Tuesday, December 26, 2006



.I saw this site where they talking about rooms attached with big wires of much reach, and they said what if the wire broke a thousand light years away, would the box it was in support of it move right away? I remembered a Sci Amer I once read and they said something like this, so good news if the author of the gossip perhaps has actually added more to my site;

..They have computers that use small small levers in place of the usual electron bits, these can do much faster computations than any other type of chip, are much smaller, and they have much lower heat output and power consumption.

.If you take a solid piece of mass, say a beam of iron, and move one end, the other side on the other side of the room moves when it moves. The mass of each particle of the beam is mostly of electrons, the constituent masses of the electrons in turn are matter waves, these are well known from quantum mechanics, from Einstein's EPR Paradox to be faster than light, the explanation of faster than light tunneling. Chins experiments with tunneling and the EPR Paradox are both faster than light. I think of this like a generalization of Maxwell's theory (Einstein copied Maxwell, not Maxwell Einstein). Because light slows down in a more dense medium like air, with more reduced density of a field, the faster the wave. Maxwell used this to predict the exact speed of light. Light goes at its own speed, and an electron has higher density, so it being the opposite than light and mass is the opposite of energy because mass is heavy and slow and energy is fast and light, so mass has faster internal waves, so the matter waves that make up the electrons with higher density would be faster than light. They wouldn't have the infinite mass augumentation of special relativity because they're at a different wavelength than the light and don't interact directly much like two antennas that have to be of about the same bandwidth to find the station. Some physicists have thought of the speed of light more like a sieve than a barrier. There is a loose association between the matter waves and the electrons and generally via energy conservation and the same conservation of momenta and all the motion that moves, moves. But once the field is past a certain level, it would become a superfluid, as some think. You may say just going from solid to liquid is like this, above a certain energy the room between the particles is enough that they lose a lot of friction and speed up. Without the addition of the mass of special relativity from friction with the field, the higher the speed the more mass, the lack of friction would allow the lack of infinities about faster than light.

.If you have a mass, like a beam or other solid line of mass and you move it, it will move on the other side of the room (if it reaches, the room will) almost instantaneously. This is possible and may be tested with atomic clocks. If it's a denser field than light it's faster than light. The matter wave and perhaps the mass of the beam in essence is tunneling from one side of the room to the other. The wave through the outside of the atoms of the rod may move through the electrons of the atoms at just the speed of light but part of the wave would also move through the center of the atoms and this is more dense so by Maxwell's method of predicting the speed of light, more density would allow considerably higher speed than light through the mass.

. Relativity holds that distant points are disconnected with a slow speed of light. If it takes years for the light to reach us, we can't know what's before or after what goes on at Alpha Centuari without much luck. So slow light, low connectivity. Another way of saying this may be, high connectivity, faster than light. If the beam of mass reached all the way to Centauri and you moved it just a bit with the much higher density perhaps it would tunnel well even though none of the electric charges in the boom were themselves moving faster than light.

If physical machines are much better computer chips, if we then put the tunneling beam in a tube and move it, like the lever it may be of real worth for faster than light signals through these solid masses if the beam is just tapped. I read in a SciAmer humor article about if you had a pulley that reached all the way to Venus and with two wheels, one here and one there and a continuous wire between here and Venus, if you moved the pulley, is it faster than light? While I already had other proofs of faster than light before this I think actually, it may just from good intuition. And the humor of Sci Amer may be of use. Each two of the wire "beams" to transmit the bandwidth like the pulley and the line in tension would have levers to balance the pressure of the beams. This is like power when you control wheels of a car, you have balance of strong forces on either side, so you have a better way to control the wheels motion, and better bandwidth. Moving just one wave through a wire beam a large distance may be better if the beams are in straight lines with gaps, and for going around corners with the booms.