Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ways To Improve (or Perhaps Disprove) Ghost Particle Causology

As I say in Einstein's Elevator, Maxwell's prediction of the exact speed of light based on the field density between the constant electric charges can be reconciled with Einstein's causology of Special Relativity by the assumption of tension between the electric charges in balance with uniform motion; the field is there but it is only apparent in acceleration when it is rushing by like water by a ship or starship. In uniform motion the speed of light of the field is "frozen in" by the quanta of the electric charges that generate the field that would mostly keep the speed of light constant also by way of tension of the lines of the field. This is essentially an electromagnetic theory of the vacuum and there is a lot of evidence for this. E.g. about a patent for a high speed drive for future spacecraft Click Here. The elevator causology and that of the Ghost Particle physics (devised in 2007) both explain gravity and inertia well (Click here for my General Physics outline synopses) by way of pressure exerted by the same field, inward implosive pressure for gravity and outward for centrifugal force. In a gyroscope like in the earth's field the weight would be caused by the force exerted with the field as it would flow past. No force in the rest frame would be the field and its flow at rest all around in balance on all sides.

If light is a wave something would be waving, and this seems to explain it while allowing both Maxwell's and Einstein's triumph (and perhaps my own by way of this causology). Einstein thought the field was just empty spacetime, and Maxwell believed it was filled with a resilient media, the more density the faster the speed. In the elevator causology the field is there in both nonuniform and linear motion. Its in balance on all sides in constant motion, so the speed of light is constant.

Physics Links

A problem with the ghost particle physics is about the weight of the empty field. If the ghost particles are pressing down on us to give us mass, they must be dense, as dense as the same amount of force up it takes to stop us from falling (can't fall out of the cosmos, Einstein might say..) You can take air like you have in some air machines. It flows so much by big fans in a room, you sail right up into the air. (They make wind tunnels that pump air out with much smoother flow, so this may be an aid to the wind rooms which use compression. With smoother flow women would have 200 mph jewelry in rooms of this sort.) But this takes a dense field, as dense as the air. If you measure a field like the ghost particle theory presumes to explain what a rockets exhaust uses to poof it's way through the field, in the lab it's empty, sound won't go through it, "it weighs nothing". How can it have this density and exert strong force, and have no weight?

If the field is there this would explain in electromagnetism where a field sends force across empty space (Newton tried to make a more unified physics based on this idea because he was so convinced there was no way "action at a distance" was possible) and many other phenomena like experiments with masses on beams. If you make the beams in an L shape with the masses adhered to the boom, the pivot they spin around when you toss them up in the air "is in empty space"! As in a field with definite strong motifs because the distance to the c.o.m. changes in proportion to the masses. And all the other electric motifs of the field on the invention site mentioned above are in support of the idea a field of moderate density. The only two fields present in a vacuum are the electromagnetic field and gravity, certainly the electric field is there at any rate and a jug of vacuum weighs this much. The idea of this field is essentially based on the wave theory of light. Einstein believed it was particulate, a quanta. In his belief a light particle between when it's emitted and then reabsorbed would not be interacting with the rest of the field. Without interaction it would be at the same speed and this would be why the speed of light is constant, no interaction and no change in the speed of light. But the wave theory of light explains many things that Einstein's explanation lacks. Relativists will say the evidence about the photoelectric proof of quanta is disproof of the belief in light as waves. Look in any higher physics book and you'll see that the waves are alive and well in the wave particle duality. Those believers in light as a wave were not dumb.

One way to weigh a field of a fluid is to stop it's motion like air or water to find the real value without extra motion of the field throwing off the measurement and just put it on the Fat Burner Weigh In Machine (at the prices in some machines and no coins returned when I'm hungry they are Corn Gyps!). But because both inertia and gravity don't shield this may not be as probable as measures of the weight of the field by way of changes in speed of masses moving through it. To weigh a mass like a ship in the water flowing past by way of the water, the ship must be at rest. Since the field would not be stoppable or able to be held in a container because of no shielding it couldn't be stopped to weigh in like this even while it has mass.

One possibility is that the ghost particles actually cancel out the weight. If gravity is like electricity the ghost particles may have two charges that would cancel the mass of the field at long range like usual + and - charges of the earth. The absolute mass wouldn't be of most import in many experiments just the relative changes in the force for the weight. (Air around us weighs tons and there is a voltage of about 270 volts in the air around us ut they both cancel out.) Low energy virtual photons are what Einstein named "spacelike and timelike", and in the lab they have mass but no inertia and inertia but no mass, respectively. If they were like usual matter and antimatter, like a + and - charge they might actually cancel out the weight of the field. So a prediction of both the ghost particle and my elevator causology to save the spectacular triumphs of both Maxwell and Einstein may be that the field is being ionized in all the electrogravity motifs of the site above. If it were being ionised, this would raise or lower the weight of a vessel holding just the field of usual room with no air. If the field is just empty space time like Einstein thought, it would have no weight and so the weight would be constant with ionization.

Ghost particles would make black holes have more mass from the implosion of all field of all these particles. But they only weigh half as much as the ghost particle motif predicts (SCIENCE NEWS link here). The field seems to flow in at faster than light to explain why the accelerations are seen to be faster than light based on the usual proofs of black holes density based on the speed of the orbiting stars (more massive, higher speed). Even so most black holes could also have jets like those seen to also flow outward at faster yet to overpower even the FTL inward flow, with the field more balanced for energy conservation (and not just absent or infinite, if it were absent it would seem to have have no exertion of any sort, and if it were infinite it would have engulfed us at the start of any if it's infinity).

If the super high energy gravity implosive masses have half the mass it may be with the implosion strong enough to ionize the field, the charges would be separated in a motif like Hawking believes. The Hawking Radiation is where half the particles are being radiated out by their opposition to the gravity via the ionized electric charges. This would allow the ghost particle and elevator causology if the ether wave field can change weight with ionization.

If the field of these dense particles exists, while it may be so we may see the other side of the superhighway well like with air even with dense particles, once in a while these lower energy particles may hit one of the leptons or other higher energy subatomic motes, and this would be provable by our machines. This may be of worth for the Ghost Particle causology, and disproof of Einstein's idea the field is empty and that no waves or other particles exist in the low energy field to much change light as it would travel from the starship or other distant realm to the observer.