Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ways To Prove if Hydrogen Boosts Cosmic Redshift
Paul Marmet on his site about the Hubble Constant says he believes the redshift and the missing mass to close the cosmos can both be explained by way of molecular hydrogen. One problem here is if we assume gravity is the same the galaxies wouldn't spin as solid bodies as they are observed by the observatories. Another problem is that a train's doppler shift is not of comparable magnitude to its doppler shift via the density of the air, otherwise the greater the distance like of radio waves through the air, the greater the redshift. If Marmet can prove the redshift via hydrogen in the lab or with other materials this would be of worth and I would think the hydrogen way to cosmology would be more plausable though not probable. Marmet's site; .

Here's another link about "tired light" .

In cosmology, the motion of clouds of hydrogen in the time of Hubble in the 1920's to prove the motions of hydrogen near and far was measured by the doppler shift, the redshift. If the redshift was caused by hydrogen as is Marmet's belief, there would be a redshift on both sides of the Milky Way not both blue and redshift this is well proven to be augumented or reduced with the spin of the disk of a massive body to or away from us, if and hydrogen is still the cause there would be the added redshift with hydrogen component for all distant masses. If the redshift was caused by hydrogen alone, the observations wouldn't fit Marmet's use of hydrogen to make the redshift caused by the spin seen. If this is the cause of the redshift here, its a step up to believe it's of worth to be the cause of the redshift of the cosmos. This is what led Hubble and others to believe in the expansion of the cosmos. To prove if more hydrogen causes more redshift, there would be more redshift the more distance we look to other side of the Milky Way and it wouldn't be about motion to see the other side even if it's not moving much relative to us.

Another way to prove or disprove Marmet's belief in hydrogen may be about the rate of expansion of a sphere (or possibly via cosmic vortex cosmology). Since the expansion is mostly powered from the center, heavanly bodies at more distance like with higher redshift if under power longer would move faster farther away from us, thus the cosmic expansion is also proven or disproven relative to the hydrogen cause by way of the earth being with completely symmetrical redshifts outward on all sides. If Marmet's conclusion is proven, with more distance, more redshift. With a nonsymmetrical expansion of the Big Bang more redshift would be seen on the more outward realm.