Saturday, April 27, 2019

Gravity Isn't an Infinite Force, It's Offset And It Is Indeed a Force

Here I consider the argument Van Flandern used to predict what the speed of gravity is.

On this site (click here or see link below) author Akash Peshin notes that using the 0 measured displacement of gravity measured of the Earth and sun, Tom Van Flandern calculated that the speed of gravity is 20 billion times the speed of light.

 Akash then goes on to say that this would involve a problem in  Newton's method of any finite speed of gravity. If gravity is a force like Newton believed, any finite speed gives a displacement, and since the displacement is out of phase with the centrifugal force, this results in a loss of energy and the planets and solar system is/are in..out of line with the cosmos!

 So Akash says the solution is a displacement of the force ahead of the Earth's path. So the speed is indeed finite, and the force or nonforce is once more working well for Einstein's belief in the speed of light speed for gravity.

I agree that gravity has a finite speed, if the exertion it uses is finite, it must also be finite. But the force is hugely hugely lighter than light, so I tend to believe the speed is 10 x10 to the 37 times the speed of light since gravity is that much lighter than electromagnetism as Maxwell may have believed by his method for predicting the speed of light. As I say elsewhere I believe what LIGO may have found is the speed of inertia because Einsten like Mach believed inertia and gravity were the same thing.

About the displacement as of the archers seen in the diagram on the link how can they be both off center as in the diagrams yet the displacement is 0? The author or others may have decided that if LIGO seems to fit Relativity, and the offset is of value, just invent an event that would be so if Relativity also fits gravity, even if the evidence shows the event doesn't exist as claimed in the diagram. This is what the displacement would be if Relativity and LIGO were the answer, yet the evidence is the same. The evidence about LIGO contradicts the displacement of gravity.

Akash then goes on to say no information can move faster than the speed of light because contrary to Einstein himself, here he says the archers are using a wave train of arrows, and while the arrows might seem to move much faster than light, only the information of the wave train can't move faster than the speed of light.

Einstein held that light is a particle in relativity uninfluenced from source to sensor, so the speed of light is constant. Einstein thus would have perhaps said using a wave train to explain anything about gravity in terms of the speed of light if it was by geometry alone would be insufficient.

One reason I accept the displacement of gravity as it is is about the idea that if gravity is at the same speed of light, there indeed is no force on the Earth, couldn't we just as well say the Earth would long since have destabilized and sailed away! No force is just so, right ...

Use of the offcenter method seems necessary and any finite force would use it. This isn't the absolute realm of Relativity.

I believe the Equivalence Principle is without value if an ultracentrifuge is without millions of gs and it radiates out not in.

If LIGO radiates out like a centrifuge it may be inertia, and while a major find, it may not allow the possibility of the huge speed e.g. for communications gravity might allow. And Akash ignores the EPR experiments as well as the quantum computers that have been heroic as the gravity wave events and elaborate enough to prove that Einstein's ultimate claim wasn't so much about information, but rather that no known signal yet seen was faster than light in his time.

Einstein never even actually defined information or a signal. If a signal is a way to reliably change one event by another and gravity causes change of masses over distance, this was one arguement used to justify  the building of gravity wave machines, but the speed may be faster so we have a sound foundation.

Note that if don't ignore the evidence and the speed of gravity is about the displacement it has not inertia, this may be
reversed to see if different speeds of gravity (since it's about acceleration) might give evidence about how offset cosmic masses at high speed might be.

Here's the site link I mentioned above, with the arrow displacement
events discussed.