Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Song of Time; Rhythm (Energy conservation) And Music (Constant Rise and Fall of Higher Information)..

I have some ideas about time I hope you find of science value and I hope you may have some more time if you like!

 The Song of Time. 

Energy at the basic level is like the rhythm of the song can't be created or destroyed like small clocks that spin because they're quanta. Time may be saved here because if you spin the particle in reverse the total amount of time is saved, the quanta spin and can be reversed because all time is measured by periodic fluctuation like this.

  But all around us is information that's higher information that's being created or destroyed all the time.. this would be the "music of the song" of time. For example, you can change the weight of a mass externally by moving nearer to the N or South of the Earth, even so the mass which would be internal remains unchanged. I call these the events about weight like higher information, or the quanta, about mass. About the higher information being created or destroyed, I mean you can convert a sofa to the shelf and then to a box.

Because time and space are unified in Special Relativity moving back through time also is reversed in space. Yet the future is not as reversible for the music, with a distinct future and past. This may be caused by physics outside of relativity. The unfinished events of time, not yet 100% improved seem to be evidence against absolute relativity.

The "music" of "the song of time" is something else and nonlinear just as music in general is something other than rhythm in a song. 

About time unlike energy conservation we're mortal like the higher energy we're made of like "the song of time". And yet we know energy conservation is well proven. So my question became, does the music of the song of time match that of the rhythm or why?

 One thing I would say is if the music actually violated the rhythm then we wouldn't have energy conservation and energy conservation is really important to relativity.

 Even so I believe if we have the music inside or possibly outside the bubble of the quanta it still might violate relativity if you have the bubble stretched out like light waves and they can be miles across and the waves inside that quantum bubble might be faster than light and so violate relativity inside the bubble, as long as they match back up to the rhythm on the outside like the quanta. 

Einstein, while he's talking a lot about the doppler shift in Special Relativity (which is a wave phenomena because like a train with the whistle it changes pitch with different speed) he also often elaborates to say that light is a particle unchanged from emission to absorption and so the speed of light is constant to all observers because it's not being influenced as it travels by the waves. 

And when I'm talking about the bubble with the music of time inside of it I'm talking about the possibility of a faster than light wave.. we might be able to send the waves inside the bubble by stretching it out on both sides and use it for things like communications or computers as long as the music always matches up to the rhythm by the time it reaches the other side.

But the idea that we could only prove the speed of light by no evidence for this I think is assuming that we measure quanta with quanta and not waves with waves inside the area of the bubble.

 I would think the waves have to interact with the quanta for them to be stable and so some certain changes in the quantum on the outside reflecting the faster than speed of light motion inside that quanta may be experimentally proven.

So by this measure since relativity is fundamentally about quanta even though there is a lot of evidence about the waves, I believe relativity is where Einstein's assuming what he's trying to prove.

Few experiments have proven relativity wrong but I think perhaps physicists were looking in the wrong place. I think the lines of the classic electromagnetic field also may have waves between them to keep them unified and not bunch up or break (and to maintain the motion) and these waves may enable us to send information  faster than light by the waves... provided that they measure those waves with other waves not with the quanta! (more particularly the waves will resonate more with the waves but even so in this view they'll partially be influenced also and be measurable by the changes in the quanta to some extent). This is because relativity and energy conservation seem to be well proven. 

  Even so all around us there are also all sorts of  higher information like the music of time not of relativity..it's being created and destroyed constantly in loops of a sort of evolution, and so the cosmos may be made of alternating events like this.

Just as music is distinct from rhythm even though it obeys the rules of rhythm, I believe it may be something else relativity doesn't describe.

The reason I think it's been so tough to find the waves themselves is because they may move much faster than light being lighter than light by Maxwell's method he used to predict the speed of light exactly with and by the quantum measure they seem to be really slow..

 The quanta only show an average measure of the much faster waves, so the field seemed continuous as Einstein believed.

He said that all his castles in the air including mass and motion fail for gravity without complete continuity of the field.

Even so with a quantum computer you put in the input of the microwaves and they make the quantum gas around the outside of the quanta collapse and then you can measure the change that's taken place by input with output by the way the quanta now collapsed around its atmosphere will show. So even while the waves inside that atmosphere are much faster than light you can easily see that information that is faster than light takes place there and it's influencing the quanta just as Einstein was much concerned about this about the speed of the collapse of the wave function. To me this is disproof of relativity and it really is faster than light.

 You see on some of my older posts I know are now outdated and the post on the link is my most up-to-date and I consider it to be the most valuable and it is indeed at the top of all my pages on the web. 

  What I add as I'm now wiser about physics is what makes it hopefully the most valuable. It's been said that good and quickly seldom meet and I've been building up my ideas for 40 years.

CLICK HERE for this, a favorite page of mine about my ideas about physics in general.