More Solutions For CMEs
A CME is a solar flare that reaches the Earth in about 18 hours. If a CME actually hits the earth, it may have disastrous (bad star) consequences. Not only will the transformers, which take years to rebuild be damaged, the power loss will be to gas stations, hospitals, and nuclear power plants that also rely on the power of the grid . There are backup systems diesel powered, these last only about a month however. There may be no diesel to reach the power plants, ergo, because the diesel is moved in trucks, and the gas stations if without power to power the gas pumps, will have no transportation flow, no food, or water, or heat in winter. Other problems are about no internet if the power is out, and hospitals without the life support machines and so on. The last major flare hit in 1859 and it shocked and burned telegraph operators as they worked. There was another CME in the 1920's that stopped phone lines and one more recently in Quebec that left millions without power.
Short Term Solutions
The government is working on portable transformers that can be rapidly deployed in the event of a CME, and others have devised machines to simply cut off the power to the transformers if they overload via the CME, though it will take thousands of these machines. I propose two other methods. First for the nuclear power plants a more robust solution is needed since the power grid alone isn't the only problem as in the Fukushima earthquake in Japan. (How to better defend against earthquakes, CLICK HERE.) For high rise safety defence systems click here). The electrical grid connection might be cut by an earthquake or a terrorist plane bombing and just solving via transformers isn't enough. My sister had a roomate in college whose father sold atomic power plant kits, even 30 years ago. There are also small all in one atomic power plants that can be used to power just a small town, with reduced risk of meltdown, and cheaper too. Since most of the big power plants are not going out right away, a good solution for now might be to simply plant a plant of this type beside the big machine for emergency power after the diesel has run awhile and in the event of a disaster.
Second many smaller machines like the gas stations might use geothermal piping down into the earth where the temperature is constant, the heat above being moreso in summer is more than the cool below powering the pumps, and in winter the cool above and the heat relative below would also. There could be a lot more of these small geothermal power plants so even if some fail, most others would not in a disaster, and no doubt owners of businesses would have more cheap energy for business.
Medium Range Solutions
I've believed there may be advantage in wire towers to orbit from the surface of the earth. As I say elsewhere, the land in the N and the water in the S may create uneven torque via the moons attraction, leading to heat loss, that may cause perhaps 50% of earthquakes and volcanoes. It's been known from the early 1900's that there are 2/3 of the earthquakes within the first 10 days of the month, not the more prosaic 1/3 we might expect if the tides were not stronger then. On my page I note that what's called diastrophism, in geology where there has been unusual altitude and depth of ocean deeps since the time of dinosaur extinction, this has been continuous since then and at no other time in earth history has this been so. My belief is that this motif started then and before the dinosaur extinction by the submergence of the land bridge between Antarctica and Patagonia about 20 million years before the dinosaurs demise, this would have created a continuous S band of water around the earth that would have generated torque for mountain building and tilted the earth by precession, causing the seasons, and the dinosaurs to move more and more into the tropics, and the bad luck of the dinosaurs being hit by the asteroid in the tropics while the birds and mammals survived, being further N and S because they were and are endotherms, ect.
Thus the small wires to orbit might be of worth to reduce earthquakes and volcanoes, while also being of worth as small towers to orbit to cheaply launch small payloads that might then self assemble in orbit much cheaper and more safely than a small tower and generating much electric power as they spin through the earths field via the spin of the earth. For CME's the wires might be a shield by storing enough power to then be released when the CME hits, the power being sent at right angles between the tops of the towers to form a shield. In addition, since the onset of "ice ages" is well correlated with the 25,000 year cycles of the earth's precession, and the wires could stop the precession by changing the torque, the wires may have the advantage of also stopping a future ice age. And I think the wire towers might be a useful way to shield even from global warming by some sort of lightweight network between them perhaps made of aerogels or electric fields. Habits are first webs then links to paraphrase the old saying, so once a lightweight method was up the wires like of computing of our brains could be made more durable according to cost relative to value in the future.
Another medium range defence against CME's might be a sort of net with weights on the outside set spinning at 90 degrees, like an ancient gladiator throwing a net to stop an orb of flame tossed by the sun god. Some have devised a shield to reduce global warming, 600 miles wide between the earth and the sun, so a net might be possible for e.g. severe CME's.
Long Term Solutions
Any way to solve the ice age riddle is complete if the sun was burning at lower power. Even so the ice ages correlate well with the astronomical cycles too in onset and duration. For this reason I've tended to believe in a combination sun cooler and astronomical way to the answer here. If astronomy alone were the cause, the earth would have been cycling in and out indefinitely, and if the solar heat alone were the cause, there would be no cycles. The astronomical cycles are just cycles, and the cooling of the sun I would explain by way of Jupiter. Note that Jupiter has an 11 year orbit just like the sunspot cycles, the periods of heating and cooling, and Jupiter has a much stronger magnetic field about 100 Gauss, while the sun has just .5. As I say on my other site about weather control (see link list at upper left of page, Weather Control) there is evidence that the great red spot of Jupiter might be a semi permanent crater floating around in the slush caused by ancient impact just before the ice ages on earth, not a giant hurricane as Sagan and others have thought, after all a hurricane might disperse rapidly in the 300 mph winds causing rapid destabilization if it were like a tropical storm here where the heat bubble rises to cool the tropics.
If an asteroid or comet or moon hit Jupiter and created the red spot this could damp the magnetic field and cool the sun, causing the ice ages. The complete cycle of solar activity is actually 22 years not 11, and this would be caused by modulation of Jupiter's field by Jupiter's satellite Io which spews out lots of sulphur in a torus around its orbit. The two moons on either side of Io cause strong tides that create the eruptions of the sulphur magma. In my belief Io's complete precession in 22 years would explain the reversal of the poles of the sunspots with each 11 year period, first the magnetic field is N above the ecliptic, then S. It would seem much more probable that a simple orb like the sun would have no internal structure or timing like a complex 22 year cycle, but the precession of Io might easily be the cause.
If Io thus modulates the solar field causing the CME at the peak, in the future we might be able to change Io to somehow at least take the peak out of the 22 year cycle reducing the risk of a harmful CME, e.g we might explode rocks in Io's orbit absorbing up the sulphur, or we might one day explode one of the strainful moons on either side of Io with explosives. If we may have evolved with the sunspot cycles it may be wise for those future stellar engineers to not take the complete 22 year cycle out, just the peaks. Tree rings show an 11 year cycle and there is a theory of the stock market that it has fluctuations caused by the sunspots, getting cozy wait 22 years? There are other theories that link the sunspots with necktie width (wider, more bullish market) hemlines rise with higher Dow Jones, aspirin sales go up, and an NFL team always wins the Super Bowl! All these seem to be a link, even so sunspots may be the real cause since if we go back to say the 1900's there was not a boom, then the 20's were the roaring 20's, the 30's were the depression, the 40's the roaring 40's, the Dow was up, the fifties calm again, the 60's more elevated, the 70's down again and the 80's up again in seemingly 11 year cycles, how would neckties or aspirin have this much power?
If we are sensitive to the 22 year cycles, evolution may like us to only moderate not stop the cycle.
Finally there may be a great new power source that could power all the pumps including the service station. A new type of cooling has been devised that uses the power of the air. When a body cools in the air near the earth, it has some wavelengths that radiate and don't bounce back, acting as an insulator. The problem with most wavelengths is they are opaque to the heat, acting as an insulator by bouncing in back into what you want to cool. Now they have a surface that radiates out more of the heat at the transparent wavelength, cooling the fizz jug by auto cool. I think a great use would be to generate power anywhere by the power distinction of hot and cool anywhere. No doubt a lot of heat would reach the air, but it would be good for heat on the outside of the machine in winter, and perhaps more insulative inner radiance could make mass hold more heat by non radiance at the non opaque wavelength.
There may be another problem as severe as CME's, malicious use of software to damage the power grid. The stuxnet virus that brought down Iran's atomic power plan used a virus perhaps generated by the CIA. This wouldn't have been believed possible by most a few years ago because the machines it damaged weren't connected to the Internet. Stuxnet was loaded to the machines by a USP chip by accident handed to an unaware technician that then roamed the software for months undetected till it found its target, a virus that destroyed the centrifugal machines used to refine the uranium. This leads to the possibility many consider that hackers may damage the much larger and more complex power grid, the largest machine controlled by computers. We read where this might be solvable by tricks like software auditors, hash functions (giant codes) software patches, and so on, but because they can't take down power stations to edit the software while "online!" These seem weak compared to the risk. Due to problems like Wifi connections, old pathways and codes the enemy could sneak in I believe there will be only one solution to wean the power business off the computer habit, use of real genuine electronics, not computers, at least for a major part of our powerbase like the electric power we would have problems without. The power industry lived for all the 20th century without computers, and with risk like this of 20 more Chernobyls in addition to the CME risk. Many of us lived for years without computers and risks of crashes. (You may say, I'm using a computer right now, right? I was once genuinely enthused by computers but as I got more aware of them this has waned, real computation has value, even so I'm more enthused about other things now. Computers are causing of problems, overuse, leading to eye and wrist damage to millions, the fastest rising cause of divorce is internet chat rooms, the web seems to multiply up both the bad and good, often unpredictably, and e.g. 2/3rds of computer gamblers are addicted. I'm now typing from my local college library, and I solved my own computer problem by just letting mine crash and burn (thanks to a somewhat cheap machine) and I've vowed to never go back to using my machine too much, Click Here for More when it's time to stop is a reset button for life! I had low speed then so you may not have this luck with high speed, if so the link may be of value to you. I was offered a plan with an internet cellphone about when my PC crashed and was turned down, then I realized this was great, my great disgust with the web was more a celebration. No web phone, no PC except in the more limited realm of here at the college. It's a regular rhythm of question I write down to find the best when like weekends and the college is sleeplearning and then answers, my belief as research shows is the web is changing how peoples brains remember, you think you're being energised, while actually you're tired. I think all the random distraction of much computing is both stimulating and may also cause disorientation and so on, and other studies have shown that you don't remember the web page like a paper page. My mother a prof of speech says she thinks the reason was just the light and the hue, and I told her of this about the randomness like gamboling "and she believed". Don't have a college that closes? As I say on the link, just buy put your machine in a box and use a timer lock, so the machine will rest, and no doubt compute with people around, hire others to do your finds, and your typing and so on. A fast modem helps a lot also.)
I think there are two possibilities about electric malfeasants and the power business, no computers now, and no crash caused by bad people, or the "shock" of having to later, like Three Mile Island was to the nuclear power industry in the 80's and beyond. Real books, real paper, and real power is great. Rather like a diet of too much sugar leading to diabetes, or a real life, with old fashioned machines, of worth for millions of years we had no machines like this, some machines but not with 20 meltdowns..
(How to better defend against earthquakes, CLICK HERE.
For High Rise Safety Defence Systems click here).