Monday, January 15, 2007

Extrasolar Planets, More Hazardous Than Asteroids?
Astronomers have no explanation for why most of the extrasolar planets they've found are more massive and near the star the behemoth orbits. These "roaming planets" may have been captured by the star. The mass of these planets would be a major part of the matter that would close the cosmos, they wouldn't be a star 99 times out of 100. This makes sense since all mass attracts and there is no real reason the mass would just be that of stars. This would have proof or disproof by way of the stars and how many of these planets exist, the more gravity, the more planets captured in the optimum room between the stars (after all or most of the planets were in orbit around the stars, the probability would be lower). While this won't explain all there is about dark matter since the galaxies rotate as a solid body, it may be a major component of it. When a giant planet were captured it often would disrupt the other earthlike planets often sending them off out of their orbit into the void because of the more massive field of the planet. A typical solar system in later evolution might usually have perhaps two captured massive planets and the original massive planets with most of the smaller planets gone. The capture would also disrupt the orbits of the indigenous giant worlds so these star systems might have mostly massive planets with non ecliptic orbits, and retrograde, as well as massive planets in orbit around the other like worlds. Retrograde wouldn't be common in systems like our own because the motions of all the planets here share the common origin with the the spin of the cloud of dust that formed our solar system, systems formed by the unnatural process of capture of the exoplanet would have retrograde motion more common if this was how they formed. With current planet finding methods we can just see the massive planet systems so this may not actually be a representative sample. Most systems might be like our system in the early evolution with capture of the massive planets being common in the later ages, so it may be of value to watch for massive worlds that might be headed our way, a capture of this type would be far more devastating than an asteroid to the life on earth. These roaming planets if of massive weight could be seen in radio waves. Saturn and Jupiter are generating their own heat, and Jupiter is more radiant than the sun or the moon in some wavelengths.

To save us if a roaming planet was found headed our way the method of moving first a small asteroid with a beam to move the path of a more massive block then, a moon or other massive enough body to detour the massive planet away from us is a possible solution. More about world engineering. The risk might actually be substantial, even comparable to asteroid impact if a large number of extrasolar planet systems are found to be of this type. Our solar system may actually not be typical in general and we may even be past due for this phase in the evolution of our own star system.

In Yahoo this month it sez an infant stole a school bus at 11 PM and drove it through 5 police blocks before he was finally handcuffed and returned to his parents 50 miles from the school, and in all 10 months he will have to write, I WILL NOT FLUNK LEARNER'S ED, I WILL NOT FLUNK LEARNER'S ED.....