Wednesday, June 05, 2024




Research has found that there are a quadrillion tons of diamonds inside the Earth, but it's about 100 miles down, found by sonar, and geologists have ruled out everything else. The researchers went through a whole list of things that were and it turns out it really is diamonds. 

This is where the Earth and Moon's centre of gravity is almost. It's been unknown why most earthquakes are no more than 100 miles down.. 

  I think it's because where it balances going in and out because both the moon's tides in the earth's reaction back with pressure  squeezing in and out all each day that's creating the diamonds, but it's also creating the earthquake.  And how do we get those diamonds?

 I think we can get a scientific as well as economic treasure by researching the geology inside the Earth. It's been believed we'll never know what's down there. 

Some have proposed a theoretical method of digging a large ditch and dropping a heavy football sized probe into the ditch with molten iron to melt its way down while also sending us back data by way of sonar.

I would think this wouldn't work because the melting would soon out distance the probe and the probe is left above more like our altitude of the Earth if the ocean is level!

 But I think there's a simple method we could use and that is to drill the drill bit down like 4 miles as deep as they can go.  The diamonds are much deeper about a hundred miles as I say.

  So once we've reached the limit of the drill I  propose that we print out a drone with a 3D printer on the tip of the drill. At that point the magma under pressure is much more flowing.

 When those who are seeking to find out more about the deeper earth put the drill bit down to 4 miles the drill bit breaks, so they pull back up, another one down. By that time the magma has already flowed back in. So mining of whatever sort with current technology can go no deeper than 4 miles.  

 That's also like the interface where it becomes more fluid at four or five miles or so. So in my plan they send down the drill bit and it prints out a 3D printer at the tip of the drill bit. This has uranium inside of it. We extrude it through the drill bit, it's got a hollow center at least near the lowest part of the drill so we can extrude the uranium into the drill bit.

It's heavy and it's got sonar to communicate back with the earth and the drone, and it has heat, it's heating more so the uranium weight and heat helps to melt its way down.

 It's got a propeller like a ceramic propeller and these are known to be strong enough to withstand the heat of a volcano inside the caldera. And so this would have the heat and the melting and so it melts down with the propeller both pretty rapidly. And there we find a treasure trove of science and also valuable diamonds to bring back up because it scoops them up, it's got two scoops on both sides that clamp them with like teeth on both sides that clamp together and scoop up the diamonds.. 

 We might use more advanced methods later on e.g. a sensor that senses where the diamonds are by radar perhaps, and automatically chips them off from the rock so they're not all embedded. But I think if it's fluid like that it might be pretty easy just to dislodge them.

And so then they've clamped on the bottom of the drone and it's got propeller on top to move upward and also has heat on the top so it melts its way upward with the propeller both. And this melts its way upward with the diamonds in tow. It clamps back onto the drill bit which is waiting, and the drill bit simply pulls the diamonds up to the surface of the earth. 

A word about materials..

According to GPT-4..

"Recent research has shown that iron oxide can remain solid under extreme temperatures and pressures similar to those at the core-mantle boundary1. This suggests that some materials might exist or could be developed to endure such harsh environments. Another study describes a titanium carbide (TiC)-reinforced, molybdenum-silicon-boron (Mo-Si-B)-based alloy, known as MoSiBTiC, which has high-temperature strength identified under constant forces in the temperature ranges of 1400°C-1600°C2. However, these temperatures are still lower than what would be encountered at the depth you’re interested in."

I once had a science professor, and he was saying there's this chemical, nothing can stop it from eroding through all the other stuff around by extreme chemistry. And I said, "I know what would stop it!" All eyes turn to me..He says what, And I said whatever they transport it in in the truck! So he laughs and tells the class about special containment tank cars they have for it..

For those who would say the materials aren't just going to be up to doing this I would say we might either use something more like the iron oxide as above, but before we say no material will stand up to it I think of one.. What?! If the diamonds are there they're strong enough to withstand the pressure and heat.. and diamonds have been used for electronics instead of silicon for chips.


 And by this plan a whole lot of money or diamonds is mined at any rate. But it could also be a treasure trove for other value, like perhaps finding out what causes these earthquakes, and what all the minerals are we could use to mine for water deep down because it's got power we can use to power hydrothermal thermal plants.

 It costs $1,000 just to find out if there's water on your property, but it may be much easier to go much deeper below the four miles because the magma is more fluid.

 Most of us are geologists in many ways. I know a lot about the world I've lived in it most of my life! And at any rate on the outside of it and most are richer above I hope by most measures.