Monday, February 19, 2024


 Pulsars may slow down not the Galaxys because the pulsar has strong inertia or centrifugal force yet the galaxys have more gravity plus centrifugal force. If inertia and gravity are not the same but related the pulsar will slow down much faster if what it's really emitting is inertial radiation like for centrifugal force which is much stronger than gravity that presumably moves at the speed of light as by relativity as found by LIGO but it's radiating outward not inward like gravity.. a prediction is that the rate of radiating out of the energy of pulsars and galaxies with time should show a slight decrease in the rate of decrease because the gravity waves are radiating in and tending to speed it up (and thus not slow it down fast!) with time. Masses of cosmic size would add mass with more spin with time in their evolution.

  We might ask if all the masses around us have attraction and seem to be radiating both inertial waves and gravity waves like this, how much are nearby masses around us in the lab losing or absorbing energy by gravity waves with time? If the waves that LIGO has found are essentially about centrifugal force or inertia I would hold that a centrifuge like an ultra centrifuge may  actually be losing energy with time at the rate predicted by LIGO (not for the rate of gravity radiation which would not be changed much at all because gravity would be so much faster than the spinning gyroscope and without as much gravitational mass like the galaxies.)

Actually the gyroscope might be spinning slower as predicted by LIGO radiation yet not quite as slow because of the tendency to otherwise speed up of the gravity waves. This could be definite proof of my idea that gravity and inertia are not the same as Einstein held in relativity. 

 To get the most pure measure of the gravity radiation we might want to at least move it away from a massive body like the Earth.

 If my theory is correct common masses around us will be emitting much more energy by inertia as LIGO has measured and like the pulsar, it's general energy change at any rate! in the rate of spin (probably not weight because it's been disproven) may be offset by a small amount by the tendency for the gravity waves to increase its mass and slow down at a slower speed  yet not spin faster with larger masses like 100 or 200,000 light years.


I believe the reason the pulsars are spinning slower while the galaxies are spinning faster may be because while pulsars are radiating out inertia as found by the speed of light waves of LIGO, the galaxies are also doing this and are rotating as solid bodies, but also absorbing much more gravity because they aren't the same thing.

 While it might seem improbable to  find gravity wave radiation for masses around us, but this is actually what Einstein thought for old electrons.  He predicted that old electrons would change mass in the gravitational field of the Earth.

 It would seem we might measure inertial waves with LIGO and so measure changes in the mass around us by the same event..


Why study of cosmic rays, lightning on Jupiter, and the spectra of superluminal jets may be of value to science..

In my belief Einstein's idea of the singularity being infinite would not seem to be true because this would violate energy conservation with energy going in and never returning to the universe.

Instead of energy going in and disappearing forever we see huge jets on the cosmic distance level reviving out from these sources. One problem here is about what actually powers these jets.

 My belief has been that gravity is so strong inside of a black hole that it condenses the matter including the gravity condensing itself to form a phase of superdense matter I call superfusion to power the jets. By doing this, any jet going outward (inside the event horizon) would have to go faster than light..

 I also invoke the idea that inside the heavy quanta as they spin faster than light, only by this method of superluminal internal motion can we indeed explain problems like where 97% the mass of the proton comes from.

  Einstein offers no explanation for what the cause of rest mass is..If mass is spinning energy it's easy to explain this but by relativity with everything at the speed of light on the quantum level the spin would only be one or minus one so the mass would only be one or minus one etc. For fermions the spin would be faster than light at different speeds and so we see a rainbow of masses for the heavy quanta. If by relativity a heavier mass goes slower through time we would expect a heavier quanta to have longer and longer radioactive half-lives but instead they get shorter and shorter. The quanta are like small clocks spinning by some of the usual theorems about time like e.g. it's about frequency and it's always about periodic fluctuation so time goes faster and faster with more mass as the spin speeds up. This is also by conservation of angular momentum.

 It would seem that we need a source of all the quanta around us. Maxwell believed the wealth of mass and energy around us was manufactured not created because we see the standard laws for all the physics we find anywhere we look.

 So I believe that the singularity may be this otherwise unseen realm of physics.

Here the heavier superfusion quanta are spinning faster than light to have enough centrifugal force to withstand the super strong gravity there.

So this would save energy conservation and be the cause of the superluminal jets.

Another question that has been asked is about what powers supernovas.. there has seemed to be no known cause of the sudden reversal after the implosion of the star as it collapses. Some people had tried to use supercomputers to simulate by seeing if neutrinos could power the radiation outward but there wasn't enough neutrino energy to do this.

 I think this might possibly be powered by superfusion but only for a short time due to the lack of constant pressure like in the singularity, otherwise seen for supernovas.

Because like the heavy quanta of subatomic physics, the heavier quanta yet of superfusion would spin faster and have a shorter half life than by relativity, and so they will be unstable at lower energy around us.. 

  Only the lower energy quanta like the electron are stable, above the electrons energy level they tend to have shorter and shorter half lives. 

So the superfusion quantum would only be present or stable inside the singularity like the neutrons in the nucleus which are held in by reradiation by the strong force, or for a brief moment when a supernova reverses.

Even so the event of the conversion of the implosion to superfusion for the quanta might be so brief that it wouldn't much change the spectra of the supernova even while powering the reradiance outward after the implosion.

 By this method of short-term superfusion the problem of changes in the spectra as are seen the anomalous spectra of the jets of black holes would mostly be solved perhaps by superfusion being so hugely radioactive and it converts over to common elements and quanta without much of its characteristic radioactive trace leftover we might expect to find and as are seen for cosmic jets.

 It's been believed by many that the real source of cosmic rays is actually supernovas so it seems that they may also be caused by superfusion.

 If so it might seem that they would have some trace in cosmic rays left over from superfusion itself.

 Another unexplained event in physics is about what powers lightning. A lightning bolt has more heat than a solar flare.

 Some believe lightning is caused by low energy nuclear reactions. In this scenario the low energy radioactivity of the cloud will be enough to strip off the electrons of the atoms there and become ionized enough that they power the lightning bolt..

But if there was radioactivity like this it could have an unlimited sort of explosion if it's strong enough to power the lightning bolt.

 So my explanation of lightning itself..

CLICK HERE or as I'll show you on the same link if you like after you read this..

... has been that the protons line up enough in the lightning bolts for some of them to fuse by the stronger near magnetic attraction and the protons flip over 20 times per second as the bolt often reverses between the Earth and the cloud which we would not expect by radioactivity only because there would be no reversal as it radiates out.

 So it seems that fusion could power lightning bolts.

 I think also that higher energy fusion might power superfusion..if the lightning bolts were strong enough like on planets like Jupiter this could also be a source of the cosmic rays. We've only been able to find the general areas of sources like supernovas. 

 So perhaps most of the cosmic rays astronomers see yet without a source might be coming from these super strong lightning sources on planets like in distant star systems which are more numerous than supernovas, and with not so many apparent high energy events, most of these distant planetary sources would not be directly visible to our astronomy. 

 So here I propose that we search cosmic rays, supernovas, and the superluminal jets of black holes and perhaps the lightning of a planet like Jupiter or Saturn within reach of sensors in use for possible evidence of related anomalous spectra by this central cause "superfusion"..

 If they all have related spectra then we have confirmation of SuperFusion..


According to GPT-4..

..there are known anomalies in the spectra of galaxies, high-energy jets, supernovae, and even lightning that challenge standard spectroscopic models. For instance:

Supernovae and Jets: Observations have revealed that during the death of some massive stars, a jet can be launched through the stellar envelope, creating a cocoon that leaves a unique imprint on the spectrum of light from the supernova. This cocoon carries information about the interaction between the jet and the envelope, which can include broad absorption features not predicted by standard models1.

Galactic Spectra: The spectra of several galaxies, particularly extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs), have shown that the abundances of some Si-group elements differ from the predictions of “spherical” explosion models of massive stars. These discrepancies have led researchers to consider jet-driven supernova models to explain the observed abundance patterns2.

High-Energy Cosmic Rays: Observations have also indicated that jets from collapsed stars, such as those in the Manatee Nebula, are capable of producing some of the Galaxy’s fastest particles. These findings challenge our understanding of cosmic rays and their origins, suggesting that jets from black holes can accelerate particles to near-light-speed, contributing to the cosmic-ray population3.

These anomalies are important because they provide insights into the complex processes occurring in these extreme environments and can lead to the development of new models and theories in astrophysics.

    Click Here for my link to the post about the possible cause of lightning..

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Song of Time; Rhythm (Energy conservation) And Music (Constant Rise and Fall of Higher Information)..

I have some ideas about time I hope you find of science value and I hope you may have some more time if you like!

 The Song of Time. 

Energy at the basic level is like the rhythm of the song can't be created or destroyed like small clocks that spin because they're quanta. Time may be saved here because if you spin the particle in reverse the total amount of time is saved, the quanta spin and can be reversed because all time is measured by periodic fluctuation like this.

  But all around us is information that's higher information that's being created or destroyed all the time.. this would be the "music of the song" of time. For example, you can change the weight of a mass externally by moving nearer to the N or South of the Earth, even so the mass which would be internal remains unchanged. I call these the events about weight like higher information, or the quanta, about mass. About the higher information being created or destroyed, I mean you can convert a sofa to the shelf and then to a box.

Because time and space are unified in Special Relativity moving back through time also is reversed in space. Yet the future is not as reversible for the music, with a distinct future and past. This may be caused by physics outside of relativity. The unfinished events of time, not yet 100% improved seem to be evidence against absolute relativity.

The "music" of "the song of time" is something else and nonlinear just as music in general is something other than rhythm in a song. 

About time unlike energy conservation we're mortal like the higher energy we're made of like "the song of time". And yet we know energy conservation is well proven. So my question became, does the music of the song of time match that of the rhythm or why?

 One thing I would say is if the music actually violated the rhythm then we wouldn't have energy conservation and energy conservation is really important to relativity.

 Even so I believe if we have the music inside or possibly outside the bubble of the quanta it still might violate relativity if you have the bubble stretched out like light waves and they can be miles across and the waves inside that quantum bubble might be faster than light and so violate relativity inside the bubble, as long as they match back up to the rhythm on the outside like the quanta. 

Einstein, while he's talking a lot about the doppler shift in Special Relativity (which is a wave phenomena because like a train with the whistle it changes pitch with different speed) he also often elaborates to say that light is a particle unchanged from emission to absorption and so the speed of light is constant to all observers because it's not being influenced as it travels by the waves. 

And when I'm talking about the bubble with the music of time inside of it I'm talking about the possibility of a faster than light wave.. we might be able to send the waves inside the bubble by stretching it out on both sides and use it for things like communications or computers as long as the music always matches up to the rhythm by the time it reaches the other side.

But the idea that we could only prove the speed of light by no evidence for this I think is assuming that we measure quanta with quanta and not waves with waves inside the area of the bubble.

 I would think the waves have to interact with the quanta for them to be stable and so some certain changes in the quantum on the outside reflecting the faster than speed of light motion inside that quanta may be experimentally proven.

So by this measure since relativity is fundamentally about quanta even though there is a lot of evidence about the waves, I believe relativity is where Einstein's assuming what he's trying to prove.

Few experiments have proven relativity wrong but I think perhaps physicists were looking in the wrong place. I think the lines of the classic electromagnetic field also may have waves between them to keep them unified and not bunch up or break (and to maintain the motion) and these waves may enable us to send information  faster than light by the waves... provided that they measure those waves with other waves not with the quanta! (more particularly the waves will resonate more with the waves but even so in this view they'll partially be influenced also and be measurable by the changes in the quanta to some extent). This is because relativity and energy conservation seem to be well proven. 

  Even so all around us there are also all sorts of  higher information like the music of time not of's being created and destroyed constantly in loops of a sort of evolution, and so the cosmos may be made of alternating events like this.

Just as music is distinct from rhythm even though it obeys the rules of rhythm, I believe it may be something else relativity doesn't describe.

The reason I think it's been so tough to find the waves themselves is because they may move much faster than light being lighter than light by Maxwell's method he used to predict the speed of light exactly with and by the quantum measure they seem to be really slow..

 The quanta only show an average measure of the much faster waves, so the field seemed continuous as Einstein believed.

He said that all his castles in the air including mass and motion fail for gravity without complete continuity of the field.

Even so with a quantum computer you put in the input of the microwaves and they make the quantum gas around the outside of the quanta collapse and then you can measure the change that's taken place by input with output by the way the quanta now collapsed around its atmosphere will show. So even while the waves inside that atmosphere are much faster than light you can easily see that information that is faster than light takes place there and it's influencing the quanta just as Einstein was much concerned about this about the speed of the collapse of the wave function. To me this is disproof of relativity and it really is faster than light.

 You see on some of my older posts I know are now outdated and the post on the link is my most up-to-date and I consider it to be the most valuable and it is indeed at the top of all my pages on the web. 

  What I add as I'm now wiser about physics is what makes it hopefully the most valuable. It's been said that good and quickly seldom meet and I've been building up my ideas for 40 years.

CLICK HERE for this, a favorite page of mine about my ideas about physics in general.

How To Prove If the Collapse of The Wave Function Exists With Crystals and More..

By Using A Crystal With Each Collapse If Multiplied Up In Size..

 Einstein found the method of Brownian motion and put it on a mathematical basis. A lot of physicists had their doubts and he promoted atomic physics with a definite proof that convinced most other scientists atoms exist.


 The method Einstein used was about how if you had the motes of dust in the microscope the molecules of water are bouncing around...  Einstein predicted based on math he could prove how much the bits of dust would jostle around in the microscope as a function of how much the atoms of the water cause it.

 Some in science are in doubt now that the collapse of the wave function might exist even here in 2024 after a century of debate..

 It doesn't follow anywhere from Schrodinger's equations. The collapse of the wave function is where you have an atmosphere around each quanta and when you send in another quanta or microwaves as with quantum computers, you collapse that wave function as if converting from gas to the solid and this is the basis of quantum computing which was conceived by Feynman in the early '80s. 

  His idea was if you have the small atmosphere around the outside of each quanta and you send in something like microwaves, which is how they do this these days,  this is then so fast it's collapsing much faster than light and you have your input and you have your output which is the readout about how the particles change after that. This is the basis of quantum computing.  Feynman was a real genius, the founder of quantum electrodynamics, the most well-proven idea other than what is called general relativity (I call it general but not relativity as I say elsewhere).

 The collapse of the wave function in quantum computing involves something about time that Einstein believed .. There's a belief that this collapse of the wave function determines what possible futures take place in this computational event.. it computes by selection out a large number of the futures so Einstein was saying as he was getting older! Time doesn't even exist, so all possible futures exist if they do exist and are the same and will be ce la vie with cest la vie..   

 And Einstein was saying this was what many people had believed, the idea that these futures are being selected out each time the wave function collapses with so many possible  combinations of the waves, and quantum computing is a thousand times faster than usual speed of computing now. 

 Older machines multiplied twice every 18 months by Moore's law with quantum computing building online by the internet.. It would seem that quantum computers may solve most codes and so the security methods have to be made secure so even quantum computers can't solve them.. the codes are valuable but also quantum computing is valuable.. So perhaps in 2 years quantum computers will be a million times faster than we have here in 2023.

In solving the quantum codes so the internet is still secure.. They found how to solve this by way of a matrix, small points in a grid in the XYZ like three dimensions but instead 50,000 dimensions also called degrees of freedom and inside the matrix they put a dot at random to store the code and when they do this the quantum computer totally stops the computation and doesn't even make it to the first level to find where the dot is in that matrix and solve the code. And so we can rest about quantum computing and rest at high speed... So quantum computing is sound and we can sleep well about this..

Because there are so many possible ways it can compute so fast, Einstein believed all possible futures may exist.. There's a world where old dogs may learn new tricks, and sure enough by the R&D!


 I have this belief about what causes the passage of time..where does the arrow of time come from? Is it related to quantum time like this, or the collapse of the wave function? Einstein seemed to assume it was, and other people were too but I disagree was George Ellis the English physicist who was saying that perhaps gravity selects out the collapse of the wave function..

In Ellis' idea the collapse of the wave function is sort of the edge of time and you have different radii of the gravitational field like the Earth and different ones select the collapse of the wave function so gravity by way of the wave functions determines the distinction between the future and the past.

  One problem with this is about how if you had a starship more distant from the gravity like the Earth, time will pass much the same. And recent experiments seem to show that this isn't true. The collapse of the wave function is not about distinctions in gravity.


The idea that we don't have a definite past present and future in quantum mechanics needs to be improved I think. No one has yet achieved this.

My idea is that the future is the energy coming in from like the sun and also energy radiating out from radioactive processes with thermodynamic radiation outward. The present will be mostly where the bonding angles of the atoms like in and out are changed eg chemically and this will be the present because it stores the computation.

 The energy that causes the change of time comes from both the inside or the outside like astronomers have hypothesized about rogue planets or wandering planets far from their star but they have pressure enough for the atmosphere so they can have liquid water and the source of energy for life and time from inside not outside and they're powered from the heat inside the planet so it's not necessary for the heat to come to us from the outside for the future or the present just so there's energy to do the computations where they balance. 


  In this my idea about time, the past is the record of what's happened from these previous levels of computation from the energy from outside or sometimes the inside traveling forward in the present and there is no past only the record of it per se and that's how we know the past doesn't exist anymore. By this, the future doesn't exist yet either because the energy like from the Sun hasn't yet reached us. Weather reports without heat much would not have much weather.


Since the past is stored in atomic bond angles, and the present is being consistently worn down so it becomes the past, the older the record is the more worn it tends to be.

 And we could also say that the computations in the present are also continually wearing down right from the moment they're created.

 But what causes the heat to radiate out by the heating I think of as the slow speed of light in relativity. 

 Einstein said in relativity that light is a particle uninfluenced from emission to absorption so the speed of light is constant. Disconnectivity by way of relativity and the slower speed of light may cause energy to radiate out not in as Einstein believed about the collapse of the wave function, and this may also be a major source of the radiance of entropy outward. The disconnection by the "slow" constant speed of light also would cause the energy to always radiate out more by entropy.

 I also believe that CPT (charge parity time) violation involves a sort of asymmetry of time relativity doesn't describe. While the spins like small clocks are assymeteical, if space and time are unified by relativity when you move backwards through space you will move backwards through time, and yet we don't. I think this is because time is asymmetrical and this is where the arrow of time comes from as some have suspected about the rate of radioactivity of K mesons in subatomic physics. 

It's possible if relatively is thus incomplete, every spinning body has a certain amount of time asymmetry like this because of the lack of general value of relativity for other physics. 

 Another example of a problem about relativity is how Einstein says mass slows time and yet the heavier  the mass of a quanta is, from the mesons through to the baryons, the faster is its general rate of decay. This will be like a small clock running faster because it spins faster with more mass.

 These are ideas about time that don't involve a collapse of a wave function as Einstein or Ellis believed with an inward collapse..we're looking at radiation outward instead mostly.. We evolved mostly with electromagnetic bond angles changing and so our sense of time is from the entropy and radiance outward.

 Time also needs change of some significant sort for work done on the field. This reminds me that in the evolution of behavior the most important behavior is that which creates change.

Heat radiates outward thermodynamically and that's what I was saying about Brownian motion.. Einstein proved this mathematically based on larger scale observations to prove what's going on at a smaller scale with math and there are some who still don't believe the collapse of the wave function exists. It  doesn't follow from any of the equations of quantum mechanics like Schrodinger's equation.

I believe it does exist because it seems to fit quantum computing so well.. after all, we know so much so I believe we may be able to test about the collapse of the wave function by using a crystal. 

  All the atoms are higher energy sending in the microwaves and measuring the size of the crystal.. This would multiply the change in the wave function, so its hugely more then just the one quanta with the contribution all the quanta multiplied up by their number and measurable.

 Here we might take the change in one quantum and hope to carry it over by trying to measure change in the crystal at more common size with a laser and prove whether the collapse of the wave function exists or not.

One thing we could say about the collapse of the wave function of the crystal if on a large scale at first I thought we could definitely prove or disprove if Einstein's concern was correct about the speed of the collapse about the speed of the wave function being so fast.

 While the crystals motion as the wave function collapses may at least prove about this, it may not be faster than light because the crystal may involve the problem that the collapse of the wavefunction is only short range around the outside of each quanta. 

 In other words the heavy quanta of the crystal may only move inward at the speed of light overall because on the outside of each quanta they're still interacting with the electromagnetic field like the virtual photons, and so overall the crystal won't collapse any faster than the speed of light. 

 Even so while this may prove the collapse of wave function I don't rule out the possiblity that even the general motion of the crystal might be faster than light as the wave functions collapse.

About Biology and The Speed of the Collapse of the Wave Function.

In the brain research of the 1920s it was proven with mice when their brain tissue was reduced  there was no limit to the memory that they held so it was believed that every neuron in the brain contains all the memory of the brain, this was the  Hologram mind concept of Carl Pribram in the '70s. The hologram as a record of an image contains all the image even on a small area when you divide it up like the brain.

 The brain has four quadrillion bits so if each neuron holds this huge amount of memory the only conceivable way it could do this I think is by way of the faster than light collapse of the wave function there. The value of this may relate directly to what we measure with the crystal as it collapses, including how the entropy of the crystal directly relates to the entropy of a neuron in complex ways with combinations of both the thermodynamic and the collapse of the wave function's influence on the computation of the time and the neuron.

One thing we say about the flow of time as the field would radiate outward like from the Sun, the present is caused partially by the collapse of the wave function and also by the field radiating outward more yet.

 If you have the crystal when it collapses it's going to collapse to a certain degree and then it's going to radiate back out and this changes the bond angles of the crystal so I believe this may be a quantum computer of a sort.

But not only that we can predict from this where the weighted values of the thermodynamic entropy arise from, if this is their source like the branching out of a tree like the right employee for the right labor in business, it's going to have the weighted value of the cause of the collapse of the wave function embedded in the electromagnetic field and the computation of time is taking place by the in and out of that radius of the field of the quantum. 

 But time doesn't radiate in it radiates out more in general because heat flows from hot to cold not vice versa. So when you have your crystal like this it's going to radiate out.. it changes  the bond angles but you're doing computations by way of the collapse of the wave function also.

This means we may have a really super super computer because it's easy to self assemble in the test tube. If we know the right kind of crystal that will do this it will be easy to make.

  It's a crystal so this is as simple as making the right kind of crystal and we send in the radiation and collapse the wave function by how it changes the bond angle. This could be achieved on a much huger scale than by usual quantum computers because so many more atoms are involved and it's so much easier to make.

This might be a way to make a quantum and room temperature quantum computer much cheaper since it doesn't need to be super cool to be stable.

  And Einstein was saying the most important thing is never stop questioning and if the cosmos was there he didn't have to look it up, and Carl Sagan was asking if there were worlds where people arise from the grave and live their life in reverse and then they're born or whether these questions have any meaning.

And I think because time and heat flow mostly from hot to cold even while it flows inward partially with the collapse of the wave function.. in general, the possibility of reversed world time events indeed have no meaning. While the collapse of the wave function Einstein believed is part of the flow of time, and while it will influence part of the weighted value of entropy, we evolved much more with the radiant outward heating of thermodynamics.

The folding of proteins in evolution seems to be much huger speed than relativity will allow as it says in the Wikipedia on the unsolved problems in science page, and with much more cohesion of the atoms that are computing this way than relativity tells us they would, the idea that this part of the computation of nature for making use of the flow of time has value. 

 Evolution would obviously get an advantage of making use of the higher speed computational power of the collapse of the wave function it was valuable for the survival of the individual there.

 Even so I believe heat radiates out more than in and so my idea about time that the future is in the energy that creates change mostly externally would seem to still be true. The direction of entropy and the general flow of time seems definitely to be more outward than inward because heat doesn't flow inward.

 Boltzmann, the father of thermodynamics held that all life is trying to achieve the lowest state of entropy and entropy is like randomness and with entropy things get old and wear out.

So even while heat flow seems about the passage of time it would seem that we hope for youth so the maintenance of youth might seem to be what's life about. What is new in this way of seeing time would be  a high energy blob of simplicity.

 Entropy goes from simple masses to wearing out.. an old Subaru wears out more the more you have it. 

 Youth would be life that's simple and this is why there are some forms of life those who study biology are aware of that actually don't age like sea anemones or small plants living in the arctic and some kinds of trees.   

 Other than mortality by way of predators or competitors these forms of life actually go from old age to youth and don't age, they actually go from old to young with time. 

 And I believe simplicity is what novel events are about because the higher forms of life age as time passes. So we pay the price for our smartness and higher evolution by getting older and dying. I think dying is not as bad as it would seem because there's a molecular clock in every cell and your body has to know what time it is, a time to live a time to die..

Entropy is actually a measure of simplicity so I disagree with Boltzmann's idea that the goal of life is to maintain simplicity.

And neither is it the use of energy because energy wears you out and causes aging.

 Simplicity hasn't done any real labor or interacted with the environment. An infant can do much and are undefeated at football kicking with mom because they haven't yet won or lost.. So life and time are both both about efficiency and simplicity. Simplicity isn't as efficient and a child can't do as much as others.

 When you look at the lives of the great people of history they did most of their great work when they were in their thirties. So life and time would seem to be about neither simplicity which can't do as much and is dumb and the wiseness and health issues like old age and somewhere in between is most efficient.

The reason we have to die in our natural lifespan I believe is that overcrowding is a limit set by millions of years of evolution and if every cell in your body didn't die you would probably get sick and die yourself.

I believe this was about what's going on with the world generally about problems like the debt and as with Covid they say it wouldn't have happened if people had been in their natural realm and not running over nature so they had moved into places like underground where we hadn't been in nature with millions of years of evolution..

 It's been believed there are going to be repeats of these type of pandemic events. It's been said that we could change the world for the good if we want to about the ecology if we cause no more harm to it.

 So that's why I believe we are wise to accept that at the end of our life.. we really aren't perfect and we should hand our life to the youth because the young people can adjust well with us and we're giving them room to live and breathe and move. We're giving them life by our time of passage and there is great love in being so great we give our life for others. So these are my ideas about time and time is thought of as being a final area of science and maybe the time and the future ain't what it used to be but it will be right away! 

If not right away we hope that we can make the world ecologically sound and well and healthy.  

Even while here on this link I offer a way we might solve Covid the same way the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic fizzled out, by replacing the harmful virus by another safe bug as it was then, this isn't a deeper cure like reducing overcrowding as I say here for you.(Both links also at end of my edit if you like for a more relaxed read. Research shows your brain makes a map of the site and links are a strain because it's like teleporting from one area of the city map over the area code! I offer this option of both sets of links as on all my posts.. I think most authors might as a service readers might think well of!)

 One thing I can say as above where I'm talking about measuring the collapse of the wave function, is that a crystal like this also may have  other uses.

I think if we took the atoms of a crystal with the right type and we set the electron orbits off center of each atom and by using the right type of electron clouds and the right spacing of the atoms and molecules of the crystal this could make a sort of relay for the current flowing through it. By this we can have a superconductor at room temperature.   

 This might be a simpler kind of superconductor to make because all that would be needed is the right kind of crystal and all this would need is the right configuration of the geometry of molecules of the crystal. This wouldn't take elaborate computations and trial and error.. as with the common superconductor theories. Instead this would be based on a sort of simple wiring of the crystals flow that you can send the current through.

 To me this seems like solitons except in the crystal which is really easy to manufacture by being self-assembled. (Solitons are where the wave length of a flowing wave is offset to match more the force that holds the wave together since all waves in the universe have both forces to dissipate and hold them together so that by the time the wavelength reaches the point where would dissipate instead there it holds it together and so the wave travels much further without dissipation.)

The idea here would be that instead of the wave in the wire offset by its timing and cohesive force for the superconductor in the crystal as the current flows through it, each atom would relay that current to the atom beside it before it dissipated. The overall entropy of the crystal is almost negative and so not so much energy is lost. Because it relies on pure electromagnetic energy instead of the acoustical oscillations in the standard superconductor explanation, it may be more efficient.

If we can use this to increase the flow of currents we might also use it to reduce them, making perhaps a really good super lightweight insulator used to insulate from electricity, sound or other radiation. Lead is considered to be one of the best acoustic insulators like for wall panels but of course it's toxic and it is heavy. By using crystals I think we could take the frequency of the sound and while the crystal's atoms are not matched up to the frequency, by their separation I imagine that we could set up oscillating resonances that would match up to the sound waves, or we could even use electric currents sent through the sheet of crystal insulators that change according to the sound. Another method of achieving good sound attenuation might be just to use a layer a few atoms deep for each frequency of the sound to stop by the resonances of the oscillation and overlap them for different changes in sound (no not noise! this is science) to stop even while the insulator is lightweight and much more able to stop the sound heat or other radiaton.

Overall this might be lightweight and cheap to make so it might make a good insulator, useful for a cheap way to insulate power wires which otherwise lose 87% of their power to radiation, an energy savings comparable to alternative energy but far cheaper than building the infrastructure.

 One problem about getting the wave functions of the crystal to all collapse for measuring the wave function itself or other use like this is that it would seem you could only collapse the wavefunctions on the outside of the crystal. At any rate we could at least use a thin crystal to measure this for the proof of the collapse of the wave function itself. 


 Because it could be made invisible to the microwaves going in to collapse the wave function by overlapping the the orbits of the electrons I could imagine even "collapsing the entire crystal" with no problem by this method, also rendering it's ability as a quantum super computer more than just for a flat computer chip although this is also possible by a laminar chip with connecting wires like the usual computer chip but much faster, cheaper and for use as a quantum computer or research about other events like about time and entropy.

This also relates to the new physics of using a crystal with molecules that rotate trillions of times a second or more with no overall motion of the crystal.

 Another possible use of a crystal like this I think might thus be to use off center molecular rotors that would have a bit more weight on one side than the other. If necessary part of the current offsets the rotor say every millionth turn with a net force in the direction away from where we want to send that crystal as a power source.

 It might be easy to create more of these crystals for power because by simple self assembly there's an unlimited amount of spin of the molecules that would be available to use for power. All we would need to get more power would be to self assemble more by simple chemical reaction.

Here's my link about evolution overcrowding and its historic influence

Here's my later post after Covid about how we might solve covid by "fighting its dogs with our dogs", much as the 1918 Spanish flu eventually resolved.