Friday, May 20, 2011

A Rescue System May Uplift And Save us From Math at 20 Stories

We read of the patent on the spiral loaded on trucks to save those in high rise emergencies. This "slide" would be hauled through the roads to the building and then raised to the roof and the people above would slide down to safety, "whee!" sounds like celebration!

This seems to have the problem of the size of the slide, tough to move under lights and overpasses to reach where the fire is. Another possiblity is permanent towers on the outside of each building and though this would be as expensive as ladders it would at least fit in with the look of many hi rise luxury constructions. They might say stairs outside, so old fashioned, so the elevators might be in more plans and safety codes. Even so this would still cost a lot.

The new rescue winch for people stranded on the top of high rise buildings as in fire or rain uses a seat the person unwinds the winch down to the ground and safety. There are those who believe these need to be improved for rescuing more people at once. By using a larger box and lowering it from the roof after tossing the wire with another safety module on the other side more people can be saved from the roof. The box to reach the top of the roof the box would be mostly vertical and have a rail at the top so the person would climb in the box without fear of falling. On the base of this vertical box would be wheels to keep it somewaht distance from the building if needed. At the base of the box a special safety system on the outside might be used perhaps with airbags to land reasonably well if the box actually would fall in some percentage of the time since no machine is perfect, inertial stabilizers inside might be used to make it land correctly.

The box is believed to be also T or cross shaped since it could reach people in windows too as it rises and lowers for more safety sooner so there could be more floors reached to save people sooner. A horizontal box could be used to reach more of the floors below the roof via windows sooner. This would also be a useful way for firefighters and other safety personel to reach much higher up the building sooner.