Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Physics of More Than One Type of Time

 Newton and Einstein both believed that time Flows In only one direction from past to times ahead, or with me from this month, old, wise established and will power saved! 

In my idea gravity seems to flow from thermodynamically cool like outside the Earth inward with more thermoynamic heat.

 As I say elsewhere causality would have the pond with ripples on the outside but then flow inward to the stone and cause the ripple in time reversed for gravity, and this is  inplausable.


For this reason I believe that the higher energy is radiated out by the inertial lines like the more common electro magnetic field lines. These lines are more quantised and much higher energy than the gravitational field lines by way of the idea that gravity and inertia really aren't the same. 

 You weigh a different amount at the poles of the earth than you would if you were in the tropics in a more continuous way. Or for example a gyroscope with millions of gs would have huge gravity. 

 So I believe that the gravitational field lines radiate inward between these lines themselves radiating outward. The lines outward which LIGO has found are actually a measure of inertial fields because they are quantised and at the speed of light. The gravitational field lines would radiate inward between those electromagnetic outward radiating lines.

 Not only do the lines of gravity keep the classic electromagnetic field lines from bunching up or kinking or breaking, they also form the source of attractive force in the cosmos. These type of lines which would change both wavelength and speed because in is the opposite of out like for gravity and electromagnetism, would also be reversed in time flowing in from out in a sense. 

 But this is only a general sense because of what I call line removal LR where the large internal mass of the electron as by the experiments with deep inelastic scattering and the evidence by the success of renormalization are balanced out by a phase change so that the large mass isn't apparent on the outside. 

 If gravity and other attractive forces flow from cold to hot thermodynamically we can say that they move inward and also cause attraction and this might squeeze the quanta enough when they reach them to then reradiate out..

  The Sun's gravity squeezes in its heavy quanta and this then radiates out the energy which reaches us. As I say on my other post I think the future comes from the internal radioactivity or the external radiation from the Sun. The future hasn't happened yet because it only happens on the day you get your pay from the employer when she has time being wealthy.. time as we see it at any rate will be the computation by the angles and energies mostly of the heavy quanta on the Earth. 

 Note in the physical sense there is no true evidence that time flows in only one direction like outward by the sun so the quanta of the Earth as they are hit by the light from the sun also flow outward.

  If we were somehow a gravitational being made of this dark matter or dark energy, we might imagine having evolved to think of time as flowing from cool to hot thermodynamically. Actually we've evolved with the vast majority of information 99% around us made of electromagnetism and not gravity.. I think of time like a sort of abstraction of the physics so there's a different kind of time like for the strong force because it's disconnectivity with the rest of the field as much and also another kind of time like for gravity or the attractive forces. 

 This reminds me of the periodic table where originally salts were defined just as table salt, but as more discoveries were made about the elements it became clear that salt is more like tbe abstraction of a combination of an acid and a base. So too time might have different aspects like gravitational time and other types of time we might find. I always found the idea of dark worlds made of dark matter to be counterintuitive as some had believed!

 You can see why this is true if gravity is more of an accelerating wave because it's the opposite of the higher energy fields of electromagnetism. The gravity has the phase change to become a superfluid and flow inward and essentially not a quantum and it's not only removed by Line Removal after it accelerates inward from the outside side of the heavy quanta so gravity doesn't shield, but also it doesn't compute like the quanta all around us.

The nature of the waves would need to convert to quanta to compute and while they may have loose influence on events like the general motion of masses, they are only like the influence of gravity which only see the general area of what to unify guided by the inertial lines.

  It's inconceivable to have centrifugal without centripetal force and so when we imagine a world made of dark matter for example we're imagining that these waves which are like superfluid are more like quanta which they aren't. They would seem to need quantum events to actually do any computations..

  So when some imagine dark worlds with professors contemplating us, "Could there be light worlds where we live, beings of light matter", in a way we would be imagining computation that isn't computation. 

 Does time flow from a definite past to a future as Einstein and Newton believed? If we define it as thermoynamic time, certainly yes, while at near distance where the in the out forces balance though not quite as I hold about the inequivalence of mass and energy since for example it's easier to convert mass to energy than vice versa, at short distance it's actually reversible as with matter and antimatter..

  This would be true about the reversibility here but at longer range the matter and anti matter don't quite match up due to the inequivalence of mass and energy, and so time flows in the medium range where we are with electromagnetism and thermodynamics so that there seems to be a definite present past and future. 

 As I say the attractive or gravitational field lines would squeeze the quanta giving us our sense of thermodynamic time and also by outside energy sources like friction, this squeezes the quanta enough that they radiate out heat themselves, and this combined with the collapse of the wave function, which Einstein and others believed was really the cause of time itself, also changes the bond angles and energies like of electrons and other quanta giving us our present.

  (In this idea about time the past is simply the record of the computation stored in the present moving to the future. All the events like on the surface of the Earth have the tendency to wear out due to time.. the computations of the present begin wearing out right away and the longer the time has passed the more they wear out.) 

 The lines between inertial lines like for attractive force are depending on the gravitational lines, and vice versa. Even so since gravity and inertia aren't the same, we really can say that time flows from hot to cold mostly. The abstraction of time for the strong force or other attractive forces compared to the computation of time with the quanta of thermodynamic events all around us is evidence that mostly Einstein and Newton were right about this.

 Inertia being much stronger, is the main cause of time.. even so to conserve energy gravity is important at greater distance in another sense.

  I disagree with Einstein's idea that space and time are unified because if you move backward through space you move backwards through time and you don't. This is fundamentally tied up with the equivalence of mass and energy itself as by relativity because if the in and the out waves were the same time would be reversible. 

Time is mostly reversible in quantum mechanics but in general it's really not thermodynamically so until it radiates out to become gravitationally strong enough to reradiate back in. In a way the idea that time only flows from hot to cold is an illusion caused by people's unawareness of the more general physics as I say in these posts involved with time.

  Certainly for Newton's and Einstein's idea we would ask how energy will be conserved if it always flows from hot and cold by the Second Law and yet by the First Law energy is conserved.. even so it can't be conserved by the general idea that the gravity or other attractive forces are the same as inertia or the quanta.. gravity would be something else because it has the second level derivative that uniform motion like in special relativity doesn't have.

  For more of my ideas about time Click Here for my ideas about the collapse of the wave function and quantum crystals..

Elsewhere I discuss about the music and the rhythm of time (The basic Rhythm like energy conservation is conserved while the music of the higher information can be created and destroyed more easily (like a tree can be converted to a wall can be converted to a shelf of the same wood) this relates to the problem of knowledge for higher level information.. almost any kind of higher knowledge has some way to be disproven they have found. My solution to this problem would be to go back to the basic rhythm energy conservation level with information we can really know and then extending out as probably as we can from there. There are those who believe we can't know anything even ourselves because of the problem of knowledge of this type. 

 But I would hold it since the neurons are based on the same kind of balance of action reactions at the short distance like by Noithers theorem with out waves not the same as in, what changes and what stays the same by all action reaction pairs including mass and energy and the simplicity and branching of neurons etc,  it becomes an extension of the basic action reaction pairs of the quanta for energy conservation.

  And so we can know our self and then as we look at the world around us outside we see that it also has the same action reaction pairs that we can rely on to the degree that we can build up till our machines are the most fail safe. We can't make our machines perfect by the problem of knowledge but we can use them most optimally. The great value of science was not that the machines were perfect just that we made use of how they work the best.. And as Einstein said the greatest force in the cosmos is saving up the most!)

  If you like Click Here for my post about the Rhythm and Song of time, Thanks

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Old Neurons May Help Find More History


 Each neuron in the brain contains all of the memory of the brain like a hologram which was the idea of Carl Pribram's holonomic mind theory he pioneered in the 70s.

 Scientists found with lab mice in the brain research in the 1920s, when they cut the area of the grey matter smaller and smaller of the mice, they remembered just as well. And so it was believed that every neuron stores the entire memory of the whole brain.

The Holonomic mind idea was that the brain is sort of like a hologram, which also stores all the data, like for memory, and if you divide the image smaller and smaller you have the whole picture even so.

Our wisdom about what ancient times were about is limited. We only have 1% of their leftover information. Almost all the ancient documents have been destroyed and history before there is writing is so limited it's known as prehistoric. That's basically the definition of it.

And of course, writing itself is not so historic as we would say and it may have much value if we had a way to find out what was going on in those days.

 So my idea was to research old neurons from old brains and we use a microscope or MRI to recover those data lost memories. And by this we may be able to know what ancient Greek music sounded like.

 The vast majority of the history of music has been lost before there was written music.

 Einstein thought that if you had a time machine, you can't go back to before it was built. But I think as long as you have a good
enough record, here Einstein was incorrect.. it's like saying you can't go back before CDs were built to listen to records, if you had a good enough record.

Certainly to make a history simulation time machine, based on the neurons you just need more records and a reliable way to source it. This is one of my ideas about how we could build a time machine simulation  based on those neurons to simulate what it was like by the experience of the individual or whatever life form we could find that had neurons like the hologram in the old days.

We could know what ancient music sounded like. The word for down was up in ancient  greek music like the word for Democrat was Republican in colonial times. How it was Thomas Jefferson was a republican!
 And so we could find those old memories, and in research they're finding old brains now that go back for 12,000 years.

  I had originally thought about dinosaur mummies they've found, from that dinosaur mummy they would be able to find the entire life history of it and also of course, the behavior of other life around them, including the plant life, the weather, basically everything about their life, as far as behavior at any rate.

 We could find out and we could make history much more historic than prehistoric and know the main part of history, or find Einstein's neurons from his brain and learn how he invented, or found Relativity and how he he lived his life day by day.

We could also find out how the ancient musician felt when they were playing or listening to the music and what it sounded like. Some have said we know no more about ancient Greek music than we know about the inhabitants of Mars. Now it seems we know more about Mars than we knew about ancient music in 2000 BC! But maybe we'll soon be up in our awareness of the ancient weather sounds and paint the color of the wind.

This is sort of like a method of finding historical mysteries and more.

 The old brains have different methods that they're preserved. About the dinosaur, while they called it mummy, it's actually the soft tissue preserved in rock. So there was no soft tissue left there. But I think it's possible we could go further and further back.


 Recent wooly mammoth finds of DNA are 88,000 years ago.

 The world's oldest living thing is a bacteria from hundreds of millions of years ago saved in the salt mines and revived with a broth. I think it's possible neurons might be preserved this way e.g. in salt. For example the salt lake flats near Salt Lake City repave the road each year for high speed land records by rocket sleds and this is because the salt flows when it rains and then dries out with a solid road. So too brine from hydrothermal vents might also have had tar nearby or other ways the life with neurons might have been preserved in the salt. As brains saved up are preserved by more than salt, other methods of preserving neurons also might be found.

I can imagine life wandering in the ancient salt mine and falling in the high density brine that then preserved the neurons well and this was covered by more salt so the like the ancient bacteria, the soft tissue was saved well enough.

Another idea is that as on the Wikipedia page about unsolved problems in physics the folding of proteins is much faster than by relativity and more coherent. Einstein was much concerned about this. If the collapse of the wave function is faster than light evolution may have used this to speed our reflexes for survival. This may be the only way a neuron could hold the 4 quadrillion bytes of the brain data stored in the neuron.

But more importantly for this post, because of this compact storage it might take much less than one neuron to retrieve the memory, and so the chances of finding it with more distance in time might be improved. And we already have a lot of well saved brains from the time of civilization.

This is also assuming that all the memory is stored the same way as ours in all the neurons of other life like the dinosaurs. But this may already be a useful method for reviving our own history.

Most life is made of the same protein basis.

And neurons are made of proteins and much more ancient protein has been found from millions of years. So I think if we search for a few million more or just a few thousand hours! we might find enough protein like from dinosaur neurons to find this sort of Rosetta stone of the neural history of ancient life.

It might be possible anyhow, and worth researching how many years or even millions of years ago we could find old neurons.


The ancients may have believed writing was an extension of thought, so too since prehistoric means before writing finding old neurons may be a way to extend our memories both into history much more, and also into the future...


...Challenge the Future, Relish the Present, and Edit the Past..

Another use of this idea might be about saving our neurons for others to read indefinitely say in a thousand years, when our own life is ancient history!


 It's been said that great people are like mountains the seem greater from a distance than close by near away than far away! Most people wouldn't want the literal history of their life to be seen, so a lot of people would want to edit the evidence in their neurons to make the best impression.


Click Here for the Live Science page about the oldest living thing.

 Why is the EPR constant with distance yet energy radiates out?

I believe there are two fields present for these types of connections, the usual radiant energy field which determines equations like Coulombs Force and the general radiance of light etc., and the other type of field which may pertain to the EPR where it's shown by the evidence to radiate out from the positive charge and back into the negative charge. This has been known since the early days of thermodynamics by how quanta move in the field and also by magnetic filings.

The important thing here may be how the lines are relatively strong and they radiate out and then reradiate inward.

As you may note these lines aren't any faster than light and are the classical electromagnetic field lines, or at any rate the ones that are related to this "out then in" radiation. 

While the low energy waves inside these lines may have a change of phase (as I say on my page link below) so they can also change their speed and by Maxwells method I use, are much faster than light, the external field lines outside of this tend to radiate out because they're more quantum and this in turn makes it so the force changes between the charges even while the EPR waves with their ability to change both speed and wavelength would also be able to keep the EPR constant with distance. The EPR waves would speed up as the lines become more separate and slow down as they converge and the net result is the force is constant with distance.

 I got this idea that gravity might have the particles that follow the inertial lines inward by my belief that since gravity is an acceleration yet doesn't violate causeology, first inertia might lay down the lines outward for gravity to follow in. While inertia and gravity are related they aren't the same thing as Einstein believed.

He thought he had made gravity and inertia quantum as Maxwell had done by unifying electricity and magnetism, yet later on it was found that if you plug the equations for gravity into quantum mechanics you get infinitys. So I tended to believe that gravity is more a wave than a quanta, and it's an acceleration inward, not mostly radiating outward as by LIGO.

One problem I noted about this was, if  gravity has the change both wavelength and speed which is the opposite of relativity which has changes in wavelength but not in speed with the quanta of light which are particles and stay coherent, we have problems about coherence itself with "true"  gravity waves: more about this in a moment.

The reason gravity might have the opposite  sign is because gravity radiates inward to a source, and since inertial forces like the uniform motion of special relativity don't have a source, they radiate out and react to the field in their own area. This is expressed by the two mass terms in the gravitational equation but only one mass term for forces like centrifugal force.

 Atomic Clocks and Gravity

 The idea that no information can travel faster than light is itself an assumption and we can just as easily look at the evidence that shows relativity is incomplete and then hope to find the blueshift of gravity with better sensing machines. After all something is changing the light before it reaches the top of the tower and this would seem to be evidence the influence is superluminal for gravity.

As the light is rising in the tower, it's changing its energy and this is because it's being blueshifted as it rises up by the faster speed of gravity which here is redshifted and the light appears redshifted and to conserve energy mostly the light is slowing down. But because gravity is noncommutative unlike relativity I believe there is a bit of leftover extra energy relativity may not explain and the light may change energy at the top of the tower. Dark matter seems to create a bit more dark matter from Itself.

If you have two masses you've released and they fall and if you drop them at different times, they do accelerate apart but the center of gravity is moving toward the Earth.

One problem about these low energy fields like gravity and the EPR I have noted is,  if you have the waves of a pond first oscillating and then moving inward to the source of the water wave such as a stone, this is unplausible because it violates causality.

 While LIGO would seem to have radiation outward for gravity this may need to be another energy because gravity attracts inward. Certainly the masses if under its influence move inward not outward as we would not expect for particles moving just at the speed of light which seems to be more by special relativity which works well as far as it goes, than by gravity or acceleration.


Einstein would often say light is a particle uninfluenced from emission to absorption and so the speed of light is constant. And particles would radiate outward like a gas, and so by relativity masses wouldn't move inward and they also need a field connecting the quanta of light.

 If light is a particle uninfluenced from emission to absorption so the speed of light is constant in relativity, how can the waves of LIGO move with changes in speed by the acceleration of gravity while they travel? If they are waves they would seem to need to be quanta and to not change speed.


  This is not relativity because they're changing speed. I think it's not a far step from there to the idea that a major component of gravity is faster than light. 

 It's been said when we look at the galaxies we may be seeing massive disproofs of relativity because they're all spinning faster than they would be able to by centrifugal force and as solid bodies. 

If gravity was the same as by the slowing of the pulsar this must not be about gravity because gravity is an acceleration and the pulsar should speed up. I believe the pulsar evidence and the waves found by LIGO are only about inertia like centrifugal force.

  Friction often slows down a spinning mass while gravity has super low friction with no shielding as by the eclipse evidence where over historical time as we know by ancient records there is no shielding. The reason the pulsar would be about friction is because the radiation as by LIGO and relativity is at the speed of light. Quanta have sides and this is how entropy is about friction, slowing the pulsar.


 First the source changes like the rock splashing in the lake and only then the electromagnetic or inertial waves radiate out and reach the outside of the pond.. this isn't about gravity and this mostly would be about inertia as Einstein like Mach believed that inertia and gravity were essentially the same thing, and might be why LIGO has only found evidence for the speed of inertia, not gravity.

More to the point I believe because gravity is an acceleration, the real gravity waves (not those seen by LIGO which would only be about inertial particles) would radiate out while the force of gravity (the particle component) itself radiates back in by low energy waves out. These waves  which induce the small gravity quanta in and both the in waves for inertia and the out waves for gravity would be much lower energy and the particles would be much easier to find by experiment as in just moving around the room shows the pressure changes of the Low Energy Higgs' LEH. The particles would be like the low energy quanta Einstein believed would be valuable about gravity and to get around the uncertainty problem.

 Because gravity and inertia are the same thing by Einstein's idea, gravity should be hugely stronger than the inertial waves, or we would have events like the gyroscope having huge gravity. As I say on my other post usual masses like a gyroscope with or without angular momentum would radiate inertial waves and slow down with or without gravity by the amount seen by the pulsars and measured by LIGO. But because gravity is not the same as inertia, a spinning mass like an ultracentrifuge, or common masses without spin might be radiating in gravity particles and speeding up a little bit if with angular momentum like the galaxies which are all seen to spinning faster than they should.

Gravity tends to increase spin angular momentum, or I believe vice versa spin may increase gravity also (spin is an acceleration and gravity is too), so while the masses slow down by relativity, I believe the pulsar may not be slowing down by exactly the rate of relativity, and the rate of slowing may be offset by the amount of gravity increased by the high rate of angular momentum. And like the galaxies, in general the pulsar might show a related change in rate of acceleration.

So my question was about how the gravitational waves may have many overlapping changes in wavelength and speed so the gravity indeed is an acceleration. How do the waves remain coherent with distance if mostly a wave?

  My solution was that the gravity waves are low energy and zigzag back and forth between the electromagnetic lines inward to the source of gravity after the lines have been radiated out by the force like centrifugal force. The lines in quanta are more stable and the low energy waves maintain stability by constantly referring to them, and also reacting back to stabilize the lines, otherwise unexplained about why the field lines don't kink, or bunch up and why the lines stay like with regular distance.

 As on my other page link I'll show you more about how mass and energy or gravity and inertia are more distinct than by relativity even while they aren't completely unalike.

Since it's inconceivable to have centrifugal without centripetal force the inertial lines would need the low energy waves to stabilize them and the waves also would need a way to know how much to accelerate and where. 

In a real sense the zig zagging lines for the EPR may be able to change their speed by moving between those more quantized inertial lines, so that no energy is lost overall with distance. 

By this interpretation this may be how the force of the EPR stays constant and other events also like about how the cosmological constant is accelerating the cosmos outward because with more (cosmic) distance between the lines the zig zagging waves are able to go faster and faster and at least locally at any rate violate energy conservation by creating more accelerating force.

Even so my belief is that energy conservation is maintained over more cosmic distances.

 As I say my other post, I think while the lines radiate out more than usual like for the galaxies so they all spin faster than they should, by the cosmology I have used, Cosmic jet Cosmology CJC, the lines are merely radiating out from a giant jet like a jet of a galaxy except on a much a larger scale for the cosmos, and eventually they radiate back around and go down towards the disc that may have been found with the WMap images. 

Or at any rate the cosmic jets have loops of the field lines in CJC to connect back to the disc like a body like the Earth has electromagnetic field lines like this so energy conservation is viable. This may be by the evidence seen by WMapfor a cosmic area like the flat disc of the Milky Way except for the cosmos  tending to conserve energy by closing the cosmic loop.

 While extra energy by this method may also explain why the galaxies are all moving too fast and don't explode by centrifugal force, because there's more gravity than there should be by Relativity or Newtonian gravity and also why the dwarf galaxys like nearby the Milky Way seem to have thousands of times more mass than the visible mass seen, over longer distance, I think energy may still be conserved because like with the EPR the lines the positive and negative charges radiate out first and then radiate back in just that much.

But as I say this may be a theoretical way we may be able to explain why the EPR is constant with distance.

 A positive charge has more mass but reduced energy and the minus charge has more energy and less mass. If mass and energy were completely equivalent as by relativity this would not be so. 

 One of the unsolved problems in science has been about the question of why electric charges exactly balance out. This might mostly be caused by the equivalence of mass and energy but not quite. 

I think this is the expression of the proton  which resonates with the the positive charge more than the electron, because they're not quite equivalent and we would expect one as much as the other by relativity. 

 You might say with the huge number of atoms of the Earth even if there was a small difference in the charges this would cause a large explosion. So I think of the opposition of electrons and the protons in the atoms is basically a small change about how the electrons more naturally fit the orbitals around the atom and the slight assymetry of mass and energy here is mostly balanced out essentially by the geometry of the atom. 

So the distinction between the orbitals of the electrons and the more stationary protons in the nucleus might balance out by the geometry per se even with the local asymmetry of mass and energy. 

 If you unify positive and negative charges  by the EPR where they are without this atomic symmetry event this would seem to perhaps tell us if by the EPR where you have a positive charge nearby and a distant minus charge that's entangled, the force of the EPR might be slightly asymmetrical compared to a near minus charge with a distant positive charge. 

This means, contrary to Einstein's idea, mass and energy are not quite commutative, and as has been well known, it's much easier to convert mass to energy than energy to mass.

 This would hold for entangled opposite charges and not fused together electrons as in Einstein's original EPR belief.

For entangling protons photons or electrons ("of the same charge") I think it's possible even so the same event may hold about the field radiating out and then back in unlike by the usual laws of radiant energy. Because you fuse together the charges whether of light or electrons and it's with attraction this may have something related to the more common electromagnetic field lines as above.

This may have been unseen before the EPR because it's special to the EPR and even so it could also explain the constant force with distance.

It's been said that the EPR is never going to be a way to send signals faster than light because the collapse of the wave function is totally random so we can't send any information from one quanta to the other even while they're entangled by a definite connection.

I offer a theoretical way here we might solve this, by using Einstein's idea of a low energy quanta he thought was possible to get around the uncertainty problem that this involves.

I think the low energy Higgs may be important to inertia, mass, gravity and the EPR.

Each quantum like the entangled electrons would have an aurora of these LEH Low Energy Higgs' particles. Each quantum has a special LEH code only that one has and resonates by the waves externally so no friction problems are seen outside the quanta by the LEH (e.g. about stopping quantum spin and resistance to uniform motion) this may solve Maxwell's objection to the problem that for electromagnetic particles the opposite charges attract while the gravity seems to attract by likes. 

 The solution might be that as by the entanglement of only those two quanta by these low energy Higgs', so too the distinction of the special "constellation" for each quanta by the LEH might be the distinction that Maxwell hoped for to cause the attraction of unlikes.

As an engineer and not just a scientist I think about machines so I thought of a machine I call the Higgs' laser.

This could be used to hopefully achieve what Einstein dreamed of about finding a way to energize a low energy particle to the right level to go under the uncertainty level, with the low energy but still definite change of the LEH.

My idea is that a tube of atoms or quanta would have a resonance as we send the energy down that tube that removes some of the LEH and makes them coherent. If Einstein was correct about this I believe we may be able to go underneath the energy of the collapse of the wave function. 

Even so, here I disagree with Einstein that the connection we might be able to achieve by changing the EPR this way is only at the speed of light. If it's lighter than light (by my hopeful use of Maxwell's method, where the speed of light is determined exactly by the force between electric charges) the EPR may be much faster as experiments seem to have shown.

 The low energy waves of the EPR or gravity even if faster than light don't have the large mass augment of relativity because they're waves not quanta like Einstein held that light was in Special Relativity. And because of the superfluid phase change of the EPR the waves have another degree of freedom and don't interact enough with the quanta to gain much mass.

The idea is because we might change the quantum before it collapses with the LEH by way of the laser and make it collapse as we want to by changing the LEH close to the heavy quantum that holds the code for the other entangled quantum by resonance, it's possible that we've gotten around the randomness of the uncertainty problem and so we can send signals faster than light between the entangled quanta by use of the LEH laser.

In any event as above I think the idea that the lines radiate out and in for the electromagnetic field lines combined with the ability of the EPR waves being able to both increase and decrease their speed may be a possible explanation for why the EPR is constant and the rest of this about the Higgs laser is on my other pages. Thanks for reading.

Here's what I consider one of my best and most edited posts about these ideas in more resolution. Disregard more of my older physics posts, this one is most recent. Problems and Solutions About Relativity. Why General Relativity is Incomplete.. CLICK HERE..

As I Say Here's my Link If You Like About How I've Hoped to Improve Cosmic Jet Cosmology, Click Here. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 "Dreams They're For Those Who Sleep.."

Francis Crick the DNA laureate believes  that dreams serve a cleansing function for the brain.


  I've been more aware with time and to me this seems true about dreams. Here I want to add more hopeful improvements about how dreams might cleanse the brain.

Recently it's been found that dreaming is more like a sort of refraction of the basic energy from the base up to the higher level of the brain.

 There's a fish called a zebra fish that has a transparent, sea transparency, and they basically put a chemical in their brain to make them dream and another to light up the neurons. And they watch the neurons energise up from the bottom and up to the top with refraction, not a reflection or a revelation for dreams as some have believed. This has caused many to believe that dreams are a refraction not a reflection or a revelation..And I tend to agree with this..

I think dreams are a refraction and while helping with problem solving they mostly are about cleansing the brain with this refraction. It says in Scientific American October 2020 in the article about COVID dreams, that replaying fragments of experiences is one example of a functional role that researchers widely described to R.E.M. 

Here I quote a bit more from the article..

 "It's believed that sleep and dreaming help us solve problems. Others believe that the value of sleep and dreams are also about consolidating the priorities about events into longer lasting memories, including those events as an ongoing narrative of our lives, and helping us regulate emotions. 

  Researchers have documented dreams assisting creative achievement. Empirical studies also show that sleep and problem solving need access to wide-ranging memory associations. This about problem solving is the first of these three ideas sleep researchers have had..The second is about brain cleansing by contextualization.

One way to understand metaphorical imagery is to consider the dreams by way of expressing the individual's core concerns, drawing on memories that are similar in emotion or tone but different in subject matter. This about contextualization is seen with post traumatic nightmares in a person's reaction to a trauma.. Assault is depicted as terror in the face of a natural disaster, such as a tsunami. 

The late Ernest Hartman, a Boston area dream and nightmare research pioneer who studied dreams after the 9/11 attacks, stipulated that such contextualization best helps people adapt when it weaves together new experiences.

 Successful integration produces a more stable memory system that's more resilient to future traumas. Metaphorical images can be a part of a constructive effort to make sense of drama.

Drama for metaphoric images can be part of a constructive effort to make sense of destructive events. A related process is the extinguishing of fear by the creation of safety memories. These possibilities which others have investigated reflect the fact that memories of fearful events are almost never replayed in their entirety during dreaming.

  Instead, elements of memory have been reduced to basic units. These elements recombine with newer memories and conditions to create context in which metaphors and other individual juxtapositions seem incongruous or incompatible with waking life, and more important, are incompatible with feelings of fear. 

  This creative dreaming process uses safety imagery that supersedes and inhibits the original fear of memory, helping to aswage distress over time..

 Dreams and cleansing.

  While also still speculative, a third set of ideas  may explain social distancing themes which permeated  reports (the site was for dreams reported about Covid). Emotions in these dreams range from surprise to distress to nightmarish horror.

 Tweets found by the Covid Dreams site illustrate how incompatible dream sequences are with social incompatible that they often trigger a rare moment of self-awareness and awakening.

"We were celebrating something by having a party, and I woke myself up because something wasn't right, because we were social distancing and not supposed to be having parties."

These explanations focus on dreaming's social simulation function. The view that the dream is a neural simulation of reality, and analogous to virtual realitiy is now widely accepted, and the notion of the simulation of social life as an essential biological function is emerging in 2000.

 Ann Germaine, now CEO of sleep medicine startup Noctum and others have proposed that images of characters interacting with the self and dreams could be basic to how dreaming evolved, reflecting attachment relationships central to the survival of prehistoric groups.

 The strong interpersonal bonds reiterated during dreaming contribute to stronger group structures, may have helped to organize defenses against predators and cooperation and problem solving. (I don't think they would organize their defenses against cooperation and problem solving!) 


  Such dreams would still have adaptive value today because family and group cohesion remain essential to help them survive.

It may be that an individual's concerns about other people are fine-tuned while they are in the simulated presence of those people. 

 Important social relationships and conflicts are portrayed realistically during dreaming."

 So here there are three explanations of dreams. One is that it's good for problem solving ability, which has some experimental verification. Another is that it's about safety memories that are sort of letting off the steam of the dream with the events as they take place so that the dreamer doesn't have so much trauma of some events and they adjust it by changing into other motifs that are with the improved emotional level of comfort, so sort of "edging away from edginess". The third one is that it's social simulation.

 Of the 3 methods of explaining dreams I believe the the best may be about behavioral cleansing or edginess cleansing by way of the refraction. I think this may be the main solution because if you look at the evidence for problem solving ability and dreams it's really a lot rarer to have a dream that solves the problem. It may help generally by relaxing and by relieving the emotional stress so the dreamer can better do what they have to.

  ...As for solving problems themselves,  I've had really rare instances I ever personally had a solution that came to me a dream. And while we were asleep we were not active in evolution because were playing possum to stop predators from finding us in the dark, ""Just trying to get some sleep and stay alive!"

 But if you have this paralysis when you're asleep, then the brain is operating on low levels of energy. So the second idea that your brain is cleansing itself out emotionally seems to be better. 

This is the more basic level of the dream.. We have the value of sleeping, which is some value and dreams are for sleep, but when we're asleep, we're actually not at the highest level. You know, it's sort of like cleaning the house when it rains outside, And so you stay in and clean. You do things that are less active than if you're out and about with action.

And I think of dreams as sort of a call to arms because, like the traveller says to the receptionist at the hotel "Give me a wake up call in the morning" So she calls the next morning and says, "What are you doing with your life?" And I think of dreams as a launching event because in the first part of your sleep, you're sort of charging your battery.

  You're also removing the memories that are not as important as in the research, and highlighting the ones that are more valuable, "a memory highlighter for awareness". But also you know you are also not really doing more than charging the battery perhaps, by R.E.M. sleep, which is later and later in the evening and you're getting more like you are awake. 

 So I think it's sort of a way to mediate between first of all the charging, so the first part of your sleep gives you rest from the day before and then the dreaming cleanses you out from there at the later part of the sleep and that launches you up the next day.

I've had times in my life when my situation would change and I had dreams that reflected this change so I think dreams are like a call to arms and perhaps nightmares are are a call to war, a wake up call to do something important that might be more like it.

 You're fresh and ready to start with the dawn. And I've had dreams that weren't really that important but at that point in my life like a life event when something changes in my situation, it really was a wake  up to that change and smell the coffee yet while asleep.. it makes it so that you're mediating between what had gone before to what comes after in the logical sequence.

 And it works. You're cleansing when you dream, but cleaning is not known for major problem solving ability. It's like it's only reflecting or more probably refracting what that part of the pattern would be at that point in your daily rhythm. And so you start to energize. And it's not as high a level thing as being active.

So these dreams you have in the times when your situation changes, often all they are is a reflection of what has changed. A deeper reflection may be true, but no more than the reflection itself. 

 We can't move around to do stuff while we're asleep. It's always been found in research that any change of the brain is also directly associated with a physical change in physiology. Or vice versa we could say that when we're asleep and can't move, this may be where we may be limited to more basic functions like cleaning by way of the refraction, etc. And they used to say that music is like dreams, but music is far more organized than a dream is. A dream is like a cardboard cut out, it's not real amazing. But, being awake is more organized.

The other idea that dreams are a sort of social simulation I don't agree with as much because of the idea that they're also not as much about problem solving, social or otherwise. 

I would think that while you're essentially paralyzed you can't really do a lot of social improvements other than just for the more basic cleansing out of your brain with the randomness and changing it to have more than the more stressful parts of your social situation, these indeed are improved by that change of emotions..

 And while I consider it true that the basis of dreams is not without its problem solving improvement ability and also that has some social value, on those days when I had the more changes in my situation, and then I had a dream, I did 10,000 things after I awoke all morning and afternoon and yet I just had one dream that reflected important changes in my situation. This is not not so much solving problems, and it's really not social. It wasn't a social solution, just a call to action, but it wasn't anything compared to what I do while I'm awake. 

 I would say those who believe that dreams are important haven't got much to do but sleep, but just like meditation, what they do  is just sit around and stay inactive! 

 So dreams may be a valuable refraction, but not a reflection or even a revelation of what the events of the day before were about.

 The value of dreams is like a gift. But for those who have a lot of important things to do, dreams really aren't as valuable as action and activity. 

 I would hold that the primary value of dreams is reduction of stress by cleansing and energising the brain, and sleep does just this.

 But they're still not as high level as the more advanced soap operas!

 I think researchers should accept that and just go from there. I think people attribute magical powers to dreams they may not really have. 

And of course it may have the tendency for feeling good. About how the dreams cleanse out your brain may be the main reason that you're feeling good about problem solving.