Monday, February 19, 2024


Why study of cosmic rays, lightning on Jupiter, and the spectra of superluminal jets may be of value to science..

In my belief Einstein's idea of the singularity being infinite would not seem to be true because this would violate energy conservation with energy going in and never returning to the universe.

Instead of energy going in and disappearing forever we see huge jets on the cosmic distance level reviving out from these sources. One problem here is about what actually powers these jets.

 My belief has been that gravity is so strong inside of a black hole that it condenses the matter including the gravity condensing itself to form a phase of superdense matter I call superfusion to power the jets. By doing this, any jet going outward (inside the event horizon) would have to go faster than light..

 I also invoke the idea that inside the heavy quanta as they spin faster than light, only by this method of superluminal internal motion can we indeed explain problems like where 97% the mass of the proton comes from.

  Einstein offers no explanation for what the cause of rest mass is..If mass is spinning energy it's easy to explain this but by relativity with everything at the speed of light on the quantum level the spin would only be one or minus one so the mass would only be one or minus one etc. For fermions the spin would be faster than light at different speeds and so we see a rainbow of masses for the heavy quanta. If by relativity a heavier mass goes slower through time we would expect a heavier quanta to have longer and longer radioactive half-lives but instead they get shorter and shorter. The quanta are like small clocks spinning by some of the usual theorems about time like e.g. it's about frequency and it's always about periodic fluctuation so time goes faster and faster with more mass as the spin speeds up. This is also by conservation of angular momentum.

 It would seem that we need a source of all the quanta around us. Maxwell believed the wealth of mass and energy around us was manufactured not created because we see the standard laws for all the physics we find anywhere we look.

 So I believe that the singularity may be this otherwise unseen realm of physics.

Here the heavier superfusion quanta are spinning faster than light to have enough centrifugal force to withstand the super strong gravity there.

So this would save energy conservation and be the cause of the superluminal jets.

Another question that has been asked is about what powers supernovas.. there has seemed to be no known cause of the sudden reversal after the implosion of the star as it collapses. Some people had tried to use supercomputers to simulate by seeing if neutrinos could power the radiation outward but there wasn't enough neutrino energy to do this.

 I think this might possibly be powered by superfusion but only for a short time due to the lack of constant pressure like in the singularity, otherwise seen for supernovas.

Because like the heavy quanta of subatomic physics, the heavier quanta yet of superfusion would spin faster and have a shorter half life than by relativity, and so they will be unstable at lower energy around us.. 

  Only the lower energy quanta like the electron are stable, above the electrons energy level they tend to have shorter and shorter half lives. 

So the superfusion quantum would only be present or stable inside the singularity like the neutrons in the nucleus which are held in by reradiation by the strong force, or for a brief moment when a supernova reverses.

Even so the event of the conversion of the implosion to superfusion for the quanta might be so brief that it wouldn't much change the spectra of the supernova even while powering the reradiance outward after the implosion.

 By this method of short-term superfusion the problem of changes in the spectra as are seen the anomalous spectra of the jets of black holes would mostly be solved perhaps by superfusion being so hugely radioactive and it converts over to common elements and quanta without much of its characteristic radioactive trace leftover we might expect to find and as are seen for cosmic jets.

 It's been believed by many that the real source of cosmic rays is actually supernovas so it seems that they may also be caused by superfusion.

 If so it might seem that they would have some trace in cosmic rays left over from superfusion itself.

 Another unexplained event in physics is about what powers lightning. A lightning bolt has more heat than a solar flare.

 Some believe lightning is caused by low energy nuclear reactions. In this scenario the low energy radioactivity of the cloud will be enough to strip off the electrons of the atoms there and become ionized enough that they power the lightning bolt..

But if there was radioactivity like this it could have an unlimited sort of explosion if it's strong enough to power the lightning bolt.

 So my explanation of lightning itself..

CLICK HERE or as I'll show you on the same link if you like after you read this..

... has been that the protons line up enough in the lightning bolts for some of them to fuse by the stronger near magnetic attraction and the protons flip over 20 times per second as the bolt often reverses between the Earth and the cloud which we would not expect by radioactivity only because there would be no reversal as it radiates out.

 So it seems that fusion could power lightning bolts.

 I think also that higher energy fusion might power superfusion..if the lightning bolts were strong enough like on planets like Jupiter this could also be a source of the cosmic rays. We've only been able to find the general areas of sources like supernovas. 

 So perhaps most of the cosmic rays astronomers see yet without a source might be coming from these super strong lightning sources on planets like in distant star systems which are more numerous than supernovas, and with not so many apparent high energy events, most of these distant planetary sources would not be directly visible to our astronomy. 

 So here I propose that we search cosmic rays, supernovas, and the superluminal jets of black holes and perhaps the lightning of a planet like Jupiter or Saturn within reach of sensors in use for possible evidence of related anomalous spectra by this central cause "superfusion"..

 If they all have related spectra then we have confirmation of SuperFusion..


According to GPT-4..

..there are known anomalies in the spectra of galaxies, high-energy jets, supernovae, and even lightning that challenge standard spectroscopic models. For instance:

Supernovae and Jets: Observations have revealed that during the death of some massive stars, a jet can be launched through the stellar envelope, creating a cocoon that leaves a unique imprint on the spectrum of light from the supernova. This cocoon carries information about the interaction between the jet and the envelope, which can include broad absorption features not predicted by standard models1.

Galactic Spectra: The spectra of several galaxies, particularly extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs), have shown that the abundances of some Si-group elements differ from the predictions of “spherical” explosion models of massive stars. These discrepancies have led researchers to consider jet-driven supernova models to explain the observed abundance patterns2.

High-Energy Cosmic Rays: Observations have also indicated that jets from collapsed stars, such as those in the Manatee Nebula, are capable of producing some of the Galaxy’s fastest particles. These findings challenge our understanding of cosmic rays and their origins, suggesting that jets from black holes can accelerate particles to near-light-speed, contributing to the cosmic-ray population3.

These anomalies are important because they provide insights into the complex processes occurring in these extreme environments and can lead to the development of new models and theories in astrophysics.

    Click Here for my link to the post about the possible cause of lightning..