Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Physics of More Than One Type of Time

 Newton and Einstein both believed that time Flows In only one direction from past to times ahead, or with me from this month, old, wise established and will power saved! 

In my idea gravity seems to flow from thermodynamically cool like outside the Earth inward with more thermoynamic heat.

 As I say elsewhere causality would have the pond with ripples on the outside but then flow inward to the stone and cause the ripple in time reversed for gravity, and this is  inplausable.


For this reason I believe that the higher energy is radiated out by the inertial lines like the more common electro magnetic field lines. These lines are more quantised and much higher energy than the gravitational field lines by way of the idea that gravity and inertia really aren't the same. 

 You weigh a different amount at the poles of the earth than you would if you were in the tropics in a more continuous way. Or for example a gyroscope with millions of gs would have huge gravity. 

 So I believe that the gravitational field lines radiate inward between these lines themselves radiating outward. The lines outward which LIGO has found are actually a measure of inertial fields because they are quantised and at the speed of light. The gravitational field lines would radiate inward between those electromagnetic outward radiating lines.

 Not only do the lines of gravity keep the classic electromagnetic field lines from bunching up or kinking or breaking, they also form the source of attractive force in the cosmos. These type of lines which would change both wavelength and speed because in is the opposite of out like for gravity and electromagnetism, would also be reversed in time flowing in from out in a sense. 

 But this is only a general sense because of what I call line removal LR where the large internal mass of the electron as by the experiments with deep inelastic scattering and the evidence by the success of renormalization are balanced out by a phase change so that the large mass isn't apparent on the outside. 

 If gravity and other attractive forces flow from cold to hot thermodynamically we can say that they move inward and also cause attraction and this might squeeze the quanta enough when they reach them to then reradiate out..

  The Sun's gravity squeezes in its heavy quanta and this then radiates out the energy which reaches us. As I say on my other post I think the future comes from the internal radioactivity or the external radiation from the Sun. The future hasn't happened yet because it only happens on the day you get your pay from the employer when she has time being wealthy.. time as we see it at any rate will be the computation by the angles and energies mostly of the heavy quanta on the Earth. 

 Note in the physical sense there is no true evidence that time flows in only one direction like outward by the sun so the quanta of the Earth as they are hit by the light from the sun also flow outward.

  If we were somehow a gravitational being made of this dark matter or dark energy, we might imagine having evolved to think of time as flowing from cool to hot thermodynamically. Actually we've evolved with the vast majority of information 99% around us made of electromagnetism and not gravity.. I think of time like a sort of abstraction of the physics so there's a different kind of time like for the strong force because it's disconnectivity with the rest of the field as much and also another kind of time like for gravity or the attractive forces. 

 This reminds me of the periodic table where originally salts were defined just as table salt, but as more discoveries were made about the elements it became clear that salt is more like tbe abstraction of a combination of an acid and a base. So too time might have different aspects like gravitational time and other types of time we might find. I always found the idea of dark worlds made of dark matter to be counterintuitive as some had believed!

 You can see why this is true if gravity is more of an accelerating wave because it's the opposite of the higher energy fields of electromagnetism. The gravity has the phase change to become a superfluid and flow inward and essentially not a quantum and it's not only removed by Line Removal after it accelerates inward from the outside side of the heavy quanta so gravity doesn't shield, but also it doesn't compute like the quanta all around us.

The nature of the waves would need to convert to quanta to compute and while they may have loose influence on events like the general motion of masses, they are only like the influence of gravity which only see the general area of what to unify guided by the inertial lines.

  It's inconceivable to have centrifugal without centripetal force and so when we imagine a world made of dark matter for example we're imagining that these waves which are like superfluid are more like quanta which they aren't. They would seem to need quantum events to actually do any computations..

  So when some imagine dark worlds with professors contemplating us, "Could there be light worlds where we live, beings of light matter", in a way we would be imagining computation that isn't computation. 

 Does time flow from a definite past to a future as Einstein and Newton believed? If we define it as thermoynamic time, certainly yes, while at near distance where the in the out forces balance though not quite as I hold about the inequivalence of mass and energy since for example it's easier to convert mass to energy than vice versa, at short distance it's actually reversible as with matter and antimatter..

  This would be true about the reversibility here but at longer range the matter and anti matter don't quite match up due to the inequivalence of mass and energy, and so time flows in the medium range where we are with electromagnetism and thermodynamics so that there seems to be a definite present past and future. 

 As I say the attractive or gravitational field lines would squeeze the quanta giving us our sense of thermodynamic time and also by outside energy sources like friction, this squeezes the quanta enough that they radiate out heat themselves, and this combined with the collapse of the wave function, which Einstein and others believed was really the cause of time itself, also changes the bond angles and energies like of electrons and other quanta giving us our present.

  (In this idea about time the past is simply the record of the computation stored in the present moving to the future. All the events like on the surface of the Earth have the tendency to wear out due to time.. the computations of the present begin wearing out right away and the longer the time has passed the more they wear out.) 

 The lines between inertial lines like for attractive force are depending on the gravitational lines, and vice versa. Even so since gravity and inertia aren't the same, we really can say that time flows from hot to cold mostly. The abstraction of time for the strong force or other attractive forces compared to the computation of time with the quanta of thermodynamic events all around us is evidence that mostly Einstein and Newton were right about this.

 Inertia being much stronger, is the main cause of time.. even so to conserve energy gravity is important at greater distance in another sense.

  I disagree with Einstein's idea that space and time are unified because if you move backward through space you move backwards through time and you don't. This is fundamentally tied up with the equivalence of mass and energy itself as by relativity because if the in and the out waves were the same time would be reversible. 

Time is mostly reversible in quantum mechanics but in general it's really not thermodynamically so until it radiates out to become gravitationally strong enough to reradiate back in. In a way the idea that time only flows from hot to cold is an illusion caused by people's unawareness of the more general physics as I say in these posts involved with time.

  Certainly for Newton's and Einstein's idea we would ask how energy will be conserved if it always flows from hot and cold by the Second Law and yet by the First Law energy is conserved.. even so it can't be conserved by the general idea that the gravity or other attractive forces are the same as inertia or the quanta.. gravity would be something else because it has the second level derivative that uniform motion like in special relativity doesn't have.

  For more of my ideas about time Click Here for my ideas about the collapse of the wave function and quantum crystals..

Elsewhere I discuss about the music and the rhythm of time (The basic Rhythm like energy conservation is conserved while the music of the higher information can be created and destroyed more easily (like a tree can be converted to a wall can be converted to a shelf of the same wood) this relates to the problem of knowledge for higher level information.. almost any kind of higher knowledge has some way to be disproven they have found. My solution to this problem would be to go back to the basic rhythm energy conservation level with information we can really know and then extending out as probably as we can from there. There are those who believe we can't know anything even ourselves because of the problem of knowledge of this type. 

 But I would hold it since the neurons are based on the same kind of balance of action reactions at the short distance like by Noithers theorem with out waves not the same as in, what changes and what stays the same by all action reaction pairs including mass and energy and the simplicity and branching of neurons etc,  it becomes an extension of the basic action reaction pairs of the quanta for energy conservation.

  And so we can know our self and then as we look at the world around us outside we see that it also has the same action reaction pairs that we can rely on to the degree that we can build up till our machines are the most fail safe. We can't make our machines perfect by the problem of knowledge but we can use them most optimally. The great value of science was not that the machines were perfect just that we made use of how they work the best.. And as Einstein said the greatest force in the cosmos is saving up the most!)

  If you like Click Here for my post about the Rhythm and Song of time, Thanks