was no soft tissue left there. But I think it's possible we could go further and further back.


 Recent wooly mammoth finds of DNA are 88,000 years ago.

 The world's oldest living thing is a bacteria from hundreds of millions of years ago saved in the salt mines and revived with a broth. I think it's possible neurons might be preserved this way e.g. in salt. For example the salt lake flats near Salt Lake City repave the road each year for high speed land records by rocket sleds and this is because the salt flows when it rains and then dries out with a solid road. So too brine from hydrothermal vents might also have had tar nearby or other ways the life with neurons might have been preserved in the salt. As brains saved up are preserved by more than salt, other methods of preserving neurons also might be found.

I can imagine life wandering in the ancient salt mine and falling in the high density brine that then preserved the neurons well and this was covered by more salt so the like the ancient bacteria, the soft tissue was saved well enough.

Another idea is that as on the Wikipedia page about unsolved problems in physics the folding of proteins is much faster than by relativity and more coherent. Einstein was much concerned about this. If the collapse of the wave function is faster than light evolution may have used this to speed our reflexes for survival. This may be the only way a neuron could hold the 4 quadrillion bytes of the brain data stored in the neuron.

But more importantly for this post, because of this compact storage it might take much less than one neuron to retrieve the memory, and so the chances of finding it with more distance in time might be improved. And we already have a lot of well saved brains from the time of civilization.

This is also assuming that all the memory is stored the same way as ours in all the neurons of other life like the dinosaurs. But this may already be a useful method for reviving our own history.

Most life is made of the same protein basis.

And neurons are made of proteins and much more ancient protein has been found from millions of years. So I think if we search for a few million more or just a few thousand hours! we might find enough protein like from dinosaur neurons to find this sort of Rosetta stone of the neural history of ancient life.

It might be possible anyhow, and worth researching how many years or even millions of years ago we could find old neurons.


The ancients may have believed writing was an extension of thought, so too since prehistoric means before writing finding old neurons may be a way to extend our memories both into history much more, and also into the future...


...Challenge the Future, Relish the Present, and Edit the Past..

Another use of this idea might be about saving our neurons for others to read indefinitely say in a thousand years, when our own life is ancient history!


 It's been said that great people are like mountains the seem greater from a distance than close by near away than far away! Most people wouldn't want the literal history of their life to be seen, so a lot of people would want to edit the evidence in their neurons to make the best impression.


Click Here for the Live Science page about the oldest living thing.